Battleground Games Forum

Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Vermillion on June 30, 2013, 10:43:59 PM

Title: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Vermillion on June 30, 2013, 10:43:59 PM

Map Updated to show Tom Callahan's proper colors and army positions

How to register for your turn:
Please send me a private message either through the forum, or to my email at with the following.
Please put: Storms and Shadows: [planet name] in the starting line

Inside the email:
[Army Name] at [current tile] will move to [destination tile]. If it is going to attempt a bombing run, please indicate so.

S1 at 7 will move to 11.
W1 at 25 will move to 29 for a bombing run.

If you feel there are any errors on the map, please contact me immediately so I can correct them. Any corrections will be sent to all participants to check if any movement corrections need to be made.
Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Vermillion on July 09, 2013, 11:44:39 PM
( (

Thomas Callahan
S3 @ 6 to 1
S2 @ 17 to 10, leaving planet

Allan Phillips
S1 @ 30 to 31
S2 @ 33 to 23

Mike McDonald
No movement

S2 @ 20 to 15
W1@ 25 to 30

New builds and Banks not shown.

Alan Phillips W1 and Alex Moon W1 at tile 30, Dog Fight
Alan Phillips S1 and Alex Moon S1 at tile 31
Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Achillius on July 11, 2013, 08:40:09 PM
Where are ya Moonie?

what's your availability, seems like we got ourselves some brawlin to take care of!

Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Vermillion on July 13, 2013, 07:44:51 PM
( (

Michael McDonald:
New 1000 army S2 at 4
New 500 army W1 at 14

Thomas Callahan:
Tile 1 Seized.

Alex Moon:
Bastion built at 32
W1 destroyed
S1 lost 1450 points

Alan Phillips
Seize tile 31
S1 lost 135 points

Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: MM3791 on July 14, 2013, 02:04:04 AM
My W1 was built on the wrong tile
Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Vermillion on July 14, 2013, 02:23:44 AM
My W1 was built on the wrong tile

You're correct, the map has been adjusted.
Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: MM3791 on July 14, 2013, 02:25:56 AM
Thank you  ;D
Title: Re: Epsilon Saxus Starting Positions
Post by: Vermillion on July 15, 2013, 11:42:52 PM
Updated to reflect recent game resolutions.