Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Vermillion on June 30, 2013, 11:32:26 PM
The starting positions on Epsilon Primaris have been slightly altered due to the number of initial entrants. Those who have been moved from other planets were informed of this possibility beforehand.
How to register for your turn:
Please send me a private message either through the forum, or to my email at with the following.
Please put: Storms and Shadows: [planet name] in the starting line
Inside the email:
[Army Name] at [current tile] will move to [destination tile]. If it is going to attempt a bombing run, or take any other specific action (like refill points at a bastion) please indicate so.
S1 at 7 will move to 11.
W1 at 25 will move to 29 for a bombing run.
S2 will stay at 10 with the Bastion and refill to 2000 points from my bank.
If you feel there are any errors on the map, please contact me immediately so I can correct them. Any corrections will be sent to all participants to check if any movement corrections need to be made.
interesting start good luck gents
Heh, it's a good thing you're bringing the boys in blue to this campaign Steve. There'd be some serious reciprocal smackdown from my Lamenters otherwise :)
You in Vietnam bitches!!
Heh, it's a good thing you're bringing the boys in blue to this campaign Steve. There'd be some serious reciprocal smackdown from my Lamenters otherwise :)
I got plenty of fliers for my boys in blue including a Thunder Hawk :-p we will dominate the skies
Oh here it is
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Andrew S.
S1 @ 3 to 11
W1 @ 11 to 9
Steve D
S1 @ 16 to 10
W1 @ 9 to 3
W2 @ 22 to 17
Sam Butler
S1 @ 33 to 26
Brad Powers
S1 @ 39 to 33
S2 @ 40 to 35
S3 @ 47 to 42
New Builds and Banks not shown
Andrew S. S1 Steve D. W1 at 3 Strafing Run
Steve D. W2 and Andrew S. W1 Dog Fight
To be Resolved: Steve D. S1 at 10
Did you not get my moves?
Hey Brad, I tried to text you earlier. I checked my email and PM box and did not see your moves. Can you forward them to me if that's the case? Do me a favor and forward the old email if you can.
Sent. Apparently my PM didn't go through.
Map is updated. Still no new games. One tile will be seized the other two will be rolls as per the FAQ.
How did S2 move from 40 to 35? I thought Standard armies could only move two spaces
It took me a minute to recall myself, it's the Blood Angels racial ability. Their standard armies can move 3 due to the Lucifer pattern engine.
OHYEAH! Thanks Lucifer :o
Blue Boys make the best slaves...just saying.
Ok gotcha, yea I totally forgot about the Lucifer pattern engine :D
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Brad Powers:
Army S1 is attempting to seize tile 33 (Dependent on game).
Samuel Butler:
New Army S2 built at 42
Steve D:
Army S1 has dug in to their position, neither losing points nor seizing tile 10.
Dependent actions and pending games
Steve D. W1 has been targeted by enemy AA guns! (Dependent on pending strafing run)
Steve D. W2 has been targeted by enemy AA guns! (Dependent on pending dogfight)
Dogfight @ 9 between Steve D W2 @ 17 and Andrew S. W1 @ 9
Strafing run @ 3 between Steve D W1 and Andrew S. S1
Brad Powers Army S2 is behind enemy lines (waiting for resolution).
Brad Powers Army S3 is behind enemy lines (waiting for resolution).
CORRECTION: Due to an oversight, there is a pending game between Sam Butlers S1 and Brad Powers S1 over tile 33
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Brad Powers:
Army S1 has seized 33 due to an unanswered challenge.
Army S2 has taken initiative and seized tile 35.
Army S3 has run low on supplies, losing 300 points.
Samuel Butler:
Army S1 has seized empty territory 26.
New Army S2 built at 42
Steve D:
Army S1 has dug in to their position, neither losing points nor seizing tile 10.
Dependent actions and pending games
W2 has been targeted by enemy AA guns! (Dependent on pending dogfight)
Dogfight @ 9 between Steve D W2 @ 17 and Andrew S. W1 @ 9
Strafing run @ 3 between Steve D W1 and Andrew S. S1
I was never challenged... Or never notified... Um...
Also I thought this was getting bumped back one week...
For sake of disclosure, this issue has been handled in a phone call to both players and an issue with the turn for this planet was identified. A correction will be added to the FAQ and the two players now have a pending game.
The rules don't limit the number of targets the AA gun get in a turn, so shouldn't I be able to take shots at both Steve's Wing armies within one space? And wouldn't these attacks take place prior to other actions, such as dog fight or strafing run?
I don't understand why I'm supposed to fight Sam's S1, as it just took a tile. Wouldn't it make more sense for my S3 to fight his S2, as they're colocated? Would that also mean that I don't have to lose those 300 points? Verrrry confusing.
Brad: Sorry for the confusion, part of the reason you're seeing a lot of new information is because as I thought there were no games between you two I updated the map for the beginning of turn 2. Sam built S2 during turn 1, and it would normally place at the very end of 1st turn. Sam began turn 1 with only 1 army, which you can look at if you scroll up to the turn 1 placement. If it's less confusing I can remove all the more recent information. The reason it's up is so you guys can start planning for your turn 2. In the future when you have a game organized with an opponent for that week, I'll leave rolling things like army reconciliation (why S3 lost 300 points and why S1 took a tile without a challenge) rolls to you guys when you're filling out your reporting sheets.
Andrew S.: You're correct about shooting at multiple targets. I'll add that Wing being targeted as well. As far as when the AA guns go off, turns generally go 1. Move 2. Challenge 3. Reconciliation. So even if you lose the Dog Fight or Strafing Run, the AA gun will still go off. This can potentially destroy their army even if they win. After your games with Steve you'll actually be able to roll this together and report it on the form. For further clarification, AA guns do come first in reconciliation meaning that they help protect from bombing runs by shooting them before the bombing run is rolled.
That's fine, I'm just receiving contradictory information between my PM and here. Sam's S1 army and my S2 makes no sense, as he'd have to move 3 tiles to get there. The two challenges that do make sense would be my S1 vs his, as that's a 1 tile jump, or my S3 against his S2, as they are colocated. If the latter, they should be fighting at full strength, as they wouldn't have suffered from the effects of not being in a challenge.
it seems like alot of people are already geared up for turn 2 and steve and i are meeting tuesday to resolve turn 1. im sure we'll turn our second turn moves in then - will that be an issue?
Andrew: Do you know what time of day that's going to happen? We're aiming to compile the turn around 6. As long as you can get the games in before we put up the new turn we can make room for you. IF it has to be later let me know and we can do what we can to make some more time. However if it's going to be really late then it may not work as we have to get the turn up that night.
Brad: Ok, I can see that a lot of this is being confusing from the reconciliation. So I've rolled back the map to before reconciliation. Also, yes you're correct about the game happening with Sam's S1. The wrong tile number was copied over. So the game will happen for both of your S1's. The map was actually labeled this way for that challenge if you look at Sam's post.
After your game I'm going to have you two roll the army reconciliation for 35 and 42 so you can work through the numbers together. This was reconciled originally because there were no games for you two in the week, however since it's causing so much confusion I'll have you guys roll it so you can both see the numbers. The placement of Sam's S2 will be dependent on whether he keeps tile 42, if not then he'll be refunded the points as normal. This should resolve all current problems with the confusion for the week 1 turn and no more changes will be made for it.
I actually misread my work schedule. I'm not free until wensday and thursday
Wellll, damnit. Looks like you don't have to wait for Steve and I. Random outcome it is!
Sorry guys, we'd wait for you if we could but we have to be fair to all the other players. It's likely both of you will have a game next week as well. Maybe now is a good time to start discussing when you two will have time together.
Sorry guys, we'd wait for you if we could but we have to be fair to all the other players. It's likely both of you will have a game next week as well. Maybe now is a good time to start discussing when you two will have time together.
So now how do we go about doing our turn 2 moves and building? Since we now know we won't get the games in on time will we know the random outcome before turn 2 begins and turn in our next moves?
As said before I'm free wensday and Thursday for future games this week.
Hey Sam, are you available tomorrow evening to get a game in? I know it's short notice. If I hear from you before I leave for work in the morning, I'll bring my models. Shoot me an email at my last name (powers) DOT ( . ) my first name (Bradley) if you're available.
Steve, yeah do u want to nail Wednesday night down now for the probable games we'll have?
So now how do we go about doing our turn 2 moves and building? Since we now know we won't get the games in on time will we know the random outcome before turn 2 begins and turn in our next moves?
Yeah, I'll run the resolution rolls tomorrow and post them here so you guys can make plans. You can then send your turns to me electronically as per last week. Try to get your turns to me before 6 pm on tuesday as that's around the time the turn will be compiled.
Steve, yeah do u want to nail Wednesday night down now for the probable games we'll have?
that works for me
Steve, yeah do u want to nail Wednesday night down now for the probable games we'll have?
that works for me
Steve, just spoke with Paul about the whole planet getting an extension for turn one. Turns out we'll be able to get our games in after all. Wanna plan for 6pm again to get our strafing run and dog fight in?
Sam and I will be there on Wednesday night as well. I'm planning on arriving at around 5.
As the other players have been informed, the resolution for turn 1 on Epsilon Primaris has been bumped back a day. The turn will post on wednesday night for this planet. Probably later in the evening.
Steve, yeah do u want to nail Wednesday night down now for the probable games we'll have?
that works for me
Steve, just spoke with Paul about the whole planet getting an extension for turn one. Turns out we'll be able to get our games in after all. Wanna plan for 6pm again to get our strafing run and dog fight in?
sure that works for me