Author Topic: Relic Knights by Soda Pop Miniatures looking for a game  (Read 2209 times)


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Relic Knights by Soda Pop Miniatures looking for a game
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:04:56 PM »
I was at PAX East 2015 and I had the pleasure of getting to try a new table top game that is not dice based *gasp* and instead uses esper (think mana cards in magic) it is fast paced, low cost of entry and is ANIME based :)

I now own 5 of the 6 main factions (the only one that I do not have at this time is Noh Empire but I plan to pick it up later).

I love the look of the models, and the main rule book is full of top notch Lore.  But sadly all of this stuff is going unused and I would like to change that.

If anyone is interested in playing a game I would be happy to meetup at either BG location any evening except Friday or Saturday (I have my kids on the weekends).  I would be more than happy to loan one of my factions for someone to try the game out if you are interested but don't have any models already.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 12:12:12 PM by the_cosmic_serpent »