Abington's WM/H community is extremely active these days. People are typically in the store on Mondays, Thursdays, and occasionally on the weekends. We have a lot of newer players and veterans starting new factions so its a great time to get involved. Beginning in January, the_trooper and I will be running a league that's a follow up to the successful escalation league we ran at the end of the summer.
Thursdays are certainly the biggest day of the week for the community. People begin showing up in the early afternoon and most stay until the store closes. There are loads of games but also people painting, modeling, and chatting about the game.
There isn't much of a demand for tournaments right now since so many are still wrapping their head around the rules and how their factions work, but I imagine that will change in time. Right now, the community is really enjoying getting to know the game and each other with league play.