Author Topic: BAT REP: Chaos Space marines of Nurgle VS Steve D's SM army With FW add ons  (Read 1065 times)

Sam Butler

  • Heroic Tier Level 3
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  • Posts: 123
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Howdy All.
The following is a battle report of my Chaos Space marines of Nurgle VS  Steve D's  SM army With FW add ons.

Mission was "Scourge" (modified,  5 Objectives equal value.   D5  type layout)
Deployment was "Hammer anvil " (Longways)

It went to turn four when my opponend conceeded due to being functionally tabled.
Here goes...

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Imperial archives+++++
+++++Work Station 52231548+++++
+++++Doubt is a sign of Heresy+++++
+++++Record retrieval request+++++

+++++Record H524888524+++++

+++++Record H524888524+++++

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++San Lorenzo System+++++
<P ALIGN=Left>
The Skies were full of turbulent fury above the planet for which the sector was named.  The surface of the planet had been torn by conflict for more than 100 standard years.   in 2.052.912M41 forces of the former Scions Hospitalier now known as "The Pustulent Posse"  led by the fallen chapter master Yersine Pestis  were detected within Ebon sector, San Lorenzo.   Amongst the ruins of the great hive city they seemed to be searching for something.

Above the Planetary surface the AASF Daedelos Krata HAC  Assumed a position above Ebon sector.   The Minotaurs swiftly deployed an advanced vanguard to interdict the Heretics, whilst Asterion Moloc and his retinue prepared to confront the traitors.

<P ALIGN=Center>

+++++Chaos Traitor forces detected within Ebon sector, San Lorenzo+++++
+++++Threat posed UNKNOWN+++++
+++++Minotaurs Space Marine Assets Dispatched to interdict and destroy the threat, Priority Alpha Red Seven+++++
+++++Emperor Protects+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>


<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight  detection of Traitor forces.+++++
+++++Hope is a fallacy.  Faith is not..+++++
<P ALIGN=Left>
 (My deployment Turn 1)

<P ALIGN=Center>

<P ALIGN=Left>
(Steve's Deployment)   He kept his Chapter master, termies,  and a LS Storm  in reserve,; the LS would outflank

<P ALIGN=Center>

<P ALIGN=Left> (sorry about the blurriness)
<P ALIGN=Center>

<P ALIGN=Left>
(My Movement and shooting Turn 1)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight  first movement of Traitor forces.+++++
+++++Heretic Land raider class armored vehicle "Flax" cref  5.411.991M32 Advances+++++(Flat out)
+++++Heretic Bikers Rapidly advance (turbo boost)+++++
+++++Heretic Dreadnought "Ileus" cref 5.415.824M32  Advances+++++(ran)
+++++Heretic Deamon Prince "Bertrand" Cref 5.335.955M30 Hides in some ruins +++++ (ran)
+++++Heretic Rhino Alpha  Advances+++++ (Flat out)
+++++Heretic Rhino Bravo Advances+++++(Flat out)
+++++Heretic Oblitorators  Advances+++++ (Shot at and popped Razorback Alpha)
+++++So it was in the beginning; so ever it shall be.+++++


<P ALIGN=Left>
(My Shooting Turn 1)
almost everything just used the shooting phase to close the distance to Steve's forces.   The exception being the Oblits who opened fire on the Razorback next to his bastion.   they successfully caused it to detonate.

<P ALIGN=Left>
(Steves's Movement Turn 1)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight  first movement of Imperial forces.+++++
+++++Razor Back Alpha DESTROYED+++++
+++++Razorback Charlie Assumes Firing Position+++++
+++++Rhino Bravo  Advances+++++
+++++Tactical Squad  Alpha Primaris (combat squad) advance  to engage the Traitor Bikers+++++
+++++Tactical Squad  Alpha Secundus (combat squad) assumes position on an objective+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Bravo disembarks from it's Rhino to open fire on the advancing Traitor forces+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Charlie Primaris (combat squad)assumes a position on top of the bastion+++++
+++++Minotaur  Dreadnought "Hecaton Aiakos"  advances to assume a Firing position+++++
+++++Techmarine Ieputus deploys his thunderfire cannon in support of Tactical Squad Alpha Secundus+++++
+++++Purge the Heretic+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
(Steves's Shooting Turn 1)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight  first movement of Imperial forces.+++++
+++++Razorback Bravo Assumes Fires upon traitor Rhino Bravo.    Detonating it.  +++++
+++++Tactical Squad  Alpha Primaris (combat squad) Fire upon the Traitor bikers  and fail to affect them.+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Bravo neglected to load their armamaments+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Alpha secundus (combat squad) assumes position on an objective+++++
+++++Minotaur  Dreadnought "Hecaton Aiakos"  advances to assume a Firing position+++++
+++++Techmarine Ieputus deploys his thunderfire cannon in support of Tactical Squad Alpha Secundus  Fires at the Traitor Bikers Killing one+++++
+++++Faith is our Shield, Fury our Sword+++++

(No PIC)

<P ALIGN=Left>
(My Movement + shooting  +Assault  Turn 2)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight of Traitor forces.+++++
+++++Heretic Land raider class armored vehicle "Flax" cref  5.411.991M32 advances  Traitor Chaos lord Yersine Pestis and his retinue disembark.+++++
+++++Heretic Bikers Advance to fire upon the bastion+++++
+++++Heretic Dreadnought "Ileus" cref 5.415.824M32   Advances and engages Tactical Squad Bravo+++++
+++++Heretic Deamon Prince "Bertrand" Cref 5.335.955M30 Swoops over Minotaur  Dreadnought "Hecaton Aiakos", vector striking it into shrapnel. and taking position near Tactical squad Alpha Secundus+++++
+++++Heretic Rhino Alpha Advances +++++
+++++Heretic Rhino Bravo Wrecked +++++
+++++Plague Marine Squad Bravo  Advances toward Tactical Squad Bravo,   assaults them alongside Heretic Dreadnought "Ileus" cref 5.415.824M32 +++++
+++++Heretic Oblitorators Advance and Fire upon Razor Back Alpha with Multi Meltas +++++ (Missed)
+++++The strong are strongest alone.+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
(Steves's Movement + shooting Turn 2)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight of Imperial forces.+++++
+++++Razorback Bravo Fires upon Traitor  bikers killing one+++++
+++++Tactical Squad  Alpha Primaris (combat squad) Fire upon the Traitor bikers  and fail to affect them.  (but Assault them kill two and break them)+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Bravo neglected to load their armamaments+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Alpha secundus (combat squad) assumes position on an objective+++++
+++++Asterion Moloc and his retinuse Teleport onto the battlefield using the teleport homer from Tactical Squad Charlie Primaris+++++   (they fire on Plague marine squad Bravo killing one.)
+++++Techmarine Ieputus   Fires two plasma shots at the Heretic Deamon Prince "Bertrand" Cref 5.335.955M30+++++ (missed)
+++++Scout Landspeeder Storm Alpha Arrives+++++ (It and it's scouts light up the obliterators killing one and wounding another.)
+++++Cleanse the Unclean+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
(My Movement + shooting Turn 3)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Heretic Land raider class armored vehicle "Flax" cref  5.411.991M32 advances  (and Fires on the Bastion,  killing a trooper on the roof)
+++++Traitor Chaos lord Yersine Pestis and his retinue advance and Assault Tactical Marine Squad Alpha Primaris +++++ (killing Everyone)
+++++Heretic Bikers Fail to reform and fallback to an objective+++++
+++++Heretic Dreadnought "Ileus" cref 5.415.824M32   opens fire on Asterion Moloc and his retinue+++++ (Killing one Terminator and wounding Moloc twice)
+++++Heretic Deamon Prince "Bertrand" Cref 5.335.955M30 Glides into assault Tactical Squad Charlie Secundus+++++ (Killing everyone in the ruin via direct wounds and effects of the black mace)
+++++Heretic Rhino Alpha Advances +++++
+++++Plague Marine Squad Bravo opens fire on Asterion Moloc and his retinue+++++ (plasma fire kills two Terminators)
+++++Heretic Oblitorators Advance and Fire upon Asterion Moloc and his retinue with Plasma cannons+++++ (One hit,   one miss that scatters onto Heretic Rhino Alpha detonating it)
+++++Plague Marine Squad Alpha opens fire on Asterion Moloc and his retinue+++++ (killing a terminator and Asterion Moloc)
+++++The strong are strongest alone.+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
(Steves's Movement + shooting Turn 3)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight of Imperial forces.+++++
+++++Razorback Bravo Fires upon Traitor  Chaos Lord and his retinue   +++++ (I made the requisite Invuln)
+++++Tactical Squad Bravo Fire upon Plague marine squad Bravo killing one+++++
+++++Tactical Squad Alpha secundus (combat squad) assumes position on an objective+++++
+++++Tactical Terminator seargent Odysseus  advances towards Razor Back Charlie+++++   (they fire on Plague marine squad Bravo killing one.)
+++++Scout Landspeeder Storm Alpha advance towards the obliterators  Scout squad Alpha Disembarks SLSS Fires upon Oblits. +++++ (killing one and wounding another.)
+++++Scout Squad Alpha Fires upon the remaining obliterator++++  (Killing it.)
+++++Cleanse the Unclean+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
(My Movement + shooting+ assaults Turn 4)

<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight  of Traitor forces.+++++
+++++Heretic Land raider class armored vehicle "Flax" cref  5.411.991M32 advances  (and Fires on the Bastion,  killing a trooper on the roof)
+++++Traitor Chaos lord Yersine Pestis and his retinue  Assault the bastion  +++++ (killing the remaining guy on the roof)
+++++Heretic Bikers rally take positionan objective+++++
+++++Heretic Dreadnought "Ileus" cref 5.415.824M32    advances towards Razor back Charlie+++++ (It fires on Tactical Squad Charlie primus killing all but one. then assaults the survivor)
+++++Heretic Deamon Prince "Bertrand" Cref 5.335.955M30 Glides into assault Tactical Terminator seargent Odysseus+++++ (Squish)
+++++Plague Marine Squad Bravo opens fire on Razorback Charlie +++++ (Glance and a pen.   Pen = wreck)
+++++Plague Marine Squad Alpha opens fire on Razor back Charlie+++++ (Missed)
+++++Let us play hide and slay+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>

(Steve's Movement + shooting Turn 4)

Steve Conceeded.
<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++Scan from Servitor overflight of Imperial forces.+++++ (Game ended)
+++++Tactical Squad Bravo Fall back...+++++
+++++Scout Landspeeder Storm Embarks its scouts and departs the battlefield+++++ (Game ended)
+++++Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>

<P ALIGN=Center>
++++Death to the false Emperor!+++++
<P ALIGN=Center>
+++++END RECORD+++++

<P ALIGN=Left>
Space Marines Effectively tabled.
He had a Bumblebee left to arrive (turn 4)
Four tactical marines
a Rhino
A land speeder storm with 5 scouts.

I had
1 Plague marine with Plasma gun (on an objective)
2 Plague marines with  Plasma guns
1 Flying Demon Prince of nurgle with the black mace
1 Chaos landraider
1 Hellbrute/dreadnought
1 Chaos lord +four terminators
3 chaos bikers of nurgle (on an objective)

CSM Hold two objective,  SM hold none