Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Vermillion on June 30, 2013, 10:43:59 PM
Map Updated to show Tom Callahan's proper colors and army positions
How to register for your turn:
Please send me a private message either through the forum, or to my email at with the following.
Please put: Storms and Shadows: [planet name] in the starting line
Inside the email:
[Army Name] at [current tile] will move to [destination tile]. If it is going to attempt a bombing run, please indicate so.
S1 at 7 will move to 11.
W1 at 25 will move to 29 for a bombing run.
If you feel there are any errors on the map, please contact me immediately so I can correct them. Any corrections will be sent to all participants to check if any movement corrections need to be made.
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Thomas Callahan
S3 @ 6 to 1
S2 @ 17 to 10, leaving planet
Allan Phillips
S1 @ 30 to 31
S2 @ 33 to 23
Mike McDonald
No movement
S2 @ 20 to 15
W1@ 25 to 30
New builds and Banks not shown.
Alan Phillips W1 and Alex Moon W1 at tile 30, Dog Fight
Alan Phillips S1 and Alex Moon S1 at tile 31
Where are ya Moonie?
what's your availability, seems like we got ourselves some brawlin to take care of!
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Michael McDonald:
New 1000 army S2 at 4
New 500 army W1 at 14
Thomas Callahan:
Tile 1 Seized.
Alex Moon:
Bastion built at 32
W1 destroyed
S1 lost 1450 points
Alan Phillips
Seize tile 31
S1 lost 135 points
My W1 was built on the wrong tile
My W1 was built on the wrong tile
You're correct, the map has been adjusted.
Thank you ;D
Updated to reflect recent game resolutions.