So here's Plainville's Modern Masters Draft schedule. We will be drafting Modern Masters every Monday and Friday in June, starting on the 7th of the month - release day.
Each event will be limited to 8 players (subject to change based on supply). You may reserve a spot in each Draft only by paying the entrance fee ($30.00*). It is encouraged that interested players register ahead of time. There will be sign up sheets at the store.
The entrance fee will be $30.00* and prize packs (Standard legal sets) will be awarded as normal to the top 50% of finishers.
*Store Credit and other discounts will NOT be accepted for these events.
Friday, June 7th - 7:30pm
Monday, June 10th - 7:30pm
Friday, June 14th - 7:30pm
Monday, June 17th - 7:30pm
Friday, June 21st - 7:30pm
Monday, 24th - 7:30pm
Friday, June 28th - 7:30pm