Author Topic: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013  (Read 4526 times)


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #75 on: May 05, 2013, 06:15:37 PM »
Another great event, I think that this 500pt format is a real winner and I think it's officially my favorite format you guys do.

Mini battle reports for the Rats (posted the list & pic earlier in this thread).

Round 1
VS 2 Units of daemonettes, a herald of slaanesh on foot (with Portalglyph), and a large unit of seekers.
2 objectives.

Very nice guy from Canada, beatifully painted models (it ended up winning Best Painted).

I realize that nothing I have can withstand a charge from that many seekers, so I just try to spread out, and make sure he can't charge more than one unit at a time on his second turn.  I also put my CSM's on 2nd floor of a ruin so that the seekers can never charge them.  I deepstrike 1 oblit because I know he's going to make a PortalGlyph and I want to be able to kill it even if he hides it behind the plentiful ruins (my spawn can't hurt AV12). 

His first turn, he hides the portalglyph well and ends up getting 3 rolls with it, but never rolls a 4+ until my oblit successfully melta's it a while later.  He moves the seekers up to threaten my oblit, and moves a unit of daemonettes up to threaten my CSM's in the ruin.  His first warpstorm kills 3 of my cultists with the Slaanesh roll (appropriately) and they run off the board :( 

I charge the daemonettes with 2 spawn units and wipe them easily, and move the other spawn unit centrally...   His turn 2 he charges and kills the oblit...  it would be very difficult for me to stop them from also killing the csm's if it weren't for the rule that cavalry can't climb buildings.

ANyway... his seekers do kill the oblit, but meanwhile I've killed both of his troops with spawn and destroyed the portalglyph...  and still have enough muscle to take on the seeker unit with everything I have and complete the tabling.

Round 2
vs  King of the Elves' eldar - he posted his list earlier in the thread.   Farseer, 2 dire avenger squads, fire prism, Forgeworld flyer.
2 relics.

Very cool and mature kid. 

All he has for troops are 2 squads of dire avengers, so this mission is basically impossible for him to win on objectives against an army that wants to move forward and charge - there's really no way for him to move his avengers to the middle of the board without tabling me first.   His flyer doesn't come on turn 2, and he's only able to kill 1 spawn with shooting before they're charging both of his troops... the squad with the exarch and the farseer actually manages to polish off 4 spawn in assault, which was scary, but all that was left was the farseer at the end.   The game ended about tied on victory points, but with my 2 troops squads never having been really attacked and holding both relics.

Round 3
vs Daemons - herald of nurgle, 14 plaguebearers, herald of tzeentch, 11 horrors.

Fascinating gentleman with a strange but very effective army, beautifully painted Nurgle stuff, and an interesting plan for his next army which I may copy someday but probably shouldn't spoil :)

Victory points, you get double for killing a troop in the opponent's deployment zone, and full points for any troops in opponent's deployment zone that were reduced to half at the end of the game...
When we lined up for this game I realized that Plaguebearers are among the things that Spawn can't kill very well.   They have 4+ poison attacks, I have no armor.  Not to mention they were joined by a Herald of Nurgle who had the Balesword, which is one of the few things that can inflict instant death on a t6 spawn. 
So, it was a weird game...  I knew that I couldn't really either charge or shoot his Plaguebearers, which was comprised the majority of his army.  It basically came down to me splitting my spawn units and trying to go around both sides to charge the horrors in the back.   I did eventually get in a charge this way, and killed over half the horrors but didn't polish them off, and then of course he charge the spawn with his bearers, the balesword killed them instantly, and then he castled up and stopped that from happening again while he took some more pot shots with the horrors' shooting. 

I kept getting confused about whether I was ahead or behind on points, since the scoring for this mission was rather unusual, and I'm scatterbrained :)   So I was halfway between making a desparate all out charge and just retreating with anything, since he had no ability to cross the board or threaten my stuff if I  just wanted to hide.  Anyway, when he polished off one of my oblits with horror shooting, it became clear that I WAS losing no matter how badly my math was off.   So on the last turn I turned my stuff around, made a last charge hoping for a miracle, but a miracle did not in fact occur.

Game 4
vs. Tau - Riptide, Sniper kroot, fire warriors, and the Sunshark Bomber.
Straight kill points, I think?

Excellent sport with a very nicely painted riptide :)

This I felt a little bad about.  It was diagonal deployment, only with the 4'x4' board the usual measurements weren't used, and the deployment zones were only 18" apart.  I saw him setting up his troops forward in the zone, and I had a brief internal debate about how much to warn him... I settled on saying "just for clarity, these zones are only 18 inches apart".  Anyway... with his first turn he killed one spawn and wounded another, but since I had put them all max forward, I still had spawn 20" away from the kroot and 21" away from the fire warriors.   Spawn will on average make these charges with their 12" moves and rerolls to charge dice, and I ended up making both charges on the first turn. 

Not only that, but his sunshark bomber didn't come on, and his riptide wounded itself once and then failed all 4 invul & cover saves it was asked to make due to Oblit fire.  So, he was tabled on my turn 2.  Basically every dice roll was the worst case scenario for him.

Game 5
vs. IG - Company Command Squad in a Chimera, and 2 blob squads.
3 objectives.

Awesome guy with a highly customized guard army with a backstory involving the lack of energy weapons.  This army will be awe inspiring when finished.

He gets first turn, is able to kill 1 spawn and wound another, but the terrain in the middle of this board really gave them good places to hide and made it such that he couldn't really focus his fire.  It also lacked sufficient cover in the deployment zones for him to really give most of his squads any cover.   So, the Oblits made a couple squads run off the board with plasma cannons and assault cannons, and on turn 2, three more of the squads were tied up in assault with surving spawn and slowly ground down.  I ended up completing the tabling on turn 5.

So, I probably came in 3rd or 4th place in the standings, and my Rats got a narrow 2nd place for Best Painted.  No money for me, but no big deal.  The plan of having several aggressive Spawn units that can't be ignored and are also really hard to kill worked great, except in the one game where they ran up against an army with no "weak spot" for them to attack.  Such is the life of a 500pt army :)  Great time, great tourney :)   

« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 06:20:59 PM by andalucien »
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.

King of the Elves

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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #76 on: May 05, 2013, 10:32:21 PM »
Due to late night sickness, this report will be rather short.

 First game against a new player "SillyNoah" He was playing dark angles.
   Very apparent he was new, but still a ok guy. I tabled him on turn 3, but told him oh how to improve and how he could fix his mistakes.

 Second game against "andalucien", he was playing rat chaos.

    This was my favorite game played. andalucien covered the game very well. His army was simply stunning. Great guy, how to play him again in the future. Table was a little weak on cover though.

 Third game was against chaos again.

   This game was alright. The guy I was playing brought a helldrake, and it killed my nightwing, squad of dire avengers, half of a squad of the other avengers, my farseer, and took off a hull point of my prism in one turn. I have no idea how all that happened. Ok game.

 Fourth game was against a ork player. Troops where worth double points.

 Turn 2 I killed his first squad of 15 boys. (I believe it was boys). End of turn 4 (final turn) I the other squad of 15 boys ran off the board. He ended up killing 3 of my dire avengers. Good game.

 Game 5 I played against Goss.

   The nerve of this guy. He stole the initiative (I'm pretty sure his dice was loaded). He killed everything turn 2. This guy bad mouthed me every chance he got. He is making me not want to play 40K.

I hope you guys do more 500 point games. I love them, and hope to see them more often. -Dylan.


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #77 on: May 05, 2013, 11:49:13 PM »
Hey can we have the rankings posted. I had to leave at the end of 5th round and never got to see the top 3 in each bracket.


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #78 on: May 06, 2013, 07:31:39 AM »
*The first two games i was crushed without mercy, mainly because i formed a conga line of the Lion and the God-Emperah with my tactical squad.
*The third game was actualy quite good. i fought a French-Canadian woman and her army of Tyranids. i was able to keep a steady flow of kills without taking losses of any kind.

*4th battle also went quite well. my opponent was the Space Marine Chapter known as the Minotaurs. unlike the first two rounds, i kept my Tactical squad in spread formation, and whilst i wasn't able to affectively use my psyker, i still was able to defeat my Advesary.

*Battle 5 was some-what of a dissapointment, as i was defeated in the near possiblity of getting first place in C bracket. I was pitted up against Ron's Necrons, and there was a sliver of victory as it started, the flyer came in, and it all went downhill from there.

Anyway, i was beat out of second place because of points and ended up getting 3rd in my bracket. hope to reach a higher ranking next Tournament!
Real Name: Noah Francke
Club Affiliation: The Alfa Legion
Where I play: Abington


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2013, 11:00:29 AM »
Ah, of course 2 days later, I think of what I could have done against Sam Gould's plaguebearer blob.

He would have had a tough time charging one of MY units without exposing his horrors to the others... so... I could have in about 3 turns walked the CSM's and one squad of spawn way over to one extreme side of the blob, and left 2 squads of spawn on the other side.  Then, charge the plaguebearers with all spawn units except for 1.   Issue a challenge with the captain of my CSM squad.  That way, the herald can only attack the CSM, which he would have a much harder time killing (I would probably have a 50/50 shot of surviving each combat phase since the Balesword isn't ap3).  Either way, since the herald could only do at most 1 wound in the first combat round, I'd be very likely to win the combat, and possibly force a lot more plaguebearers to die if he got unlucky with Daemonic instability.  Also the challenge would have pulled the Herald all the way over to one side, so that after he won his challenge, he might have been out of range of the spawn on the other side for a couple turns.  Plus, by my next turn, the horrors would have been open to a sure charge from the remaining spawn... I THINK this would have had a better chance of successs.... sigh
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #80 on: May 06, 2013, 11:25:38 AM »
You know the best way to beat Sam?  Have him mishap a unit (half his army) and then roll "lost in the warp" (or whatever a "1" is, gone forever).   :P

Btw, Matt's (andalucien's) plague-rat chaos guys were pretty as hell.  I didn't see the other guys, guess I was missing out, but I was surprised he didn't win best appearance. 

I had a lot of fun games were great, everyone's army's were great, missions were great.

One suggestion, and it is a small one -- probably shouldn't be able to get more than 500 vps out of any mission.  I fully benefited from this, too, I killed a guy's army all within in deployment zone (actually, he had a few wounds on a riptide left, but again, being below half, and in his deployment zone, it counted for full pts) netting me 1000 pts.  SOmeone else got 1141 that mission.  It's just odd in that I don't think all players were forded those same opportunities to get those huge VP totals.

I don't know that it makes that huge a difference, since we're doing it win/loss, but it might change who gets 2nd or 3rd. 
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 12:32:47 PM by Sir_Prometheus »


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #81 on: May 06, 2013, 12:10:02 PM »
Yeah, I agree with that.   I think it's a minor flaw in a mission design if you have a higher number of available points to earn than your neighbor does.   And another flaw if the different missions don't have the same cap on points as each other (it makes some missions more or less important for determining your final standing than others).
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #82 on: May 06, 2013, 12:45:09 PM »
Yeah, I actually like these things in concept, gives you reason to "play to the mission", I just don't think it's good that some missione you can get way more points than others....maybe if  every mission had similar nutso parameters?  Or just cap them, so that the most you can get is 500 VPs.


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #83 on: May 06, 2013, 01:54:32 PM »
I do somewhat agree with the above posts. In I think it was game 3 troops were worth 2x  for VPs. I played 10 necron troops against orks. Every shot from my guns killed a boyz. He could not even reach my troops until turn 3. I did table everything but Big Mec, but the points difference was great. We went into that round unbalanced in earning potential. 


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Re: [Abington MA] Warhammer 40k 500pt Singles Tournament - 5/4/2013
« Reply #84 on: May 06, 2013, 06:57:06 PM »
Game 1 was vs tau and I was still trying to win the game like a normal army, and I failed miserably but realized the best part of my army: the ferocious mobility.

Game 2 I put the fear of chaos god into a kid and tabled him turn 2 with a nurgling unit chillin on the right hand objective, couldn't have went any better.

Game 3 Al and I had the race of "could I kill guard before the fliers came in" he went first and took the side with a building, pretty much spells out my loss right there.

Game 4 I got another kill on turn two, because of the smaller gap in deployment zones I even got some bikes on turn one!

Game 5 The funniest of all games, eldar player gets first turn, sets up right across from me in order to shoot me up, I seize, dire avengers got blended into soup and thats all she wrote.

Overall an awesome time and I can't wait to go next time and try for 4 or 5 turn two kills.  Will it happen? no, but I will try!
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