Author Topic: New to picking army  (Read 2685 times)


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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2012, 11:42:22 AM »
As cool as eldar sound..I am going with marines..since I always play the good guys who are human in everything...and I like how they look better than guard.

So how does a list like this sound:

Librarian - 100

Tact Squad - 175 points
5 Space Marines with Sergeant, Following behind a Razorback with twin-linked lascannons and Storm Bolter

Tact Squad - 175 points
5 Space Marines with Sergeant,, following behind a Razorback with Twin-linked lascannons and Storm Bolter

Land Speeder with Heavy Flamer - 50


and for my next 250 I would add 2 Vindicators with Storm Bolters.

Let me know what you think


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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2012, 12:23:04 PM »
Depending on the type of shooting you want.

Grey Knights have the all around best anti infantry shooting in volume of all marine armies. Storm bolters trump bolters, add in psybolt ammo for +1 str on your shooting and you crush your foes ESPECIALLY non power armored armies.

What Grey knights lack is elite killing shooting like plasma/melta as our codex only has that via inquisition troops which are frail and basically guardsman.

Space Wolves excel at all things because their core troop unit (Grey hunters) are relatively cheap, they are great in h2h when they get there and have great psyker defense with rune priests.

Nilla'rines are just super solid all around and have so many quality options I think their true strength has yet to be realized in 6th edition.

Dark Angels should be getting a new codex in Jan'ish.

Blood Angels are the best mechanized codex are their tanks are just superior to all other marine armies.

IG are basically a class cannon army (tons of damage, soft like noodles) allies and certain units like a large fearless blob unit can mitigate that. Very expensive army to build as the number of bodies+tanks can get staggering.

Necrons are the current best all comers army of 6th ed as well as the dominant flier army. Tough durable reliable shooting with some solid h2h choice and PLENTY of units that bring trickery to the table. All around best codex in 6th edition.

Tau are very powerful but require a very high understanding of the game and a seasoned perspective on dealing with all threats.

Everything else I will leave out as it does not seem to me these are army types you are interested in.
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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2012, 12:27:38 PM »
You have my interest in the Blood Angels...why are their tanks superior?

And what would a good 500 point army look like?


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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2012, 01:49:50 PM »
You have my interest in the Blood Angels...why are their tanks superior?
BA vehicles are fast. Also, Assault Squads can trade in their jump packs for cheaper Dedicated Transports.

Also, if you build Razorbacks, do not glue the weapons hatch on. That way, you can swap out and have a Rhino if you change your mind after playing, or just swap weapons.


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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2012, 02:06:23 PM »
So what would a good 500 mech BA army look like? And where do you get regular back-packs for assualt marines without assualt packs?


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Re: New to picking army
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2012, 09:22:32 PM »
A couple of suggestions:

1. Which armies are 'good' changes relatively frequently. Also, while 40k is pretty poorly balanced, you can absolutely win lots of games with any codex, particularly if you don't mind using allies. I can't think of a single codex that I couldn't build an army out of that I'd be happy to take to a tournament (at least if all I wanted was winning).

2. Because of that, I'd chose an army based on what you like the look and fluff of. Those also change, but nearly so quickly.

3. If you're going Marines, and it looks like you are, unless you really like the look/fluff of a particular chapter (and it doesn't seem like you do), I'd come up with a paint scheme of your own and use the army for whichever chapter you like on a roving basis. That way you don't get locked in, particularly at this point when you don't know what you want to play.

4. Don't ask anyone, particularly a bunch of people you don't know on a forum, what a good list for X army is. You'll get way too many opinions to make sense of, and most of them will be wrong. Try to borrow some models and get a few games in to see what you like. Pick a few units that you know you'll want to use because you basically have to (i.e. assault squads for BA, Tactical squads for SM, and so forth). Basically, instead of trying to figure out what a good 500 point army is, try to figure out what a basic 500 point army is that will be good for learning the game, and use that.