Hey all!
Though this may be a taboo subject, we all must admit that sometimes we buy models from stores/sites other than Battlegrounds!
In this case I am talking about dicebucket.com. I wanted to let everyone know, that the site has now closed. It says it will honor any current orders, but will not accept new ones.
For anyone who was burned by the Malestrom Games fiasco, as I was, you may know where this is headed.
If anyone has any outstanding orders with dicebucket.com or their alter ego Titan Games (not suspicious at all), keep an eye out. I used Paypal when I ordered and just opened a dispute to get the ball rolling and cover myself. I think we can all learn two important lessons from this:
1. OLD SAYING: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
2. MOST IMPORTANT: Just buy at Battlegrounds.....