A few people have expressed their interest in playing Epic, and wondered about what armies were available. I had trouble pointing them in the right direction, however I just stumbled upon
this sticky post on the Warseer message boards that have compiled all the up-to-date lists, both official and playtested community made. If anybody is interested in getting into Epic, you can take a look at that link to see what armies have a strong following. There's quite the diversity in them too.
Also, if anyone is interested in playing Epic, I have 2 armies - Imperial Guard and Squats - that I can give demonstration games with. Paul has Orks, but they faced disaster and have not been repaired yet and John has a few, but he doesn't play (as he is not updated on the current ruleset). :p
Like all Specialist Games, the complete rulebook is online. The current edition is Epic: Armageddon. Unfortunately with Forge World's announcement (actually, there was no announcement) to stop selling Epic, some of the armies might be difficult to come by/require heavy conversion. But hey, it's been that way for Epic for the longest time.