To avoid threadjacking the Wrath one...
Fuck Cryx. I tried to play a 50 point game with the following list.
*Beast 09
10 Winterguard
*Officer and Standard Bearer
* 1 Rocketeer
4 Battle Mechanics
Kovnik Jozef
Greylord Ternions
Koldun Lord
Guess who I got to play? eGaspy. A warwitch siren and pistol wraith took out my Behemoth and Destroyer for the game. I managed to get a fully loaded Beast 09 into base with the Lich Lord, but I rolled poorly and he was left with 1 hit box left. Then LOL FEAT and the game was done.
Uhg. The list seems fine, but I'd never in a million years choose it against that army. Having that many models effectively removed from the game really sucked. I played a second game, again against cryx, and I feel like this can work. eGaspy seems like my worst possible match up due to all the Dark Shrouds and weapon masters floating around.
So, after 3 games with the Bearded One, I think the Ternion is going to get dropped. I initially included them for their ability to reduce defense but mainly as additional magic attacks. Their spray is superfluous because of the Winterguard's Grape Shot ability. As overkill as Harm may be with the army, the ability to hand out magic weapons to bombards and the Death Star probably makes Aiyana and Holt more important than the Greylords. With 3 bombards, a lucky Harm may actually make ranged assassination possible.
I ran into a bunch of cloud effects, too. I was less than happy. With the amount of shooting I have that get's cock blocked by those things, it may actually be worth downgrading Beast 09 to a Spriggan. Flare will make my bombards harder to hide from. The additional Rocketeer the switch provides will be decent, too. Losing Thresher isn't so cool, but I think the list can survive.
I definitely can't wait for Black Ivan. Those free boosts will be VERY welcome. I almost never have enough focus to do what I want each turn.
Here's what I think I'll try next:
10 Winterguard
*Officer and Standard Bearer
* 2 Rocketeers
4 Battle Mechanics
Kovnik Jozef
Aiyana and Holt
Koldun Lord