Author Topic: Daemon Players: I need your help!!  (Read 727 times)


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Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:07:18 PM »
I am still working on tweaking my NOVA list and I have ALMOST everything where I want it. I have decided to drop my Khorne herald on chariot because he has been next to worthless.

My planned replacements are either a Bloodthirster (I have to lose my Khorne herald on jugger which has been one of my stars) or a unit of 10 fleshhounds (or 8 w/ karanak). Both have proven to be amazing against our new friend the Greyknights thanks to the 2++. On average the hounds are faster and with more wounds and cover have survived more but they usually don't do much damage just kinda sit there. The thirster on the other hand is fast in his own right and rips apart almost anything but does not survive as long and is a huge target. With no thirster there, my crushers will take more fire as well. 

What do you guys think?


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Re: Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 09:14:10 PM »
I think the bloodthirster is a solid choice, it may soak up fire, bit that can be a good thing too.
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Re: Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 09:16:27 PM »
Fair enough. That is certainly an advantage at times. Just sucks losing a 255 point unit to soak up some fire. My main hang up with that option is really more so losing my herald on jugger.

Edit: Also I have to note that my herald on chariot never did anything because he was always a fire magnet. He soaks up just as much fire as the thirster. He just did it for under half the points (115)


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Re: Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 10:52:42 PM »
If it's been good to you, keep the Khorne Herald on Juggernaut. My question, what about taking a second Herald on Juggernaut to replace the Chariot? Skulltaker options? A third Soul Grinder?

I've been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to break this down. I see you're angling for speed, which is good. It ain't an easy decision.

In my experience...

I've never taken Flesh Hounds. I agree that against Grey Knights they'll bring something great to the table, but that 5+ save otherwise means they are less durable than a space marine. They can be tied down by walkers unless Karanak gets stupid lucky.... I think if take any Flesh Hounds, you have to take alot of them. I won't take credit for the idea, but the break-down numbers at the end of this list are interesting to say the least.
Of course, list is two years old, so grain of salt.

I don't know if I can recommend Bloodthirsters at a competitive level. 250+ is just pricy and can be sunk with a few bad rolls. But they're hella fun! They can handle most anything in the entire game, plus they can blanket themselves in big CC (5+ to hit against, 6+ to wound...) So big upside, big downside.

How conservative do you want to run? The Flesh Hounds will provide consistency, which is a hallmark of successful armies. I have a feeling they're the "correct" choice here. Oh, and I'd take Karanak. Might as well make the squad better while they're alive.

Short of "Red" Scribes, this well has been tapped dry.


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Re: Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2011, 11:12:24 PM »

Thanks for the help man this has gotten my mind turning in a little different direction. I am already at my third soul grinder and I agree another jugger herald would without a doubt be my best bet. With this list I am tweaked to the point where I cannot spare 5 points anywhere. So the extra cost of the jugger is a no go.

I had another idea for the herald chariot that I am going to try when I come down on Thursday. The guy is a beast for 115 points and I really think he has potential just haven't found his niche yet. If I really cannot get him to work I will go with the dogs I just think the Khorne herald I have looks friggen cool and is already painted lol.

I really like that list that you posted in the link and it has me thinking about another possible list I
want to try.

Thanks again for the help man! Oh yeah, I am coming down Thursday night lol 


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Re: Daemon Players: I need your help!!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2011, 11:29:15 PM »
Yeah, I'll be there Thursday night. I won't be playing this week (PMTSD, Post-Megabattle Traumatic Stress Disorder), just walking around being "that guy". Bring the list and I'll definitely be up for a conversation.