Author Topic: Command Squad, Go!  (Read 916 times)


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Command Squad, Go!
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:44:29 AM »
Hey all.  I am assembling a command squad for my antique Ultramarines.  I have played a couple 6th edition games at 1500pts, and am bumping it up to 1750, or, if I have the models, 2000.  Part of this new addition is going to be to add the extremely old Sicarius model (I'll post a picture later in the Painting section, with my "old-school" army) and a command squad in Las/Plas Razorback.  SO, as I am relatively inexperienced, I had a few questions:

Is Sicarious worth it?  He has a certain complexity that I, huge newb that I am, might not really use.  Or should I just go with captain, art armor, power sword, and plasma pistol and save a decent number of points?  I do want to use the model WYSIWYG...

What is the best role/use of Las/Plas 'back?  It seems like a pricey way to possibly not hit with the lascannon and have a lesser plasma hit instead...

Other then the Apoth. and standard bearer, what is the optimal load out of vets?  Also, my standard bearer could have a power fist or not (I have two models, one with, one without)... I was thinking these guys could be a little close combat oriented, as most of my base force is ranged.  Should I include any special weapons or combi weapons?  I think I can model most options...

Company Champ: good?  or do I go with like a plasma vet instead?  This is actually the hardest one for me to model, I think, so I want to make sure I'm going to use him.

Any advice?


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Re: Command Squad, Go!
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 11:53:16 AM »
Okay, lots of questions here!

I think if you're set on taking a Command Squad and are aiming for close combat, they should take as many Storm Shields as possible. A 3++ save can be really annoying to get around. Melta bombs now are useful in close combat against more targets, so they may be worth taking as well. A squad equipped like that can handle Monstrous Creatures and the like.

But if I'm taking a Command Squad, I would simply load them in a drop pod and give them all plasma guns or meltaguns.

In regards to Sicarius and the custom captain you're considering, Sicarius is easily worth the extra 55 points. However, a Chapter Master with artificer armor, power sword and plasma pistol is a slightly different story. Why? Orbital Bombardment. That's worth considering. Except then you don't have the option to take a Command Squad.

As a twin-linked plasma gun, you should get the most out of your Las/plas Razorback by shooting 19"-24" from the enemy. Stay out of assault range. That configuration less appealing as a transport vehicle.

Good luck!

Rurouni Benshin

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Re: Command Squad, Go!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 10:54:55 AM »
Being a big fan of Captain Sicarius myself, I'll share some of my thoughts...

I like him for many reasons.  Mostly, I enjoy the fluff behind his character.  When I first got into 40K, opening the SM codex, and flipping through the beginning, I came across his 2nd Company color photo.  That picture arguably is what sold me on Ultramarines 2nd Company.  I then got my Battle Company together in about 3-4 months, and had it ready for the Megabattle the following year. 

Now as far as practicality goes, he's IMHO (just as Ben said), worth his weight in points.  For 55 more points than a regular Captain with the same weapons, you get:

- Feel No Pain
- One special rule for a Tactical Squad (Most of the time, it'll be Tank Hunters or Counter Attack though)
- The ability to reroll Seize Initiative (Going from 1/6 to 11/36 nearly doubles your chances)
- Giving your entire field Ld 10 (Makes Combat Squading much more effective)
- Having the Talassarian Blade (Actually just had a chance to use this in a Challenge yesterday.  KICK.  ASS.)

So considering what he's got in addition, it's quite a bit for the extra 55.  As for the Chapter Master, I'm not as crazy about him.  Orbital Bombardment hardly ever gets used in my games, since I'm usually always moving him, and if I'm going to play an Chapter Master, well who else am I going to pick aside from Marneus Calgar (again, for fluff reasons, since you know....  Ultramarines.)

On the Command Squad, my typical loadout would be exactly what Ben said too.  4 Plasmaguns or 4 Meltaguns can do so much damage.  Even with Feel No Pain on a +5, their survivability is still pretty decent.  I haven't tried using Storm Shields on them yet, like Ben suggested, but that's also a very viable idea.  I can only imagine what having 4 TH/SS in Power Armor could do...

If you attach Sicarius to the Command Squad, then the Company Champion may not be necessary.  However, for 15 points, you get a Power Weapon, Combat Shield, and a +1 bonus to WS.  Again, well worth it's weight in points.  He's also someone who can make and accept Challenges, so if you found yourself up against a unit where Sicarius would do better fighting against the squad, sending the Company Champion would be a viable tactic.

Hope that helps!
"This One Is Rurouni... Once Again, This One Will Drift."

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Re: Command Squad, Go!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 08:32:28 PM »
Thanks for the input!  I wonder, what did Sicarius use Greater Cleave on?  I always wanted to do that to a Hive Tyrant...  I was looking at the rules, and I wonder, can a vet have both a storm shield and a plasma gun, or maybe a storm bolter?  From what I read it is fine, but I've never seen anyone do it.  It might be fun to have a squad that sits back with a 3+ inv. and a 5+ FNP and lays down some covering fire at 24".  Besides, modeling some tower shields with marines with plasma guys behind them might be cool. 

I think, to start, I will make the relatively inexpensive choices and model the command squad to be generically inclusive.  I'll do the capt, apoc, standard (pf and bolt pistol), one vet with melta, one with plasma, and a company champ.  They will never see the table in this config, but it will get me painting!

I am open to all other input for actually USING them effectively, if anyone else wants to weigh in!


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Re: Command Squad, Go!
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 12:34:43 PM »
Command Squads are something I been playing with forever now because of the lack of a Space Marine Bike Assault Unit.

6th Edition is a Shooting edition but I feel like the Command Squad could cut out a nitch for itself as a dominate Assault unit like Thunderwolf cavalry with sheer speed and power. 325 points will Grant you Bikes(Toughness 5, 12-24" movement, Hammer of Wrath), Storm Shields, and Power Weapons for everyone but your Apothecary. You will get Hammer of Wrath when you Assault in granting 5 STR 4 hits at Init 10. 20 Attacks on the Charge most denying armor of what your charging into. They are T5 making them immune to anything STR 9 and Below so you will always get your Feel No Pain. Your Mobility will mean in most cases if they aren't dead they will be in Assault by 2nd turn. The Best way to do this is to keep them out of LOS of most weapons. They are expensive at 325 points so you won't be able to take too many extras with them but at Low points you might not meet the hail of fire you will get in higher point games that would stop them.
I ride in on my Bike with my Hat of awesome and say Nay this place should be on fire.

Rurouni Benshin

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Re: Command Squad, Go!
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 02:30:20 PM »
I wonder, what did Sicarius use Greater Cleave on?
Chaos Lord of Khorne.  My friend gave him a Power Axe, so there was no way for him to retaliate.  Granted it did require Null Zone to kill it, but he still owned that Challenge like a boss.  ;)
"This One Is Rurouni... Once Again, This One Will Drift."

Warhammer 40,000
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Grammar: Contractions 0/1/0
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