Battleground Games Forum

Miniature Games => X-Wing Miniatures => Topic started by: Chase on January 30, 2014, 12:02:51 AM

Title: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on January 30, 2014, 12:02:51 AM

Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville MA

( (

Format: See below
Date: Thursdays
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: Free or $5.00, see below.

25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

Google Maps (
Battleground's Facebook Page (         

Please contact me at with any questions.

X-Wing Thursdays are THE night for galactic battles!  Bring down your X-Wing miniatures, play some games, meet some people, and have some fun!

The monthly schedule of events will look like this until further notice:

Week 1 - 100pt Tournament
Week 2 - Game Night (open play)
Week 3 - 100 Tournament
Week 4 - Special Event
Week 5 (if there is one) - Game Night (open play)

This schedule will start Feb 6th, 2014.  This coming Thursday is Game Night (open play).

The tournaments will follow the standard Fantasy Flight tournament rules ( except they will have a 60 minute time limit each round and they will run 3 rounds.

Matt will post the special events here when they are finalized.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on January 30, 2014, 08:39:03 AM
I'll be bringing my starter kit and will be happy to teach others how to play. It's a very simple game. Some people were curious about AEGIS as well, so I'll bring that along too.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Cryptognomicon on January 30, 2014, 12:23:12 PM
Sweet!  Can't wait for this to get started! 
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on January 31, 2014, 12:37:30 AM
The first open night had a few games, with some players returning from last week.

Tournament next week!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Cryptognomicon on January 31, 2014, 10:36:51 AM
Didn't play last night due to brain explosions but got to watch for a bit and that was nice.  Planning on playing at the event next weekend! 
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ringo67 on February 03, 2014, 01:39:12 PM
I'm taking another night off work on Thursday, so I'll be there.

I'm also planning on trying to change my work schedule so I always have Wednesday and Thursday nights off. It shouldn't be a problem. And if it works, you know where I'll be.  :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on February 04, 2014, 01:42:27 PM
This Thursday is "Return of the 100 Point Event"

Bring it!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Cryptognomicon on February 04, 2014, 01:52:33 PM

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on February 06, 2014, 11:51:03 PM
There are enough players  around on the tournament nights, that they could reasonably expect to find someone to teach them how to play. There's a small, dedicated group that deserves to be bigger!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Mad Dok Rob on February 07, 2014, 12:54:51 AM
Solid win by Tyler tonight...wish I could blame it on him cheating, but apparently Han and Chewie are a thing...who knew?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: SiniStarR on February 12, 2014, 10:38:20 PM
The empire never wins :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on March 07, 2014, 08:05:17 AM
I introduced 3 new players to the game last night who all walked away with the strong intention to play again. Simple, fun, solid rules, people actually like those things!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Cryptognomicon on March 14, 2014, 10:21:58 AM
Had a blast last night playing XWING.  Every time I play this game I get more excited about it.  Even when I lose.   8)

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on March 15, 2014, 04:53:22 AM
The Imperial Aces will be in the store for next Thursday.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ringo67 on March 16, 2014, 03:26:47 AM
The Imperial Aces will be in the store for next Thursday.



Are you setting any aside for people? 'Cause I definitely want one.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Cryptognomicon on March 19, 2014, 09:14:14 AM
Looks like FF has announced a Rebel Aces kit!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Mad Dok Rob on March 19, 2014, 11:23:04 AM
Looks like FF has announced a Rebel Aces kit!

Wow...those are really really good.  Especially that B-wing ace....he is good, stupid good, bordering on broken, if not broken good.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on March 19, 2014, 08:22:09 PM
Aces are here.

we got 10 of the 25 we asked for.  Get em while you can...
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: shwnlyns on March 20, 2014, 01:23:37 PM
Those rebel aces look awesome, and the a-wing upgrade cards are pretty cool too. Sacrifice the missile upgrade for -2 points, makes a prototype pilot only 15 points.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 21, 2014, 12:06:01 AM
Great night of X-Wing at the Plainville store! The Imperial Aces were out in force, and they were a ton of fun to play with. Tetran Cowell is a BEAST.

Looking forward to getting some more games in soon :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 24, 2014, 08:26:32 PM
Is there an organized X-Wing event of any kind planned for this Thursday 3/27/14?
I know the tournament is this upcoming Saturday, and that it might impact the schedule of events.

Either way, I'll be there to play a game :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: shwnlyns on March 24, 2014, 09:03:35 PM
Holy toaster, the tournament is this Saturday. Think I should play some games this Thursday, and pick up a Y-wing or something.

Edit: Monkey nut, stuff that's kinda important to do with the wife this Saturday. Ugh, kids these days right.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 28, 2014, 08:53:50 AM
Thursday Night X-Wing was a ton of fun! Thank you to Matt for running the Trench Run event! It was very cool and thematic.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 28, 2014, 09:42:15 PM
Imdaar Event is just a few days away! Dust off your Squadrons and practice this Thursday night!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Mike Bringin' DaFunk on May 29, 2014, 02:38:31 PM
Imdaar Event is just a few days away! Dust off your Squadrons and practice this Thursday night!
I will be there tonight.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 30, 2014, 07:19:56 AM
It was very nice to see so many games of X-Wing being played! I hope to see everyone on Sunday for the big event as well.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on June 12, 2014, 10:55:02 PM
Another great night of X-Wing at BG Plainville!

It was great to see some Tie-Phantoms, Tie-Defenders, and Headhunters zooming around on at least one table.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on June 13, 2014, 10:08:20 AM
So the summer OP kit is on the way.  I'm not sure when it will arrive, but I'm toying with the idea of hosting another Saturday or Sunday X-Wing tournament once it comes in.  Would people prefer this over handing the contents out slowly over a few Thursdays?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on June 13, 2014, 10:40:19 AM
Hi Chase!

I am personally very happy with both methods. My only worry would be the potential that I would be unavailable on a specific date for a tourney. That certainly shouldn't sway things one way or the other though.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on July 04, 2014, 01:13:18 AM
What an awesome Thursday night! 11 people showed up for the tournament and the Wave 4 ships were all over the place! A great group, and as always it is great to see so many fresh faces.

A very special thank you to Matt for running the tourney!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on July 07, 2014, 04:01:53 PM

So cool to see that the game is still building steam.

Rebel Aces are slated to show up in July / August.  Here's hoping they bring something of value to the game too.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on July 07, 2014, 04:28:52 PM
B-Wings are already popular, and this set brings a new pilot to the fold that makes them even better:


This guy is an Ace in every possible way. You can change a normally negative stress token into a bonus focus token. Sign me up! Rebel Aces should be solid, if not a "Must Buy" for all Rebel players. Anyone looking to expand beyond their Starter kit for Rebels would do well by looking into this set as well.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: AFR Steve on July 13, 2014, 06:32:23 PM
Hey Everyone,

Going to be coming in this Thursday for my first X-Wing night. Can anyone confirm is it open gaming this week or the 100 point tournament?  I have some new ships on their way in the mail that may or may not be here by Thursday, anxious to try out a new Z-95 semi-swarm build.

Looking forward to a great night of gaming, see everyone there.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on July 13, 2014, 06:55:01 PM
It looks like it should be a 100pt tournament this week (third Thursday of the month).
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on July 13, 2014, 07:47:58 PM
Don't take the word tournament too seriously, the community is friendly. :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on August 03, 2014, 08:09:23 AM
Remember everyone, this Thursday (8/7/14) is a 100 pt tournament. I'm looking forward to seeing some new lists and new faces!

Thursday night X-Wing has been hopping lately, with a lot of veterans getting games in as well as people learning the game. This past Thursday we had an Epic 300 pt game with the Rebel Transport.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on August 07, 2014, 12:13:29 AM
Battleground has a couple of "upgrades" for our X-Wing guys.

Here's hoping you like them.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Benjamin on August 08, 2014, 12:05:28 AM
Those sweet space playmats?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on August 08, 2014, 01:12:15 AM
Those play mats were absolutely ON POINT. Love them. I'll be posting some pictures from the Thursday night activities later. New faces joined the veterans tonight and there was a great spread of ships tonight.

I counted exactly zero Phantoms or Falcons being flown tonight! International Meta be damned! We play by our own rules  8) . A lot of other wave four options were ripping around though. Two Defenders rolling with Howlrunner, Z-95's, E-Wings, and a Moldy Crow!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 02, 2014, 02:17:32 PM
September 4th is Tourney Thursday! Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: treant1688 on September 02, 2014, 05:46:43 PM
standard 100 point i assume
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 02, 2014, 05:50:11 PM
100 pt's standard is correct.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: DonRonaldo on September 03, 2014, 10:26:18 AM
Pew pew pew pew pew, yeah I'm that guy who regresses 25 years when playing with spaceships and can't suppress the compulsion to say that way too much.  Really looking forward to my first X-Wing tournament Thursday night!

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Mad Dok Rob on September 03, 2014, 10:35:00 AM
September 4th is Tourney Thursday! Looking forward to seeing everyone.

I will be there in spirit....trying to force choke all rebel pilots
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 03, 2014, 10:38:13 AM
@ Rob: You will be missed!

@ Ronaldo:  Welcome aboard! Always good to see some fresh faces on Thursday nights!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on September 03, 2014, 04:02:46 PM
I should be there. Oh, quick question, can I pay the entry fee with a credit card, or does it have to be cash?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on September 03, 2014, 11:54:58 PM
You can pay with a card if you'd like.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 15, 2014, 08:43:58 AM
Looking forward to this upcoming Thursday!

Who else is coming down? All wings report in!

Red October Standing By!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on September 15, 2014, 09:36:05 AM
Saber 2 Standing by. Lol
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 25, 2014, 11:38:19 PM
Got a couple of great games in tonight for Thursday Night X-Wing. Thank you to Paul and Jason for the games!

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ringo67 on September 25, 2014, 11:45:48 PM
Yeah Brian, I had a lot of fun playing you and then watching you and Jason play. I enjoyed playing with my new toys. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Battleground Plainville has Rebel Aces.

Though I don't usually fly Rebels, there's a lot here to like. Some of the upgrades even got me to put a HWK-290 on the board.

It's certainly muddied my thinking about what I plan to run at next week's tourney.

Hmmmm ... decisions, decisions ...  ;D
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on September 27, 2014, 07:29:09 PM
Just a reminder to everyone that this upcoming Thursday will be a tourney! The first Thursday of October really snuck up on me!

I'll be there, hoping to see a good crowd this week.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on October 02, 2014, 12:27:26 PM
Excited for the tourney tonight! Not planning on being super-competitive, but you know how that goes. ::)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: TK8030 on October 14, 2014, 12:43:04 PM
i will be stopping by around 815 or 830 depending when I can get out of work
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on October 15, 2014, 08:51:11 PM
Hello Everyone!

Just a quick heads up, I posted about the most recent updates to the FAQ and Tourney Rules in the Community thread (Stickied above). These changes will go into effect on October 20th, 2014.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday night!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on November 03, 2014, 03:32:00 PM
Hey Everyone,

November 6th is the first Thursday of the month, and that means tourney!

I'll be there.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on January 16, 2015, 12:14:07 AM
There were 6 tables of X-Wing getting played tonight at Plainville! Both factions were well represented! Thank you for coming down everyone. :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on January 20, 2015, 10:10:49 PM
Looking forward to getting some games in this Thursday! Hope to see you there :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on January 22, 2015, 12:01:45 PM
Looking forward to getting some games in this Thursday! Hope to see you there :)

It is a tournament night...yes?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ultadan on January 22, 2015, 05:03:02 PM
Should be there around 5 tonight if anyone wants to play a game or 2 before the tournament tonight
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on February 11, 2015, 12:00:45 PM
So excited to be rejoining the community tomorrow night! Anything special on the bill for tomorrow?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on February 12, 2015, 07:59:44 AM
It's going to be freeplay tonight at Plainville. I plan on being there unless we get an insane amount of snow.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on February 12, 2015, 09:13:48 AM
It's going to be freeplay tonight at Plainville. I plan on being there unless we get an insane amount of snow.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on February 13, 2015, 09:25:21 AM
Had about 12 or so last night. The more I play the more I enjoy the game.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on February 25, 2015, 11:08:53 PM
I'll be there tomorrow, ready to take on in epic or skirmish!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on March 05, 2015, 04:42:32 PM
Tourney tonight! (I believe.) Might be my last Thursday for a little while. Hope to see you all there!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 05, 2015, 06:02:40 PM
I'll see you there!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on March 09, 2015, 11:00:51 AM
I was curious if a Tournament was going on this week. Now that the Scum And Villainy section was out I was hoping to get involved and wondering if people would be playing regular games I could watch.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 09, 2015, 01:18:59 PM
This week is free play, but I very much expect there to be several 100 point games being played. I will be there looking for a game or three, and you are more than welcome to watch, or we could get a game in together :)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: phasertech on March 10, 2015, 05:55:30 PM
There's a tournament next week, which is excellent timing since it will land two days before the store championship, AKA practice tournament is practice!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on March 10, 2015, 06:13:55 PM
In the last Tournament, there was a rules question that came up. whether range was closest point to closest point of the bases or closest to closest in the attacker's firing arc. The official rules state:

"To measure range, place the Range 1 end of the
range ruler so that it touches the closest part
of the attacker’s base. Then point the ruler toward
the closest part of the target ship’s base that is
inside the attacker’s firing arc."

So you guys were definitely right! it is closest to closest INSIDE the firing arc! I know that sounds obvious, but I was absolutely convinced otherwise.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 10, 2015, 07:36:45 PM
I aim to please. :)

Please folks, do not hesitate to ask me any rules questions! If I do not know on the spot, I will look it up for you. If we need to make a "Judges Ruling" so be it, but they are rare. I email FFG after any ruling that is truly unclear for an official stance, clarification, and inclusion in their next FAQ.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on March 12, 2015, 10:13:51 PM
Sorry I couldn't make it up there tonight. I got stuck at work until 8:30 and wasn't sure if people would still be around by the time I got up there. Hopefully I can stop by sometime before Next Thursday and buy some of the stuff I am interested in.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 12, 2015, 11:31:09 PM
An impressive night at BG for Freeplay! 19 players rolling dice and having a grand time.

Next Week: Thursday tourney night will be your last chance to fine tune your list prior to the Store Championship on Saturday! See you then!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on March 13, 2015, 02:43:39 PM
Was great seeing so much X-Wing going on last night...and so many other games as well...the store was packed!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Chase on March 30, 2015, 10:34:14 PM
There are a couple things that we want to reinforce this week for everyone coming in for X-Wing. Brian will be making an announcement on Thursday night for this stuff, but if you see or talk to one another between now and then please let each other know that:

1) Regional Championship Preregistration is up now (, and tickets are selling at a steady clip. Do not wait till the last minute, or you risk not getting in!

2) The Spring Tourney is coming up ( at the end of April - The date, time, etc are at the link. No Preregistration needed.

3) The new FAQ ( goes into effect April 15th. It WILL be legal for the Spring Tourney and for Regionals. There are lots of changes, and players are expected to be aware of them.

- Phantoms work different
- You can bring different obstacles, and you are required to bring 3 to the tourney.

- Brian will be doing a demo NEXT week (4/9) for the Phantom changes, as they seem to have a bunch of folks confused.

Thanks guys!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on March 31, 2015, 10:16:23 AM
Thursday nights are now my favorite.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on March 31, 2015, 07:19:54 PM
I'll be at BG on Thursday looking to get my X-Wing on. Hoping to see everyone there.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on April 03, 2015, 12:59:21 AM
What a great night of X-Wing! Thank you to everyone for coming down. We had 17 total players and the competition was fierce all through the store. I was very happy to see so many new tourney players, and I hope to see you all again soon.

Here are the Rankings for the night! Feel free to add some info about what list you flew, or any interesting games you played.


Rank   Name                  Score   MoV   SoS
1   Trevor Ward   15   544   25
2   Brian Frost           15   477   25
3   Chris Nicolopoulos   10   452   30
4   Lance Morin           10   416   10
5   Max Wirka           10   381   20
6   Robbie Lapalme   10   353   20
7   John Walsh           10   348   20
8   Paul Ring           10   316   25
9   Chris Scotti           10   305   20
10   Ben Schwalb   5   248   20
11   Patrick Mulvey   5   228   25
12   Nathan Dubois   5   227   30
13   Patrick Corliss   5   203   10
14   Erich Ridlon           5   187   30
15   Matt Toledo           5   172   25
16   Joe Trask           0   140   20
0   (D#3)Jason Orlowski   0   103   15
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on April 03, 2015, 02:19:24 AM
-flips table- Chris Scotti beat me...
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on April 13, 2015, 03:57:52 PM
Is it Thursday yet?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on April 13, 2015, 06:07:35 PM
So soon! But, not yet.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: MajorJuggler on April 15, 2015, 01:15:20 AM
One of these days I will be done school and will have the time to make it out on a Thursday. Defense this Friday! The end is in sight!

-- Bob
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on April 17, 2015, 01:25:42 PM
20 players last night...a Thursday Tournament record. Congrats to the winners and a big thank you to Brian, Sam, and BG!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on April 17, 2015, 09:57:44 PM
Thank you to everyone that came out on Thursday night! It was great to see so many new faces!

Rank   Name                            Score MoV   SoS
1   Lance Morin                     15   499   25
2   Trevor Ward             15   489   20
3   David Boegner             15   391   20
4   Doug Hildebrand             10   419   15
5   Steve Sawyer             10   412   25
6   Chris Nicolopoulos         10   409   20
7   Erich Ridlon                     10   400   25
8   Patrick Mulvey             10   338   25
9   Billy Gravelle             10   337   25
10   Chris Scotti                     10   330   10
11   Brian Frost                      5   348   30
12   Patrick Corliss              5   329   25
13   Max Wirka                      5   225   20
14   Nathan Dubois              5   219   30
15   Ben Schwalb              5   208   30
16   Robbie Lapalme              5   203   15
17   Matt Toledo                      5   139   15
18   Tom Bouwman-Wozencraft   0   139   30
19   Richard Stumpenhagen      0   88   30
20   David McHorney              0   78   15

(Sorry about the formatting on the points to the right ... the forums hate spreadsheet data)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on April 18, 2015, 11:29:02 AM
Just out of curiousity how is the MOV determined?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on April 18, 2015, 12:44:49 PM
Hello Loranus,

MOV (Margin of Victory) is outlined in the official Tournament Rules. You can find the entire Tourney Rules here: (

I HIGHLY recommend that all players read through the tourney rules, the rule book, and the FAQ! They are a fairly quick read, and make a world of difference.

From page 3: Margin of Victory

At the end of each match, the player who has destroyed more squad points adds the amount by which his score exceeds his opponent’s score to 100 and records it on his score sheet. The player who has destroyed fewer squad points subtracts the same amount from 100 and records it on his score sheet. End of match example: Anakin wins the game, destroying 53 squad points of his opponent’s ships. Anakin’s opponent, Biggs, has destroyed 24 points of Anakin’s ships. Anakin wins by 29 points, which he adds to 100 for a margin of 129. Biggs loses by 29 points, which he subtracts from 100 for a margin of 71. If a player destroys all of his opponent’s ships, his opponent’s squad is worth 100 squad points, even if it is worth fewer squad points to begin with. If both players destroy an identical number of squad points, each player receives a Margin of Victory of 100 points. If a player concedes the match, treat all of his remaining ships as destroyed.

At Battleground, we automate this process using the Cryodex tournament program. We ask players to report the points destroyed for each player. Once we enter those numbers into the system, everything is calculated automagically  8) , and double checked by the TO.

Cryodex is able to output the rankings we have above very easily, so you can see where you landed on the day.

I hope that clears things up!

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on April 18, 2015, 03:55:33 PM
it does thank you very much. I will definitely read over the tournament rules before the tournament.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 08, 2015, 08:22:16 AM
The Thursday night standings are in! Thank you to everyone that made it out to play some X-Wing.


Rank   Name   Score   MoV   SoS
1   Tom Bouwman-Wozencraft   15   516   25
2   Brian Frost     13   446   15
3   Lance Morin   10   400   20
4   David Boegner   10   386   30
5   Doug Hildebrand   10   354   15
6   Erich Ridlon   10   334   28
7   Ben Schwalb   10   328   20
8   Max Wirka   5   295   20
9   Tyler Parrot   5   279   25
10   Jon Scott   5   262   23
11   Richard Stumpenhagen   5   213   25
12   Patrick Corliss   5   182   15
13   David McHorney   0   95   28
0   (D#3)Chris Turner   0   60   15
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 22, 2015, 09:02:19 AM
Huge crowd of 21 people last night! Fantastic!!


Did you attend last night? Let's hear about it!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on May 22, 2015, 02:29:23 PM
Wish I was there...
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on May 28, 2015, 09:48:49 AM

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 28, 2015, 09:51:12 AM
Tonight!!! (
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on May 28, 2015, 06:49:29 PM
TONIGHT! I think I can make it! Haven't played for a month and a half!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Veji on May 28, 2015, 11:26:44 PM
First night gaming there, tonight.  I had a really nice kid named Max who suffered through my first game, with me.  Everyone there was nice, explained things.  Great atmosphere!

I'm so used to the harshness of online games, that it was really quite refreshing to get out and game against people again, on the tabletop.

Definitely looking forward to two weeks from today!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 29, 2015, 12:13:51 AM
It was great to see everyone tonight! Thank you all for coming down for Freeplay!

Remember: Next week is Tourney night! Last chance to get some practice in before Regionals!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on May 29, 2015, 12:14:45 AM
First night gaming there, tonight.  I had a really nice kid named Max who suffered through my first game, with me.  Everyone there was nice, explained things.  Great atmosphere!

I'm so used to the harshness of online games, that it was really quite refreshing to get out and game against people again, on the tabletop.

Definitely looking forward to two weeks from today!

I am very glad you had a good time Veji!! I hope to see you at the store again soon. :D
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on May 29, 2015, 09:52:03 AM
First night gaming there, tonight.  I had a really nice kid named Max who suffered through my first game, with me.  Everyone there was nice, explained things.  Great atmosphere!

I'm so used to the harshness of online games, that it was really quite refreshing to get out and game against people again, on the tabletop.

Definitely looking forward to two weeks from today!

Definitely great to see new faces at Battlegrounds. I know Brian and the store has a lot planned for X-Wing...the more players the better!

Something I did, and this may help you learn the game Veji, when I started I stuck to small based ships with minimal upgrades until I had a number of games under my belt and had flown against a number of different lists.

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Veji on May 29, 2015, 02:37:03 PM
Indeed.  Still building my collection.  This week i'm doing Rebel Aces, a Y-Wing, and an A-Wing.  I figure i'll do rebel one week and then Imperial the next.  Once i have everything on both sides, i'll start into collecting the S&V stuff.

Seems like a really good time to get into this too, since there is plenty out there to collect.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on May 31, 2015, 11:12:11 AM
Seems like a really good time to get into this too, since there is plenty out there to collect.

Plenty to collect and plenty of people to play against.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on June 04, 2015, 10:17:39 AM
It is Thursday once again and an important one. For some of us this will be the last chance to bloddy our lists before Regionals this Saturday.

Good luck and hope to see you all out tonight!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Erich on June 25, 2015, 08:00:39 AM
Thursday Night Flights will be kicking off around 7pm (though some will be there earlier). Hope to see you out.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Ron olivier on June 25, 2015, 01:50:11 PM
Epic, anyone?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on June 29, 2015, 10:15:38 PM
This Thursday is Tourney Night for X-Wing! This Thursday is also special because it is the first opportunity players will have to earn points in the Summer Season of the Galactic Cup League!

See you there!

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on August 07, 2015, 10:40:15 PM
We had 16 players at League night this past Thursday! Here are the standings from 8/6/15:

And here are the overall standings after 3 weeks of playing.


it's still anyone's game!!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: commanderfrost on August 21, 2015, 01:11:53 PM
Week 4 of the Summer League is in the books! Thank you to everyone that was able to make it down. We had 18 players battling it out!


And here are your total League Standings after 4 weeks:

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] X-Wing Thursdays at Battleground!
Post by: Loranus on August 22, 2015, 12:25:09 AM