So a good amount of my friends are in Pathfinder or D&D games and I am constantly hearing stories and whatnot. Now I am in a game myself and it is going great, but I want more! Now I know there are those core groups that always stick together and rarely let anyone else in, (sounds like high school clique to me) but what about the rest of us? I have asked them numerous times to join, but get left behind even when a new campaign arises. All I want is to be part of that! So what I'm asking is are there any new groups forming or any groups looking for a new faces to break the monotony? I'm willing to take up my pencil as my metaphorical sword and slay the Dragon and free the princess. I want to pull my hair out because the groups just TPK'd. I want it all and then some. So ya, in closing I just want to play the game. So please shoot my a PM or something.