Author Topic: Getting there  (Read 1256 times)


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Getting there
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:56:51 AM »
So, after playing tim, bryan, and having a nightmarish game with ben (mishapped every turn and forgot magic all but one turn) Ive changed my list to what i feel is solid, but id just like to get the opinions of some more expirienced players:

this is 2498/2500 any suggestions are welcome, it's more for fun, but i would still like to know how capable it is of winning in the not-too-far future

Ikit Claw

Chieftain - shield, rathound bodyguard, battle standard bearer, shroud of dripping death (usually in the back of clanrats)
Plague Priest - lv 2 wizard, plague censer, rathound bodyguard (usually in the front of plague monks)
Warlock Engineer - doomrocket, warp musket (solo)
Warlock Engineer - warp musket (solo)

Stormvermin (20) - shields, full command, warpmusket, banner of the storm, poison wind mortar team
Clanrats (25) - shields, spears, full command, warpfire thrower team
Clanrats (25) - shields, spears, full command, warpfire thrower team
Clanrats (25) - shields, spears, full command, warpfire thrower team
Clanrats (25) - shields, spears, full command, warpfire thrower team

Plague Monks (20) - full command, plague banner



Poo the Great

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Re: Getting there
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 02:51:28 PM »
I would considering dropping one of your wizards for a more combat orientated character. with the unpredictable winds of magic, you have 4 wizards, and would need some seriously high dice rollage in order to cast a spell with each of the wizards(are the engineers wizards? i know they don't actually start out as one)

other than that, looks solid, warpfire throwers are scary as heck in this edition


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Re: Getting there
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 03:46:12 PM »
Correction he only has 2 Wizards, he does not have the engys listed as a Lvl1 or 2 wizard so they are just 15pt characters.


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Re: Getting there
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 07:21:52 PM »
Steve is correct the engineers are fir ranged support basically. Ikit casts spells of ruin and he's my favorite character in the book, and the plague priest is for plague which when successful is such a horrific spell! (I realized the dreaded 13th is a waste when I could kill 3 units with plague before having a chance of it working)

I may swap the engineer with out the rocket for two warpstone tokens is this a good or bad idea?