Author Topic: Trying to get rid of more stuff.  (Read 1207 times)


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Trying to get rid of more stuff.
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:42:25 PM »
Things are just overflowing at the new apartment and I really need to get rid of some things. I'll take store credit, Empire, Imperial Guard, or anything Cygnar. Here Is a list of what I have and what I roughly want for it.

A small Orcs and Goblins force. About 1000 points ($75)
A small Dwarf Force. About 1000 points ($50 it's mostly skull pass stuff. I also have the codex for this army)
A small Warriors of chaos force ($75.)

I also have the masque as well. I'll throw her in for free if you want any of these. But if you just want her, send me a message.

And I'm really just desperate for room. If anyone wants all of these armies and models I'll give them all  to you if someone buys me a cadian battleforce and a chimera.


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Re: Trying to get rid of more stuff.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 12:01:25 PM »
Hey there -

Would be nice to know what's in the O+G and WoC armies - can you post a list?


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Re: Trying to get rid of more stuff.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 11:31:57 PM »
I don't want to pull them all out again but ill do my best to remember whats in them.

Warriors of chaos
1 sorcerer lord (newer)
1 lord of tzeentch. I glued him onto the base and filed down his weapon and was going to convert him to a bsb. I still have the disc and base if you wanted to put another character on there.
15 warriors with shields
15(ish) warriors with halberds
a box of marauders with GWs
a hellcannon (fine cast)

Orcs and goblins
1 metal black orc warboss (metal)
2 goblin big bosses (1 is bsb)
50 somethingish night goblins (some with nets)
A box of boyz with HW and shield (shield still on sprue)
10 spider riders
a troll
20 night goblin archers


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Re: Trying to get rid of more stuff.
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2012, 04:20:43 AM »
I also have bitz for both the armies as well.

If you want. I'll give you both of them for $130 store credit.