Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Nick Hough on August 14, 2013, 07:00:23 PM
Moves for turn 6.
Chris Curtin
S1+W1 lands @ 1
S2+ W2 lands @ 7
Steve R.
S1+W1 lands @ 1
Brad Powers
S1+W1 lands @27
S2+w2 lands @ 25
Joe P.
W2 lands @ 27
S1 Lands @ 27
Tom C.
S1 lands @ 1
S1 @ 1 to 5
W1 @ 7 to 8
W2 @ 27 to 21
Mike M.
S1 +W1 Leave planet.
Games to be played for this week.
Joe P. S1 challenges Cookie S2 @ 27 (If Brad, Cookie and Joe agree to a 3-way game, then that can be played in place of the 2 player game.)
Tom C. S1 challenges Steve R. S1 @ 1(If Chris Curtin, Tom C. and Steve R. all agree, then a 3-way game can be played in place of the normal game.
I thought my W2 was supposed to land @23. can you double check that for me?
Good grief, this was supposed to be a peaceful farming planet.. will all the crazed army stampeding, I'm afraid there will be no crop harvest this fall.
That's too bad because the blueberry pumpkins were coming in mighty nice ;)
Hey guys,
As much as I'd like to do a free for all game this week, I'm moving from Somerville to Weymouth, and will be slammed all weekend and likely Monday as well. Have fun!
Hey guys,
As much as I'd like to do a free for all game this week, I'm moving from Somerville to Weymouth, and will be slammed all weekend and likely Monday as well. Have fun!
I heard a rumor you're moving to Weymouth just to be close to the Abington store because you can't get enough plastic space man action
That's a vicious rumor! Mostly moving to be closer to work, and sans roommate, but the increased BG Abington and Plainville proximity is a nice plus 8)
Turn 6 warp up so far. I believe that a game needs to be played still.
Steve R. wins the game and Tom C. army is routed.
Nick, can you please clarify where armies are, etc. I can't really make a move until I know what's going on.
Map Update
Brad, you have a W1+ W2 and a full S1 hovering over tile 27.