Hey guys,
I going to try and keep myself honest here. I plan on attending Templecon in February. I also plan on plopping down as many fully painted forces as possible. I have a lot of work ahead of me and not a heck of a lot of time to do it in, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m setting up this blog in an effort to keep myself accountable. Here’s the breakdown of what needs to get done...
Circle of Orboros
- eKaya (75%)
- Grayle (0%)
Solos & Battle Engines:
- Blackclad Wayfarer (0%)
- Lord of the Feast (0%)
- Tharn Whitemane #1 (0%)
- Tharn Whitemane #2 (0%)
- Gorax (0%)
- Laris (25%)
- Megalith (0%)
- Pureblood Warpwolf (0%)
- Warpwolf Stalker (0%)
- Woldwatcher (50%)
Units & Attachments:
- Druids of Orboros (0%)
- Druids of Orboros Overseer (0%)
- Shifting Stones #1 (50%)
- Shifting Stones #2 (0%)
- Stone Keeper (0%)
- Swamp Gobbers (0%)
- Darius (0%)
- pNemo (75%)
Solos & Battle Engines:
- Gun Mage Captain Adept #2 (0%)
- Storm Strider #2 (0%)
- Ironclad #3 (0%)
- Sentinel (0%)
- Field Mechanics (75%)
- Rangers (0%)
- Stormblades (20%)
- Stormblade Officer and Standard (20%)
- x3 Storm Gunners (20%)
- eEiryss (0%)
...so yeah... Circle and my lone Merc model are my biggest priorities. For Cygnar my priority items are the casters, warjacks and solos. Some of it is subject to change, but I doubt it will deviate all that much. Hopefully I'll get most of it done and can upload some photos. Wish me luck!