Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Storms & Shadows Campaign => Topic started by: Vermillion on June 24, 2013, 10:58:10 PM
Evening Gents,
As promised, here is the official Storms and Shadows Rulebook. A paper copy is to follow at Battlegrounds in the next few days. Enjoy and don't hesitate to ask questions. (
Dont bother opening if you dont have the OLD version of adobe reader. You have to have version 9 or Acrobat 8. Might want to update your software most everyone will be on reader 10
Looks awesome, I'll be signing up soon (possibly tonight?). I look forward to it!
except for Brad.. LOL
Hey, thanks for letting me know. Odd, I actually used pretty recent software. I'll upload it in a few different formats tonight. A paper copy will be at battlegrounds tonight as well.
Yeah, I'm running Linux, which shockingly just works :o
I have Adobe 10 and it works fine.
So from my understanding Wing armies and Standard armies are NEVER on the field at the same time correct?
If thats the case can I use a custom flying daemon model as a Daemon Prince in my Wing army but also use it as say a Bloodthirster in my Standard army? The same analogy could be applied to Space Wolves and Storm Ravens I would think..
Basically, I ask this question to see if people can "reuse" certain models so they don't have to go out and buy something that they wouldn't normally field.
If Wing armies never share the same field as Standard armies then I can't see a problem with that..
SW can use Storm Ravens. Which version of Storm Raven? BA and GK are different missle wise. Also I have no idea what flyer book gave them.
I was speaking more about monsterous creatures then traditional flyers, either way I don't intend to buy a model specifically to use solely as a wing unit when I already have a perfectly good model that can double as both. I think that might be more of something that I would work out with my opponents anyways
That response was for TO. What version of SR do SW get?
Gotcha, either way I just finished reading the Storms and Shadows Rulebook and I want to thank Paul Wyatt for creating such an incredibely fun, flexible, and engaging ruleset. I like this campaign because its very creative..
-Players have a choice in space travel, between sub-light speed and warp speed
-Players have a choice between investing points into their armies or using points for planetary defenses
-Players can use their space forces to interact with enemy ground forces and use ground forces to interact with enemy space forces
- Every 40k faction has their own unique and fluffy planetary bonuses
This campaign looks very fun! ;D
So from my understanding Wing armies and Standard armies are NEVER on the field at the same time correct?
If thats the case can I use a custom flying daemon model as a Daemon Prince in my Wing army but also use it as say a Bloodthirster in my Standard army? The same analogy could be applied to Space Wolves and Storm Ravens I would think..
Basically, I ask this question to see if people can "reuse" certain models so they don't have to go out and buy something that they wouldn't normally field.
If Wing armies never share the same field as Standard armies then I can't see a problem with that..
Correct, you will never play in a game that features one of your wing armies and one of you standard armies at the same time. Therefore, yes you can reuse the model as a different unit between the two. Now there are a few points of clarification I want to make when I say yes on this. For one, as always you need to communicate clearly with your opponent what the unit represents, especially if what it represents will change whether it's in a wing or standard army. For two, depending on how custom it is, it may need approval by Battlegrounds in the Scratch Build unit thread. Just noting that. Three, Space Wolves can only use storm ravens in Wing armies, not in standard ones. Again, that's a point of clarification.
SW can use Storm Ravens. Which version of Storm Raven? BA and GK are different missle wise. Also I have no idea what flyer book gave them.
The Space Wolves can use the SM version of the storm raven. This gives them the Storm Strike missile, which I have the profile for but can't post it online for liability reasons. I'll include it with the FAQ page for the paper rulebook I'll be bringing by BG tonight. That flyer is listed in "Death from the Skies" but to my knowledge functions almost exactly like the Blood Angels Storm Raven except their missile profile is slightly different.
Gotcha, either way I just finished reading the Storms and Shadows Rulebook and I want to thank Paul Wyatt for creating such an incredibely fun, flexible, and engaging ruleset.
You're very welcome. I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying the rulebook. I'd love to see us get a full house for this game, or even more so if we can so tell everyone you know! Also make sure to sign up if you haven't already, those planets are going fast.
hmmm i got a few questions.
Firstly, i know each planet is allowed only a certain amount of armies does that just go for the planet itself or through out all the planets.
Example. Im on a planet allowing 3 main armies and one allowing 2. Can i have just the max of 3 across both planets or max up on each one.
Now my other question is related to the first. Does an army that is traveling to a planet count towards the planet it came from max army untill it lands or is not counted.
Example. I have 3 armies maxed out on a planet and i send 1 to another one 3 turns away, can i immeidiatly rebuild a 3rd army or do i have to wait for it to land.
My last question is something that will most likely never happen, but i found it amusing if it did. Say i had a base on 5 planets, and sent an army from each to the same planet and that arrive all the time. what happens?
Tom, I think its done by territory.. not planet. Remeber the bordering enemy empires have the same starting resources as you.
hmmm i got a few questions.
Firstly, i know each planet is allowed only a certain amount of armies does that just go for the planet itself or through out all the planets.
Example. Im on a planet allowing 3 main armies and one allowing 2. Can i have just the max of 3 across both planets or max up on each one.
Now my other question is related to the first. Does an army that is traveling to a planet count towards the planet it came from max army untill it lands or is not counted.
Example. I have 3 armies maxed out on a planet and i send 1 to another one 3 turns away, can i immeidiatly rebuild a 3rd army or do i have to wait for it to land.
My last question is something that will most likely never happen, but i found it amusing if it did. Say i had a base on 5 planets, and sent an army from each to the same planet and that arrive all the time. what happens?
Tom, as each planet has it's own army caps the caps are meant for that planet. So if you have an standard army cap of 2 on one planet and 3 on another, then you can have 5 standard armies total.
Armies sent through space count towards the maximum for their arriving planet. Therefore if a planet has a maximum standard army count of 2, then you can't send more than 2 standard armies to it even if they won't arrive for several turns.
If I understand correctly the previous answer also sort of answers your final scenario. You couldn't send those armies because the planets they'll being sent to already have the maximum number of armies at the time of your attempting to send them.
I have a question about the D6 roll for bombing runs and the D3 roll for AA Guns.. are the points for the Wing army rounded up or down? Like a 245 or 390 point Wing army..
I have a question about the D6 roll for bombing runs and the D3 roll for AA Guns.. are the points for the Wing army rounded up or down? Like a 245 or 390 point Wing army..
Points are rounded down. Think about it like this, just look at the first digit in the point listing and that's the number you want.
Just a heads up to those of you still thinking of signing up: We are reaching 3/4s full at the moment. All but one planet has players on it and half the larger planets are full to capacity. If you're still planning to sign up, sooner is better than later!
I have a question about the bombing runs. The rule book states the following, "The resolution is simple, a single d6 is rolled to
determine the success of the attack. If the d6 result shows equal
to or less than the point value of the Wing army then the attack
was a success and the building present on the same tile is
destroyed. Bombings runs may only be nominated if the Wing is
in the same tile as an enemy building."
And my question is, would the d6 roll always be under the point value of the wing army? Or is it suposed to be multiplied by 100 like how the AA guns deal damage?
Yes, this is also covered in the FAQ section. When rolling the dice for bombing run only look at the first digit in the armies point value. So if it's a 300 point wing army, you'll need to roll at or under 3.
Hmmm just wondering. In a dogfight how does a stormtalons hover mode work?
Like Flying Monstrous Creatures and landing, flyers are unable to hover during Dogfights. Most flyers accomplish hovering by turning their engines down and directly repelling the ground, which is something you can't do at the altitudes Dog Fights happen at.
Dam, my stormtalons just lost their maneaverability in dog fights :-\
Like Flying Monstrous Creatures and landing, flyers are unable to hover during Dogfights. Most flyers accomplish hovering by turning their engines down and directly repelling the ground, which is something you can't do at the altitudes Dog Fights happen at.
I'm ok with not allowing hovering during a dogfight, but your description of how hovering works is nonsense. What you're describing is a ground effect vehicle (Hovercraft, Ekranoplane, etc.), which is maybe similar to things like Eldar and necron skimmers and the like. In the case of aircraft, they're actually creating a pressure differential between the area above the craft and the area below. When they're flying forward (zooming) they're doing this with airflow over a wing. When they're hovering, this is with their engines or some other means. Sorry, I'm an engineer who builds flying things for a living, can't help it. ::)
Yes I'm aware Brad, but I'm writing for an audience that aren't primarily engineers and trying to explain this using generalized concepts that don't include the word "Differential". :P I could create a lengthy description about low pressure areas in upper atmospheres and how the conceptual board is actually shifting constantly due to the high speed nature of the dogfight but the rulebook was already 26 pages. My attempt was to not be long winded (which 26 pages probably means I failed).
Heehee, I'm just giving you crap. I think it's an excellent rule, and your explanation was fine.
It's ok, I understand the desire to nitpick. Particularly if you're an engineer. I'm sure there's all sorts of things in the 40k universe that make you go "Ok, not possible but we'll roll with it.".