Hey, plainville warmachiners, it looks like me schedule might be starting to clear up some, and i might be able to get a night off, so two questions. Which night is the most active warmachine/hordes night? It sounds like tuesday is the night to be there, but i thought i heard somewhere that friday was also becoming popular? Any clarification on which night sees more traffic would be awesome because i would hate to change my schedule all around only to find that everyone changed the night they attend. Also, as some people may have noticed, i have recently become obsessed with convergence of cyriss, and i would love to get some practice games in with them. The problem is that as i was not able to attend L&L, i have no models =P. I have the complete rules, and i have made dummy cards with accurate damage grids for the vectors. would any one be up for some proxy games assuming i can make it down? Thanks either way, can't wait to be back!