Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Nick Hough on July 24, 2013, 09:35:48 PM
Please pay careful attention to the numbering on the planets as they will differ slightly than the previous digital representations have. Turns have been translated into the new numbering system. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Updates such as builds and dependent actions will post on Sunday.
( Lare Image Link
Brad Powers
S3 @ 35 to 39
James Hatch
S1 @ 46 to 40
S2 @ 49 to 47
W1 @46 to 43
Alex McDonough
S2 @ 3 to 6
W2 @ 3 to 8, Bombing Run
S1 @ 10 to 4
Steve D.
Sam B.
Andrew S.
S2 @ 12 to 15
W2 @ 11 to 3, Bombing Run
S1 @ 23 to 32
Games to be played,
Steve D. S1 @ 15 to challenge Andrew S. S2
so what was the result of mine and Steve's challenge @ 23?
Andrew, Steve was the winner of the die roll and your army was routed one tile closer to your territory.
Andrew, Steve was the winner of the die roll and your army was routed one tile closer to your territory.
He means moved one closer, not routed. There's no routing in auto resolve.
Hey guys, with Nick's permission I'm posting the complete game list as only one game was posted out of the necessary ones. There is also one correction as tile 4 is not currently owned (though shows a green flag on it).
Alex McDonough W1 @ 10 challenge Andrew S W2 @ 3
Andrew S S2 @ 15 challenge Steve D S1 @ 15 (included in the post above)
Steve D S2 @ 23 challenge Andrew S S1 @ 32
And below as per previous requests I'm including armies current location and point total.
Alex McDonough
S1 @ 4 worth 2000 points
S2 @ 6 worth 2000 points
W1 @ 10 worth 500 points
W2 @ 8 worth 500 points
James Hatch
S1 @ 40 worth 2000 points
S2 @ 47 worth 2000 points
W1 @ 43 worth 500 points
W2 @ 49 worth 500 points
Sam Butler
S1 @ 22 worth 500 points
Andrew S.
S2 @ 15 worth 2000 points
S1 @ 32 worth 2000 points
W1 @ 28 worth 500 points
W2 @ 3 worth 500 points
Steve D
S2 @ 15 worth 2000 points
S1 @ 32 worth 23 worth 500 points
Brad Powers
S1 @ 27 worth 865 points
S3 @ 39 worth 1000 points
So A) anyone know how to get in touch with Alex?
B) Alex, if you're reading this, when would you like to resolve our dog fight?
Hey Andrew, it's Alex M. I just Shot you a message with my contact info and availability. Let me know if it works for you. I am looking forward to the game!
Epsilon Primaris Turn 3 Build
Things that need to be rolled.
Alex M. has a Bombing run at 8, and a S2 Behind Enemy lines at 6.
Steve D.
S1 looses 1165pts and is now 835pts
S2 @ 23 is gone
Sam B.
S1 500pts @ 22
Andrew S.
Claims Tile 32 and 15
S2 looses 600pts and is now 1400pts
S1 200pts @ 32
W1 500 @ 28
W2 400
Build S3 @ 12 for 2000pts
Alex M.
S1 2000pts @ 4
W1 500ps @ 10
S2 2000pts @ 6
W2 500pts @ 8
Build S3 2000pts @ 10
James H.
S1 2000pts @ 40
S2 2000pts @ 47
W1 500pts @ 43
W2 500pts @ 49
Build Starport @ 49 1000pts
Build Generator @ 46 1000pts
Brad P.
Build S2 2000pts @ 44
S1 1865 @ 44
S3 2000pts @ 39