Author Topic: 6th Edition Release Date + Products (click this)  (Read 6959 times)

Grand Master Steve

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Re: 6th Edition Release Date + Products (click this)
« Reply #135 on: June 26, 2012, 04:37:10 PM »
If they make Super Heavies a part of the Force Org, in terms of how many slots of each category they take up, and somehow scale it so that the amount of structure points to slot choice balance out, I don't think it would be a problem.

That being said, I'd keep those kinds of games on a more friendly level, than competitive anyway.  Guess we'll find out this weekend.  ::)

You mean along the lines of instead of fielding a squad of 3 leman russ you can instead field a single baneblade?
Something like that, sure.  I know out of the Battle Missions book, there's a mission for Space Marines, where they're allowed to bring a Thunderhawk.  The Thunderhawk takes up 1 Fast Attack, 1 Elite, and 1 Heavy Support choice in that mission.  Only caveat to bringing one is that, once it's destroyed, the Space Marine player that brought it loses the game.  Contingencies similar to that, I wouldn't be opposed to as well.  Again, it's all about balancing the elements of the game.

I would gladly make those sacrifices to use my Thunder Hawk :p even though it would means ide loose every game cause the dang thing would get blown up.