Author Topic: GENTLEMEN. BEHOLD.  (Read 3883 times)


  • Epic Tier Level 26
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« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2014, 10:35:56 PM »
What makes you think this? The psychic phase? Sure they'll get a lot of dice... Back to the top? I'm not so sure, we'll see what the new perils table has to say about this.

Plus ALL powers are DISPELABLE by your opponent now.. a lot of people are overlooking that.

Unfortunately doesn't help my DE too much, as word on the street is denying the witch is harder and I don't have extra dice in the psychic phase due to no psykers...

Don't the Dark Eldar have lots of nasty boxes and toys for messing up a Psykers day? I'm not sure I'd worry too much about that part of the game. The way it stands it sounds like you'll have a target rich environment!
But the universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed...

"When Ghandi advocated his philosophy of none violence, I bet he didn't know how much fun it was killing stuff!" (Raj, The big bang theory)