What a funny thread. As I sit here and look at a pile of models that have been turning from unpainted to painted for what seems like an eternity.
Motivation is a tough one. There's Goal oriented, standards and just how do I keep going when I've been painting for hours?
Standards, Don't play with the mini unless it's painted. seems rough but it works. You also tend to buy a little less of the expensive toys because you don't get to use them. Wost casee, f you really want to play with that new toy, it has to be 3 color minimum, that works for me most of the time.
Try and build with a goal in mind, that is a particular army list. Don't start anymore projects until that one is done. Or Target a Tournament. GT is a motivator for me each year, the Mega battle was a great one earlier this year.
To start painting and keep painting, I personally like painting in small chunks but that is not enough to get through an Army, so I take the following approach. Find a quiet spot in your abode, make sure you have plenty of light and a TV\DVD handy. Then with a pile of your favorite war movies sit down and paint. I spent a few hours last week painting drop troops with Blackhawk down playing on the computer. I got through that movie and started another. That equated to a ton of painting.
Another option is to paint with friends, I've done this at my home or at a store, that works too. Of course I can't really get my stuff to the store to paint, but maybe that's an option for you?
And to top it all off start a photo blog to share with people who may give you some encouragement and post WIP pictures. That also helps so I've found. take a look, just hit reverse on the slide show to get the chronological view.