Author Topic: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata  (Read 2572 times)


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Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:35:22 PM »
Evening Gents,

So inevitably it happens, there are things not addressed or were inadvertently left out of the rulebook. Or maybe just a whole bunch of people are curious or need clarification on a particular issue. This area is open for people to ask rules questions. Ones that I think may be universally vague or confusing will get posted in this top section. Also as we discover that more clarifications or balancing needs to be added into the system they'll also be added to this section.


What profile does the Space Wolf Storm Raven use?
For purposes of Wing armies only, Space Wolves use the Storm Raven profile listed for Space Marines in the Death from the Skies book. This particular profile is very similar to the Blood Angels Storm Raven but uses a different missile profile called the Storm Strike missile. This profile will be included with the FAQ section of the paper rulebook at Battleground Games and Hobbies Abington.


These two pieces were inadvertently cut off due to a late formatting change.

Page 10, The Challenge System

Armies that are left in enemy territory but were not allocated a challenge still have a chance to seize enemy territory. However, left without orders they are behind enemy lines with no way of getting additional supplies. As such it's possible for them to lose members to desertion, the harsh conditions found on most planets or even to run afoul of local wildlife and emplaced weapons.

For every army that was not allocated a challenge but is in enemy territory at the end of the turn a die will be rolled.
Behind Enemy Lines! Chart
1-2: Supplies run out!: This army will lose D6 x 100 points. If this would bring it below the normal minimums for a standard army, this army is considered routed.
3-4: Waiting for Orders: The army takes no initiative but still has supplies. Nothing happens.
5-6: Onward to Victory!: The army takes it's own initiative, seizing some opportunity while it's open. The enemy tile this army is currently in is captured for the player that owns the army.

Page 14: Finale: The Hammer Blow: Accounting for Differences in Planet Control
If more than 2 players are on a single planet then the player who owns the most tiles will automatically receive points or an asset as if the next lowest player had 5 less tiles.

Dog Fight and Strafing Run:
Disengaged models and models that are not yet on the table that are part of wing armies are not considered destroyed for purposes of game ending conditions and resolution.

Counting Points at the End of a Game:
Due to some codexes not assigning values to individual models, tallying points at the end of a game will be all or none like Kill Points. If a squad of infantry is destroyed then it's full point cost is removed. If a single model remains and the unit is not falling back then those points remain valid for that army. Conceptually consider that the rest of the unit is injured or receives reinforcements from remnants of other destroyed squads.

Creating armies:
As a clarification, armies can be built on any planet a player has tiles. Players do not need any buildings on that planet, and simply spend points from their bank and indicate the tile in their empire to which the army is going to be built.

AA Guns:
While previously AA guns fired as wing armies were moving through them, this creates some timing issues, ambiguity and confusion. Now Wings will be fired on by AA guns when they stop on or within 1 space of them.

Bastions are no long limited to having an army be on them. Instead as long as a player has a Bastion then they may refill any army that is located inside friendly territory.

As a clarification, Starports are one per player per planet.

*Please Note*: Some of the rules confusion has been discovered to be the result of an early prototype of the campaign being used as a rulebook. Please note, the rulebook has a full color cover with several planets on it. The proposal documents have a white cover with colored hexes and actually say "Beta" or "Proposal" on it. I've taken all the copies that I'm aware of but there may still be one or two floating around.

Behind Enemy Lines! Roll
Due to numerous requests, we've re-evaluated our stance on how this table functions. You'll find the new chart below. Also players who have armies in enemy territory who have not been allocated a challenge only have to roll on the chart if there is at least 1 army belonging to that enemy in their empire.

1-3: Dug In: The army takes no initiative but moves cautiously.
4-6: Onward to Victory!: The army takes it's own initiative, seizing some opportunity while it's open. The enemy tile this army is currently in is captured for the player that owns the army.

Abandoning Planets
Sometimes it just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure more than one player has been hit hard throughout the course of the campaign and would just prefer to abandon ship and start again. Players can opt to Abandon a planet as long as: They are not building anything in that turn, they are not invading another player in that turn. Abandoning a planet will remove all friendly territory markers from that planet as the very last step in a turn and any current armies on that planet would be routed. Additionally a player who abandons a planet will receive 50 points per abandoned tile. Any tiles currently occupied by enemy players do not return their points. All buildings that were in that players territory remain and become neutral buildings, able to be captured along with the empty tile.

Striking Buildings for Scrap
Sometimes a building has overstayed it's usefulness or the crunch is on and the empire needs resources. Once per turn a player may opt to strike a building for half of its original cost as long as: The building is not in danger of being captured by a pending game, the player has at least 1 army on the planet or a friendly starport not in danger of being captured.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 06:39:35 PM by Vermillion »
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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 09:29:44 PM »
Page 10: The Challenge System

In order for a player to respond to an enemy army in their empire, that player must possess an army in their own empire capable of responding to the enemy empire. For instance, if there are no friendly armies in side of your empire, then you cannot respond to a challenge. If there is an enemy wing in your empire and there are no armies able to challenge it (due to either no armies being in the empire or only standard armies who are not within range to challenge it) then the challenge cannot be responded to.

This can result in the loss of tiles if an enemy player has a pending challenge and there are no armies inside friendly territory to respond to it.
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Sam Butler

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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 01:19:30 AM »
What is the reaction bubble of armies inside an empire?   (standard armies move two tiles so...   can they only challenge within two tiles of their location?)


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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 09:42:13 AM »
Sam, I asked the same question its just worded dicey.. the reaction time of a DEFENDING Standard army against an invading Standard army is unlimited. Same applies for Wing vs Wing. However I'm still not sure how/if there are any moves for the victors in the resolution phase.


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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 10:35:07 PM »
What is the reaction bubble of armies inside an empire?   (standard armies move two tiles so...   can they only challenge within two tiles of their location?)

Mike is largely correct. As long as you have an army inside your empire it can respond to any other standard army that is invading your territory. A wing can respond to any wing or any standard army inside your territory. However a standard army can only respond to a wing if it is in the same tile or if the player owning the wing issued a challenge.
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Sam Butler

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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2013, 01:11:29 PM »
On the end of turn sheet ity asks about "points lost" for the victor.   How is this determined?


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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 01:27:02 PM »
If I am not mistaken, it is the amount of points your army, being a winged or standard, has lost during the battle.


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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 12:35:03 AM »
For every army that was not allocated a challenge but is in enemy territory at the end of the turn a die will be rolled.

What if the invading army is in enemy territory and won the challenge, do they still roll on the chart?

What if the invading army is in enemy territory but next to a friendly tile, do they still need to roll since technically its the border and supply chains aren't easily broken?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 11:00:06 AM by MM3791 »


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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 07:28:03 PM »
What if the invading army is in enemy territory and won the challenge, do they still roll on the chart?

If there was a challenge then no, there's no roll on the chart. This is only for resolution where there was no game played.

What if the invading army is in enemy territory but next to a friendly tile, do they still need to roll since technically its the border and supply chains aren't easily broken?

Even close to their own border troops can be pinned down, so proximity doesn't matter if the army is in enemy territory.

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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2013, 07:12:22 PM »
Please see above for updates regarding some confusion re: buildings and constructing armies.
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Re: Storms and Shadows FAQ and Errata
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2013, 06:30:54 PM »
Please see above for an errata regarding the Behind Enemy Lines! table, Abandoning Planets and scrapping buildings for resources.
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