Author Topic: [Plainville MA] 40k Trios Team Event - 8/6  (Read 435 times)


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[Plainville MA] 40k Trios Team Event - 8/6
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:12:44 AM »

Battleground Games & Hobbies - Plainville

Format: Trios (3 man teams but NOT 3v3, details below)
Date: August 6th, 2011 a Saturday
Time: Please be here no later than 10:00am. Set up at 10:30. Dice roll no later than 11:00am.
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person / $60.00 per team

25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

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The event will be capped at 16 teams (48 players).


Please contact me at or call the store to sign up if and only if you and your teammates can commit to playing on August 6th. If you need help finding teammates please post here.

Pre-registration is highly encouraged will likely end up being required. These events fill up FAST.


Each member of your three man Trios Team must select ONE codex and bring:
• 1,000 Point Army List (1 HQ, 1-3 Troop, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 Fast Attack, 0-1 Heavy Support)
• 2,000 Point Army List (Standard Force Organization)

Each member of your Trios Team must be assigned a player number (1, 2, or 3). This will be used in determining who plays who and at what point value each round, details are below.

It is the responsibility of the Trios Team to assign each member a number. If your team does not, a Battleground Tournament Organizers will do so for you.

When each round’s table assignments are called out, each member will be assigned an opponent(s) and point value for the game following this format:

Round 1
Team A: Player 1 vs. Team B: Player 1 (2000 point list) on table 1
Team A: Player 2 + 3 vs. Team B: Player 2 + 3 (1000 point lists) on table 2

Round 2
Team C: Player 2 vs. Team D: Player 2 (2000 point list) on table 3
Team C: Player 1 + 3 vs. Team D: Player 1 + 3 (1000 point lists) on table 4

Round 3
Team E: Player 3 vs. Team F: Player 3 (2000 point list) on table 5
Team E: Player 2 + 3 vs. Team F: Player 2 + 3 (1000 point lists) on table 6


Rule Books:
The Warhammer 40,000 Fifth Edition Rules will be used.

The following is a list of legal army choices:
Codex: Black Templars
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Codex: Grey Knights
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Dark Eldar
Codex: Eldar
Codex: Imperial Guard
Codex: Necrons (likely to be released that weekend. We will be playing with the NEW rules if they are available)
Codex: Orks
Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Space Wolves
Codex: Tau Empire
Kroot Mercenaries
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Witchhunters


1. All models must follow “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG). All weapons, war gear, and so forth must be represented on the model.

2. Forge World Imperial Armor units (and army lists) may NOT be used. Forge World models may be used where appropriate, however.

3. During the 2v2 games, teams are NEVER integrated. You may not share tech (for example, using each others teleport homers, etc).

5. If a unit/wargear/ability says something to the effect of "choose a friendly unit/model" you may not select a teammates unit.

6. In the case of debuffs or psychic powers such as Doom, that apply an effect to an enemy unit, that effect will function regardless of subsequent unit interaction. For example: If a unit is under the effects of Doom cast by Player 1 from the opposing team, and is fired upon by Player 2 from the opposing team, Doom will be in effect.

7. Necrons will not phase out in 2v2 games. (subject to change based on the potential for a new rule set for the army)

8. A Trios Team may only take a special character ONCE over their three 1000 point lists. Example: Player 1 and Player 2 can not both take Vulcan in their 1000 point lists BUT Player 1 and Player 2 can both take Vulcan in their 2000 point lists. Basically, no doubling up on special characters in the 2v2 portion of the event.

9. We will require that each player submits BOTH his 1000 point army list AND his 2000 point army list to on or before July 31st, 2011 (roughly a week before the event). We ask that players submit their lists as soon as they are finalized. We are going to do our best to check every list before the event begins AND may conduct random list checks at the start of each round.

Please send your list as an Army Builder .pdf or an itemized text file ONLY (.txt or .rtf).

10. If illegal units or other rules violations are found in a player’s army list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. In addition, tournament points may be deducted and/or award eligibility may be forfeited for the entire team. If you have any questions about your list, please ask for clarification in advance from a Battleground Tournament Organizer.


• Competitors will participate in three (3) games over the course of the day, one singles game and two doubles games. In each game, you will play a scenario and record the outcome of the battle on your results sheet. Each round you will play a different opponent. For an example of what the pairings may look like, see above.

• Each round will last 2.5 hours. Players will have 15 minutes after the pairings have been called to deploy their models before time for the round begins.

• In the first round, teams will be matched up randomly. After the first round, teams will be matched up according to current rankings in the tournament (Battle Points + other conditional point modifiers presented in each scenario) e.g., the team in first place will play the team in second place and so on.

• The points your team earns from each game in a round will be pooled to determine your teams overall standing in the event. The total number of points your team earns is the only significant number.


Team A's round 1 results...
17 points from 1v1
28 points from 2v2
45 total points - This is the number used to determine standings and pairings.

• We will try our best not to pair teams that come to the event together in the first round.

• If a team receives a BYE they will be awarded the average of the winning teams points for the round.

• You will not play the same team twice.

• We will do our best to prevent a team from playing on the same table twice.

• The pairings for each round will be announced as soon as they are determined. Please be sure to arrive at your table ready to play right away.

• Slow playing will NOT be tolerated. Players are expected to complete at least 4 rounds. If you suspect your opponent is slow playing PLEASE notify a Battleground staff member as soon as possible as we can not do anything about alleged slow play after the game is over.

• Each game will be played on a 4' x 6' board.

• Players will receive Results Sheets at the beginning of each round. Each results sheet must be filled in properly to ensure that match-ups and point totals are correct. Once Results Sheets are completed they are to be turned in at the counter so the scores can be entered into the computer.


The Fifth Edition Rulebook will be in use for all games. Where appropriate, Battleground will be using the INAT FAQ to clear up any confusion. The time limit for each game is 2.5 hours. At the end of this time limit, the round will be called; all players will need to finish their game immediately, and no additional time will be provided (dice down).

Players should not begin a round that they can not finish.

The scenarios we will be using for the event will be a modified version the 2011 NOVA Primer Missions.

The scenarios can be found here.

Modifications to the way the "Goals" are scored may be made in an effort to make the 2v2 games more dynamic.

Other modifications will be as follows:

• Primary Goals in each mission will be worth 15 points for a win, 8 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.
• Secondary Goals in each mission will be worth 7 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.
• Tertiary Goals in each mission will be worth 5 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.

This is in an effort to have a clear winner after 3 rounds.

What You Need to Bring with You:
-Your (hopefully painted) miniatures
-At least THREE copies of EACH army list (both 1000pt and 2000pt)
-Rulebooks and any additional books you need
-Pen and paper
-Dice and templates
-Tape measure
-Something to transport your army from table to table

Store Credit Awards will be given out to:
Store credit is good for any product in the store and all subsequent events. It never expires and will be saved for you.

Best Generals
Second Best Generals
Third Best Generals (only awarded if the turnout is large)
Best Theme (team)
Best Appearance (individual)

Note: A team may only win one award. The Best Appearance award may go to any one player participating in the event, regardless of their finish / other awards.

• Theme - We will award the team who we feel came with the best theme. Unified armies, fluffy armies, and armies out of the same codex are appreciated, as is any backstory or fiction you would like to provide to the organizers.

• Appearance - We will award the individual who we feel has the best looking army. We will use a scoring rubric that looks at painting, basing, display boards, and various other "extras" to determine the winner.

Please post any questions or comments here.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 07:56:41 PM by Chase »
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel