Hello -
I sent a PM, but I also wanted to post here. I'm very interested. I'm a complete newbie, but in terms of lore I know quite a bit. I've only played one game, and that was with some pretty significant help. I am eager to learn. In terms of what I have, I have the entire contents of the 25th Anniversary Intro set, as well as a dozen or so clan mechs. I should at this point mention that I love the clans, but I know your game doesn't trend in that direction.
The reason I'm posting (echoing the reason for my PM) was because I wanted to know if there was anything special I needed to do, bring, or post regarding my interest in the game.
Also, please excuse me being a new member to the forums, also. I just heard about this last night and joined today. Thanks!
EDIT: I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to make this a new topic. I encountered an error, and when I clicked post it was outside of the forum it was meant to be in. It was meant to be in the sticky at the top re: the every third Monday Battletech game. Sorry! I also can't delete my post, it seems...if someone could move it for me, please?