Author Topic: Tale of 16 Gamers Battle Report! 500 points DKoK vs Imperial Fists  (Read 683 times)


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Army Disposition!

Ben Hong's force:
Imperial Fists

Tactical Squad w/ 10 Marines, Plasma Cannon, Meltagun and Powerfist.
Tactical Squad

Mike Do's Force
Death Korps of Krieg 165th Siege Regiment

CCS w/ Power Weapon, Grenade Launcher

Infantry Platoon:
PCS w/ Power Weapon, (x2) Flamers
Infantry Squad w/ Powerfist
Infantry Squad w/ Powerfist
Infantry Squad w/ Power Weapon
Heavy Weapon Squad w/ (x3) Autocannons

5 Engineers

Mission and Deployment!
Objectives (5) with a Spearhead deployment. I won the dice-off and elected to deploy first.

We had both placed 2 objectives within our deployment zone, with the 5th objective in the dead center of the board.

I used my "Combined Squads" special rule to combine my heave weapon squad and my Power Weapon carrying infantry squad into one and placed them on my southern-most objective (Normally, HWS don't have the ability to blob up but they can in a Krieg list). They were numerous enough that I could deploy my Heavy weapons in good firing positions while still enjoying cover from nearby rubble. Their main goal was to protect their objective while providing support fire throughout the game.

My two other infantry squads (armed with powerfists) combined and deployed in preparation for assaulting the central objective. My CCS (lead by none other than Major Steinweg) was deployed next to that squad to help with the push. My engineers and PCS camped out next to my other objective while still being close enough to assist with the central point.

Ben Hong split his 10 man tactical squad -- the plasma cannon half camping out on the western-most objective in his deployment area and the other half (with the meltagun) joined with Captain Lysander. The other 5 man squad (armed only with blotters) deployed to the north near his second objective.

The two paint cans are Ben's objectives, I have an ammo crate, a metal-colored objective, and there's another paint can in the ruin in the central ruin.

Krieg Turn 1
As we both held onto two objectives and neither of us had any vehicles, whomever controlled the central objective at the end of the game would probably be the victor. Since I already outnumbered the Imperial Fists 3-1, I decided that as long as I got my Kriegsmen onto the central point there was no way he'd be able to dislodge me and at worse I'd end with a tie. Forwards! my 20 man squad and the CCS headed for No-Man's Land, while the PCS and Engineers moved forward to get into some cover.

Numerous shouts of "Move, Move, Move!" from the Major and the PCS get the 20 man squad right up to the building housing the central objective. My autocannons were able to get a bead on the Plasma Cannon squad and 6 shots were able to drop two marines. Since everyone else were busy running, that was it for my turn.

This is what it looked like at the end of my turn (Green x's indicate casualties/wounds done to Ben, Red x's are casualties inflicted on me)

Imperial Fist Turn 1
Lysander, along with the 5 marines he's leading also move forward towards No-Man's Land. Everyone else stayed where they were.

The surviving members of the Plasma Cannon squad aren't happy! They level their bolters and Plasma cannon at the big blob and open fire but cover saves reduce casualties to two. Captain Lysander's "Bolter Drill" special rule boosts the performance of his squad and rapid-firing kills another 4 Kriegsmen. The remaining tactical squad in the north contribute shots but fail to cause any casualties. Having weathered a veritable storm of bolter fire, the formerly-20 man squad still have the fortitude to pass a morale check not to fall back from all the casualties caused.

This is what the board looked like at the end of Ben's turn 1:

Krieg Turn 2
Looking at the layout of our forces, I decide the best course of action is to still completely occupy the central building (and thus the objective). Onwards! Into the ruin! A difficult terrain roll of 2 means I can't get it as far as I'd wanted though. I move a few more guardsmen into the ruins, and spread out a bit to protect against further plasma cannon shots. My CCS, moves further to support the push and the engineers move forward with the intent of opening fire on Lysander and his squad.

The autocannon squad opens fire on the plasma cannon squad again, but fails to drop any marines. The engineers and Kriegsmen in the building fire into Lysander's squad, killing two marines and causing a wound on Lysander. The squad passes their morale check from casualties inflicted.

This is what it looked like at the end of my turn 2:

Imperial Fists Turn 2
Lysander and the survivors of his squad move into the ruins,  while the other two squads remain stationary. The Plasma Cannon shot opens fire on the Autocannon squad, but the rubble turns out to be surprisingly heat resistant -- the squad makes all cover saves. The other two squads open fire on the Kriegsmen in the central ruins, killing another 2. Casualties aren't high enough to require any morale checks.

With a mighty roar, Lysander and the remaining 3 marines assault the squad in the ruins! Thanks in large part to the fact that Krieg are WS 4, (and Lysander himself wiffing a few attacks) Lysander and friends only slay 3 Kriegsmen. And while Krieg bayonets have trouble getting past power armour, two Krieg sergeants armed with power fists manage to knock down the 3 marines, leaving Lysander fighting alone.

This is what it looked like at the end of Ben's turn 2:

Krieg turn 3
Thinking he can finish the job, the Major heads into the ruins along with the rest of the CCS, the PCS also shuffle forwards just in case. The engineers fall back a bit to the east protect their objective.

The Krieg autocannons continue firing upon the tactical squad with the plasma cannon, but only manage one wound which is successfully saved by their power armor. The other Krieg squads are either out of range to shoot anything, in combat, or poised to assault.

The Major charges in! Unfortunately for the Kriegsmen, Lysander seems particularly mighty this round as 2 Sergeants, the Major, and 11 other guardsmen only manage to cause one wound. Lysander slays another in return with a blow from his thunder hammer. Tie combat.

This is what it looked like at the end of my turn 3:

Imperial Fists turn 3
The 5 man tactical squad to the north move towards better firing positions at the top of a nearby building and the plasma cannon squad remain stationary.

The plasma cannon opens fire again, this time killing 2 Kriegsmen from the autocannon squad, the other tactical squad is out of bolter range since they moved earlier.

Lysander's storm shield and terminator armor seems proof against all the blows the Krieg can rain down on him. In return, he slays 3 more Kriegsmen from the "large" squad (which by now, consists of just the two sergeants and one other Kriegsmen). The Major and his CCS make their morale check, but the other squad apparently had enough -- they fall back 9 inches towards their board edge.

This is what it looked like at the end of Ben's 3rd turn:

Krieg turn 4
The squad falling back is too far away from an officer to regroup, and so they keep running, my platoon command squad moves forward to help with the assault.

Autocannon fire peppers the plasma cannon squad but their power armor again prevents any wounds from being inflicted. Engineers are too far away to shoot anything (They're only armed with shotguns after all) and continue holding their objective.

The platoon command squad charges in! The brave little lieutenant and his men aren't about to let the major fight without assistance, but neither can they cause get any wounds to stick. Lysander gives a mighty swing and drops 3 Kriegsmen from the PCS. Wanting to set an example for the rest of the men, both squad stubbornly stay in the fight.

This is what it looked like at the end of my 4th turn:

Imperial Fists turn 4
The northern-most tactical squad repositions so that they're claiming the objective near them. Everyone else stays put -- the plasma cannon squad so they can fire their heavy weapon, Lysander because he's surrounded by Kriegsmen.

The plasma cannon opens fire again -- but again, broken pieces of stone and masonry protect the autocannon squad from the what is the equivalent of an exploding sun going off on top of them. No wounds caused.

Again the Kriegsmen are unable to harm Lysander -- for his part he kills a member from each squad. Both squads make their morale checks.

I forgot to take a picture for turn 4 for Ben -- Whoops!

Krieg turn 5
Engineers shuffle a bit to more men into cover.

The autocannon squad opens fire again -- this time the emperor is with them and two more marines die from the plasma cannon squad. The lone plasma cannon-armed marine decides he's finally had enough and falls back about 8 inches. The engineers are content to hold their position.

Finally realizing that Lysander isn't wearing his helmet, the Major orders the men to aim for the head -- 7 power weapon attacks, 2 bayonets, and a grenade launcher later, Lysander takes two more wounds and is lying facedown on the ground. Both squads (the pcs down to just the lieutenant) consolidate in the ruins.

Imperial Fists turn 5
The plasma cannon marine regroups (for 3 inches) and moves back towards the objective he was holding before. The other squad stays where they are.

The tactical squad in the north open fire on the lieutenant, killing him -- as he was the only troop choice on the central objective, no one claims it. The plasma cannon marine makes a 6" run to get back on his objective.

There's no assault to speak of, at the end of turn 5, the game ended on a dice roll of a two for a tie game.

Rurouni Benshin

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Re: Tale of 16 Gamers Battle Report! 500 points DKoK vs Imperial Fists
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 03:15:22 PM »
Can't wait for Round 2! :D
"This One Is Rurouni... Once Again, This One Will Drift."

Warhammer 40,000
Space Marines: 93-15-18
Apocalypse: 9-2-3
Tournaments: 7-7-1
Tale of 16 Gamers: 0-0-1

Grammar: Contractions 0/1/0
Number of games I've managed to play since Tristan's arrival: 70