Battleground Games Forum
Board Games => General Board Games => Topic started by: aamailhot on February 13, 2013, 08:39:15 PM
Preferably in/near Plainville MA. Preferably with the full six players. If you have not played yet, it is truly epic and you should.
Leme know.
And if this happens on the weekend or Friday, I'll have one or two other people to play.
I am definitely up for a session of AGOT.
A saturday afternoon would work best for me.
Let's aim tennitively for Saturday, 2/9 sometime (preferrably starting before 3pm)?
Is there any admin out there that can get us a table at the Plainville location, and possibly a bit of advertising?
Also, how many people are interested in this? I count two so far along with me? I'll give y'all until Wednesday or so and then I'll invite my out-of-town friends to fill any gaps remaining. It's a delecate balance, because it'd be a bummer if < 6 showed up, but a tradegy if > 6 showed up :(.
Oh--and I'll bring my board of course. Does anyone else have it that they can bring, just incase we have a heavy turnout?
I can't make it this weekend (2/9) but I might be able to play next weekend. Sorry.
No problem Merc, we'll dissolve thep lans for now and try back in two weekends (3/22) maybe? I am busy in two weekends myself :(.
I'm available to play AGOT this saturday (3/23) if you're up for a game. I can't make a sunday or friday game however.
Ah, can't do this Sat. as I'll be at PAX East :). Perhaps the following weekend?
Next saturday (3/30) would probably work for me. Maybe around 2pm?
Let's aim for that. Are you going to have anyone in tow? I could probably drum up a few others, but I want to make sure that we don't have the awkward > 6 situation.
Also, I will poke the admins at the store to make sure we'll have a table, since I live 5 min away ;).
I might be able to bring a friend if we are short a player (the game really needs all 6 players). Are you bringing 4 friends?
I agree, not really worth it without 6. I should have a guaranteed 3, including me. Will give you a definite number by Wed.
I am about to start mustering my forces ( :) ) but I figured I should first settle on a time with you. Ideally I'd like to aim for the afternoon, but I just spoke to the shopkeep and he informs me that the tables are going to be full until 7pm for a 40k event >.< . He said that there was a CHANCE that we'd get a table in the back before 7, if a few ppl didn't show up...
I suppose considering that they are having 'national tabletop day' afterwards, we should maybe just aim for 7:30...? 'Stupid Easter or else I wouldn't be worrying about the time so much :(.
Let me know what your thoughts are,
P.S. I saw this guy playing AGOT at PAX last weekend...rather, he was teaching 5 newbs to play! I wonder if he had any time left to do other things at the convention :-P.
7:30 seems a bit late to start the game. It will probably take us at least 3.5 hours to finish it (if everyone has played before), so I'm not sure we would have time to complete a game before the store closes.
Is the store always full until 7pm on saturdays or is it just because of this board game day event? Do you want to try for a game next weekend? Maybe next sunday if the store is has a large 40k crowd on saturdays?
I am thinking they always have a 40k going on until 7 on sat, so perhaps Sun some week would be better :(. How close are you to the store? We could always play it by ear for this coming Sat, which I think is what I am going to do with a few of my friends from out-of-town...
Unfortunately I live about 30 min away from the store, so it might be a bit difficult for me to get there spur-of-the-moment. If there is a lot of uncertainty on whether or not we are playing, then I might just pass on a Saturday game and do something else.
Yeh, that makes sense. I'll revitalize this thread in a few weeks. We'll get this thing going eventually...
I would love to try this game
Thanks for your post , I didn't play it yet , I will try it .
If I can find a few hours some night, I'd like to try it as well.