blech, really? i despise them. The reason i like all the solos is because of how they buff the infantry. Like i like her kiss ability, and they are pretty cool, but what would i take out? and i still think the freebooter is better. My list has plenty of opportunities for model knockdown, so lets look at it, without focus, a standard d6 roll is a 3.5 if i recall correctly. so a nomad gets 17 + 3.5 + 3.5, then 14 + 3.5 + 3.5. against a khador jack, that is 4+1= 5 total damage, the free booter will do 14 + 3.5 + 3.5 + 3.5 twice, for a total of 2x4.5, or 9 total, and then it gets a free throw, which produces another knock down, and if you can throw it into another jack/ beast, then there is an additional jack/ beast knocked down asking to be freebooter'd.