Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Nick Hough on August 14, 2013, 06:30:15 PM
Moves for Turn 6.
Steve R.
S2 @ 8 to 3
S1 @ 9 to 2
W2 @ 10 to 1
W1 @ 18 to 7
Mike M.
S1 @ 1 to 2
Games to be played for this week.
Mike M. S1 challenges Steve R. S1 @ 1
Steve I dunno why you tried to capture that generator, *if* you do capture it, its just gonna blow up because its too close to your other generator on 11.
Anyway, when are you available this week?
Quite Simple, Denial. My planet, now shoo!
Saturday until 5pm and all day Sunday I am available, either of those days work for you?
Sure lets do Sunday around 2:00, that will give us both plenty of time.
That works, see ya then.
Turn 6 wrap up.
Steve R. routed Mike M. @ 2 and gains tiles 2 and 3.
Builds for turn 6.
Steve R. builds a 2000 pt Standard Army and a 500 pt Wing for space.
Mike M. builds a 2000 pt Standard @ 1
I don't think my army can be raised there because Steve's army is already occupying the tile.. I think the rulebook says that if any army is raised on an occupied territory then the army can't be built and the player is refunded the points.
Also since Steve captured the generator, it blows up because generators can't be within 2 tiles of another friendly generator or it will overload.
Actually I think the build @1 does go through because the tile wasn't captured.. I think the rule only applies to captured tiles. I'm not sure though
Map Update
1325 S1 @ 2
Full W2 @ 1
Full W1 @ 7
2000 pt S2 @ 3
Cool thanks for the points update.