Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Nick Hough on September 10, 2013, 11:18:25 PM
Moves for turn 10.
Mike M.
Warps to 1
Games for wekk 10.
Mike M. challenges Jerry V. @1
Is that a standard army? Or a winged army? If it is only a winged army it is destroyed before any games are played I have a winged army there to defend against planet fall
I mean standard army, not a wing, if it is a standard army my wing army would rip it out of the sky without protection from a winged army of his own.
Not if it is a demon player.
Jerry, look at the "Warp Dweller" rule in the S&S rulebook, daemons move as if they were already on the planet, so we are playing a standard game.. when are you free?
Yeah, It is the daemon special ability.
Yep, I looked into it. I am free this Saturday after 5. How does that sound?
Technically I can, but I'd prefer not to spend my Saturday night @ the store(no offense to the handsome staff @ BG).
Can you do tomorrow evening or maybe Sunday 2:00ish?
Sadly work only permits me to have saturday as the day. I work every day when the store is open til sunday. My schedule goes up on friday and I will be able to see if I am free monday or tuesday. But I would like to get our games done asap.
Ok, as of now we can plan for that time.. if you free up let me know, and if something comes up I'll let you know. Thanks
Sounds good, thanks.