PM me an offer on the lot I will acceptStore Credit as well if you want to make a cash offer
Only Armies I am interested in are Bretonnia, Empire, Orcs and Goblins I would consider some Blood knights If they got added to a lot.
This Army is in great condition and I put alot of effort into making It right and look good!
Tomb Kings Haves List
Things are Bare Unless specified
total Retial Value $1456.53
1.) 40x Tomb Guard (Current/Halbreds) 10x Partly painted
2.) 2x Warshpinx's
3.) 1x Necro Sphinx
4.) 6x Necropolis Knights
5.) 15x Skeleton horsemen
6.) 50x Skeleton Warriors (HW/S) 20x primed white and ink washed 10x unassembled
7.) 1x Casket of souls (Finecast)
8.) 1x Screaming Skull Catapult
9.) 19x Skeleton Warriors (HW/S) Primed Black
10.) 5x Skeleton horse Archers (Primed Black)
11.) 7x Skeleton Horse Archers (unassembled)
12.) 21x Skeleton Archers (Primed Black)
13.) 1x Tomb Scorpion (Partly painted)
14.) 20x Archers
15.) 14x Archers (Primed white and Inked)
16.) 5x Carrion (4x Primed 1x painted) Metals
17.) 2x Tomb Kings (HW/S) Partly Painted) Metals
18.) 4x Tomb Swarms (Might be OOP GW?)
19.) 2x Tomb King Chariot Kings on foot (1x bare 1x Partly Painted) Metals
20.) 2x Tomb Kings with great weapons (1x Bare Finecast 1x Partly Painted)
21.) 1x Tomb Herald (Partly painted) Metal
22.) 1x Tomb Herald Mounted (Painted Well) Metal)
23.) 2x Liche Priests (Metal Partly Painted)
24.) 1x Liche Priest (finecast Partly Painted)
25.) 1x Necrotect (Fine Cast)
26.) 1x High Queen Khalida (Metal Partly Painted)
27.) 10x Chariots (1x Custom Kings Chariot Really Well done)
28.) Tomb Kings Magic Cards
29.) Tomb Kings Army Book (Current)
I will consider the Following Army Swaps
Only Current Models
Things I would like in the Army
Lots of Men at Arms
No Old single pose bowmen
Orcs and Goblins
Current Models Preferred
Things I would Like in the Army
Big Block of black orcs
Savage Orcs
Current Models Preferred
Great Swords
Warrior priest with great weapon