Author Topic: Grenades rule question  (Read 3591 times)


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Grenades rule question
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:54:09 PM »
GW rules being what the are leave some room for interpretation and I've got a question about grenades. In the 7th edition rule book, top of page 180, it tells us that only one grenade of any type may be thrown by a unit per phase. I read this as one grenade in shooting and one grenade in assault phase, but the thrown by phrase leads people to think it implies to shooting only. If you can only use one grenade in the assault phase, why then are some squads like SM veterans able to take melta bombs on each model if only one guy can use one. If you can use two grenades, then every SM with krak grenades attacks at str 6 ap 4 in close combat.

So any thoughts on this? I'm thinking it's one grenade in close combat even with several melta bombs but I've been wrong before.


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Re: Grenades rule question
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 11:56:21 PM »
Under assaults against vehicles monstrous creatures it says " a model can use such a grenade as a melee weapon, but can only ever make one attack, regardless of the number of Attacks on it's profile" Which means all models in the unit with grenades that can be used in assaults against vehicles and monstrous creatures can all swing with them in close combat, but each model only makes one attack with them even if they have like 2 or more attacks.

So all models in a unit of space marines with crack grenades in close combat with a vehicle or monstrous creature could all choose to attack with their crack grenades instead of their power axes or whatever. But if they did that each model would only make one attack even if they would normally be able to make two or more with their other melee weapons.

Same thing with melta bombs, every model with a melta bomb can swing with it in close combat but each model would only be able to make one attack using the melta bomb. (Which makes the new tankbustas particularly nasty since each model comes with them by default)

Throwing grenades refers to making a shooting attack with a grenade instead of another weapon. It explains it under each individual grenade's profile. "When a unit armed with krak grenades makes a shooting attack, one model can choose to throw a grenade, rather than using another weapon". The reason it specifies one grenade can be thrown per phase is so if you wanted to say overwatch with krak grenades only one model would be able to snap fire a krak grenade instead of using their other weapon.
Should the miserable Grot crews survive for long they will soon become deafened and have to resort to a rudimentary system of sign language. This is rarely successful as there are only so many signs a Grot can carry around with him.