I thought randomizing the objectives in a sensible manner was actually a little laborious. I thought the spacing you came up with for the objectives was very good, worked perfectly to make sure they were pretty spread around, even thought the players were given some choice. Generally speaking, I always prefer things to be less random, so having each player have a 3,2, and a 1, would be both fair and less pina to randomize.
I....did not notice that heavies and FA were worth double victory points in the appropriate mission. Hrmm. I didn't lose any of either, but it theoretically could have gotten me 2 more pts against Erich turn 2. (but probably not enough difference). Good thing I was 3 pts behind Jared.
The victory pts tended to not to have huge swings, I'd actually probably just count destroyed Heavy and FA as extra bonus pts in those missions. I know I preach zero-sum but a few bonus pts here an there are fine.