Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Nick Hough on July 18, 2013, 03:28:55 PM
Please pay careful attention to the numbering on the planets as they will differ slightly than the previous digital representations have. Turns have been translated into the new numbering system. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Updates such as builds and dependent actions will post on Sunday.
S1 @ 26 to 27
S3 @ 42 to 35
Andrew S.
S1 @ 11 to 23
W1 @ 19 to 32 for Bombing Run
Steve D.
No moves
Sam B.
No moves
Games to be played
Sam B. S1 challenge Brad S1 @ 27
Steve D challenge Andrew S1 @ 23
yeah I can't read this to save my life. Am I wrong in saying that my Bastion was not built?
A lot of people are having difficultly reading it, Andrew, I can't even tell what you're bombing :o
yeah I can't read this to save my life. Am I wrong in saying that my Bastion was not built?
Hey Andrew, all builds happen at the end of the turn. So anything you put in to be built will be placed during the update (on sunday) as long as the build is not threatened by an enemy army. Which for you I don't think any are.
As I said over in the Saxus thread, we're looking into a new service to improve the resolution of these images so they can be read. Currently the problem is that the forum shrinks the images so the details gets lost in the conversion. I'm actually working on it currently.
yeah I can't read this to save my life. Am I wrong in saying that my Bastion was not built?
Hey Andrew, all builds happen at the end of the turn. So anything you put in to be built will be placed during the update (on sunday) as long as the build is not threatened by an enemy army. Which for you I don't think any are.
As I said over in the Saxus thread, we're looking into a new service to improve the resolution of these images so they can be read. Currently the problem is that the forum shrinks the images so the details gets lost in the conversion. I'm actually working on it currently.
So Paul, armies are created at the beginning of a turn, structures at the end of a turn. Can armies move in the turn they are created?
And Steve, are you available to get a game in this weekend at all? Nights are fine. I just don't think we can wait until Wednesday again.
yeah I can't read this to save my life. Am I wrong in saying that my Bastion was not built?
Hey Andrew, all builds happen at the end of the turn. So anything you put in to be built will be placed during the update (on sunday) as long as the build is not threatened by an enemy army. Which for you I don't think any are.
As I said over in the Saxus thread, we're looking into a new service to improve the resolution of these images so they can be read. Currently the problem is that the forum shrinks the images so the details gets lost in the conversion. I'm actually working on it currently.
So Paul, armies are created at the beginning of a turn, structures at the end of a turn. Can armies move in the turn they are created?
Hey Andrew,
As you'll note, nothing new has been posted to the board that wasn't proposed or announced during last weeks update. When you put in your builds, it all gets posted at the end of the turn (during the update). So even new armies drop at the end of the turn. When you build an army it gets placed during the update in the turn it's announced (provided the tile isn't being contested by a game).
Also, I know it's hard to read on the map right now but 8 armies have dropped onto the planet. 4 each from 2 eldar players. Just wanted to make sure you guys knew. I'm working with Nick currently on getting the pictures to a readable quality.
So in other words Andrew, you order all your new armies & buildings in the movement phase; and then they are actually built at the end of the turn after all the challenges are resolved.
So its almost like new armies & buildings are built the following turn, so you have to anticipate what you'll need.
So in other words Andrew, you order all your new armies & buildings in the movement phase; and then they are actually built at the end of the turn after all the challenges are resolved.
So its almost like new armies & buildings are built the following turn, so you have to anticipate what you'll need.
Yeah I def did not do that.
And Steve, are you available to get a game in this weekend at all? Nights are fine. I just don't think we can wait until Wednesday again.
unfortunately i have to work weekends until 11pm
i don't have to be to work until 6pm Tuesday does that work? I'm also having a hard time looking at this map of which of my armies are engaged and what my territory is.
not quite. i work in Charlestown and could only make it at 530 at the earliest. are u still good for Wednesday night?
Yes I can do wensday
Reading this I'm confused. My S1 is at 15. How am I challenged?
( (
Steve D
500 pt S2 being built at 23 (dependent)
S1: 2000 points, currently at 15
W1: 500 points, currently at 11
500 point W2 built at 11
2000 point S2 built at 12
S1: 2000 points, currently at 23
W1: 500 points, currently at 28
Bastion built at 12
500 point S1 built at 22
500 points refunded for S2 unable to be built at 27
Bastion built at 39
S1: 865 points, currently at 27
S3: 1000 points, currently at 18
James Hatch
S1: 2000 points, currently at 49
S2: 2000 points, currently at 46
W1: 500 points, currently at 49
W2: 500 points, currently at 46
Alex McDonough
S1: 2000 points, currently at 3
S2: 2000 points, currently at 10
W1: 500 points, currently at 3
W2: 500 points, currently at 10
Still to be Resolved
Steve D challenge Andrew S1 @ 23
Steve, Andrew has armies inside your territory.
This is incorrect. My wings were all destroyed. My challenge is with my fledging 500pt army?
Ok, that wasn't clear on the reporting sheet I got. I'll correct it. And no your challenge is between the S1 on the AA gun and andrews S1 on your starport.
ok that makes seance. thanks.
how did I build an army without a bastion?
Sam, you don't need a bastion to build a new army.. new armies can be built on any tile in friendly territory. However if you want to increase the points of an existing army, then yes you would need a bastion.
Sam, you don't need a bastion to build a new army.. new armies can be built on any tile in friendly territory. However if you want to increase the points of an existing army, then yes you would need a bastion.
I don't see anything *anywhere* in the rulebook about making new armies.... Can someone point this out to me?
Brad, if you look at the planet bios you will see each planet can hold a certain amount of armies. Epsilon Primaris can hold a maximum of 3 standard armies and 3 wing armies per player.
Since our planet seems to be behind the rest of the galaxy in terms of turn sequence, I know you have said you're open to play wed and thursdays. We could catch up this week if we play tomorrow as planned, turn in out results and turn 3 movement after the game, and play our turn 3 games the next night on thrusday. I think the fact that we're behind is making this whole campaign more confusing than it needs to be. What do you say - doable?
I don't see anything *anywhere* in the rulebook about making new armies.... Can someone point this out to me?
Hey Brad,
I had actually not realized there was any confusion over creating new armies. I know Sam asked me a question last week regarding making armies on bastions, but I thought the question was "Can we?" not "do we have to?" or "do we need one to create armies?". Creating armies is described as simply spending points in the rulebook, clarified further in the "Submitting your first Turn" thread and in the example on the turn sheet itself. If this is confusing at all we can clarify it again in the FAQ section. In all honesty I haven't had this question before so it never occurred to me that this wasn't straight forward. I'm honestly not sure where the "need a bastion to build an army" concept came from, but I haven't heard that anywhere else.
Since our planet seems to be behind the rest of the galaxy in terms of turn sequence, I know you have said you're open to play wed and thursdays. We could catch up this week if we play tomorrow as planned, turn in out results and turn 3 movement after the game, and play our turn 3 games the next night on thrusday. I think the fact that we're behind is making this whole campaign more confusing than it needs to be. What do you say - doable?
Andrew, the one day delay from last week was a one time exception. If the game hasn't been played then it'll go to auto resolve which you can find in the rulebook. There's no worries about armies being routed there. So if nothing moves, you guys will be able to play this game during turn three.
Paul, that's fine. I'd rather miss a week of game(s) and be caught up than being on a dif page from the rest of the campaign. but if things will be randomly decided when will we have results so we can do our next move, which were due today?
Paul, that's fine. I'd rather miss a week of game(s) and be caught up than being on a dif page from the rest of the campaign. but if things will be randomly decided when will we have results so we can do our next move, which were due today?
Well looks like I might be eating my words on this one afterall. If you look at the "Need your turns asap" thread Nicks given everyone an extra day. But he also says no more extensions after. So you'll get to play the game afterall. Normally we'd try to directly contact both of you or just post the results for an auto resolve. It's especially helpful if you can contact us earlier in the week and let us know that there's just no way to play the game that week so we can post it with the update on sundays.
Since our planet seems to be behind the rest of the galaxy in terms of turn sequence, I know you have said you're open to play wed and thursdays. We could catch up this week if we play tomorrow as planned, turn in out results and turn 3 movement after the game, and play our turn 3 games the next night on thrusday. I think the fact that we're behind is making this whole campaign more confusing than it needs to be. What do you say - doable?
sure works for me
unfortunately i am getting called into work at 6pm. I will be at the store as long as possible but I think i will have to do a dice roll this week. One of my co-workers called in sick and im the only one that can fill in
unfortunately i am getting called into work at 6pm. I will be at the store as long as possible but I think i will have to do a dice roll this week. One of my co-workers called in sick and im the only one that can fill in
Hey, shit happens. 6pm is really the earliest I can get there, so I guess just have Nick or Paul do the roll offs. Make sure to turn in your turn 3 moves. Are we still on for tomorrow, same time i guess?
Wha time will you be here tomorrow?
Wha time will you be here tomorrow?