Author Topic: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit  (Read 947 times)


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Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:46:32 AM »
I'm looking to buy some MTG singles from the store, but am short on cash. I have at least three (maybe four, I need to check when I get home) NIB carnifexes I'm "selling" for $35 store credit each. I also have a partially built swarmlord I'd "sell" for $15 store credit. Please pm me or reply to work something out.

I also have a bunch of random Space Marines and their war machines (built) that I'd discuss store credit values with also.


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2012, 02:55:05 PM »
I am always interested in random (preferably a little older/oop) space marines!  What do you have?


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2012, 09:36:22 PM »
Hey man, thanks for the reply. It'll be easier I think if you just let me know what you need. For oop stuff, i have some metal Dark Angels and random Space Wolves  I also have old terminators, including the old terminator librarian. I've got piles of built marines, rhinos, etc i'm willing to make deals with as well.


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 12:48:05 AM »
I might be interested in the dark angels. I would also be interested in character models, sternguard/veterans, thunderhammer/shield termies, any vehicles, including dreads and speeders or bikes... what have you got of these?


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 12:53:31 AM »
Ah yes,
Let's see, I've got some DA metal models (regular marines, I think like 3, with robes etc.), 4 Vanguard Vets (not sternguard, unfortunately, and painted [by me, so well painted at least] in Ravenguard colors. One without a jump pack, but I have extras to give you if you'd like). I also have 3 land speeders, built and painted (not terribly well painted however). I also have a ton of bikes built, some painted. I do have some of the old metal DA bikers (3) and the old metal furioso dreadnought. I've got a ton of Rhinos and a couple predators and whirlwinds. all of these are built.

I do have one unbuilt dreadnought from the black reach starter set.

I'd sell any of these for half retail of the GW site to you (if OOP, we'll work out a price) for store credit. I also have a Mortarion model (non-GW) I'd sell for $45. It's true scale and very detailed. I'll take pics of any of these that you're interested in.


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 11:49:08 AM »
I might be interested in the metal DA (especially the three with robes)... and to be honest, I am blanking on the old metal DA bikers... can I get pictures of any of these?  Any razorbacks?  I might also consider a whirlwind too, I have never owned one.  Any unpainted?

And, as an aside, I am looking for an old vet sarge, and you might be a good one to ask... he had no helmet, a bionic eye, and a power axe. He was one of my fav models, and the first I painted to good tabletop standard... and somebody nicked him years ago.  I want to find and paint him again!


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 11:54:41 AM »
This guy:

And, because I thought it was funny, and dark angel related:


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Re: Cheap tyranids (and SM) for store credit
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2012, 01:08:13 PM »
Lol, nice. No razorbacks, I'm afraid. I do have a whirlwind unpainted or simply primed black; i'll look. I'll get pics up after the turkey. Anything else you'd like pics of, even out of curiosity, leme know buddy. Thanks!