Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Topic started by: hudhouse on December 03, 2012, 07:19:11 PM
I wanted to make this thread for the fun of this... I want to know everyone's favorite unit! From HQs to Super heavy Walkers! Its time for your Best, favorite and interesting models... and anyone could try to see who has the best through one and one battles!
just for the heck of it, ill go first
Wraithseer with D-cannon and Bright lance
My favorite unit in 6th ed is definitely Fateweaver. Fateweaver can do so many different things it's just a lot of fun to play with.
Ha, my go-to is Fateweaver as well.
Kharn the Betrayer. Every freakin' time he hits the table, it's Warhammer.
Ha, my go-to is Fateweaver as well.
Way to be original...
Ha, my go-to is Fateweaver as well.
Way to be original...
Yeah, real nice pick Ben!
Plague zombies. Their durability and low cost allow for serious list shenanigans.
I like:
Warp Talons because they look cool.
The Orks that wear rockets because they look cool.
Snikrot because his rules are cool.
Deamon Princes because they look cool.
The Death Jester because he looks cool.
Wytches cause they kill stuff good? :)
Necron flyers because they look cool.
Trygons because ROAR!
Arjac Rockfist cause he's clearly a BAMF.
Blood Crushers because Blood Crushers.
The ForgeWorld Bloodthirster Greater Deamon of Khorne because IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!
Snikrot is the man.
Snikrot is the man.
I'll be super specific; platoon command squad in chimera with 4 flamers. 105 pts of pure BBQ pwnage.
Celestine. As close to auto-winning linebreaker and the HQ-killing objective as you can get. And bad-ass in a ton of other ways. And I like the model. And the fluff.
I'm liking a combo of a team of 3 eldar war walkers with 2 scatterlasers on them (for a total of 24 S: 6 36" shots) With Eldrad behind them casting both Fortune and Guide (rerolls to both to-hit and saves) and then fortune on himself. So you pretty much have 24 twin linked S:6 shots coming at you per turn. Amazing agenst infantry of guard. Another good one is Guardsman Marbo, I use him as a 65 point sucide bomber with a demo charge. This past sunday I wiped out a entire squad of chaos marines using his demo. Points well spent :)
Snikrot is the man.
Snikrot was the man. rule changes really killed him. Still best model.
Lootas are the best unit in Shoothammer 40k.
Crowe because by hell he may die but hes taking you with him!
The single unit that has me most excited about 40k right now, I would say a Khorne marked Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut wielding the Axe of Blind Rage.
He is so angry, he can't see straight but if he does see you, you are going to be food for his mechanical wolf/horse thing.
My Phantom Because the model just looks awesome and he is a beast
Kharn the Betrayer! He's yet to survive any of the games I've used him in, but he's a lot of fun to get into assault with.
Oh, big fan of Lukas the Trickster too.
Also.... it's still early... but MAN, sometimes that Heldrake with a Baleflamer is a BEATING. And it's fun... it hangs back off the board, letting you sweat a bit... then it arrives like the cavalry and makes a whole unit of marines disappear.
And the new Obliterators. Every time I think about playing without them I feel sad. It's always fun times when it gets to the Obliterator part of the shooting phase... cycling through the 8 different tools on the swiss army knife and trying to pick the perfect one for the situation at hand.
My Phantom Because the model just looks awesome and he is a beast
How does this not surprise me?
Nemesis Dreadknight with fists, incinerator, teleporter. He is the Optimus Prime of 40k.
How are we quantifying Best? Assaulty? shooting? all around? defensive? or hey holy crap that was awesome?
Going in blind; I'm venturing either Thunderwolf Calvary or the Chaos Heldrake.
WE're quallifying by this way... HOW EVER WE WANT!
And ill just say a second,
The Necron Doomscythe!
May not be the best point for point, but My Favourite still has to be High Marshal Helbrect with a fully kitted out command squad along with his crusader that gets pretty expensive but mean as all hell.
My favorite unit of all time has to be a min. unit of Wyches. So cheap and versatile, even in the new edition they always will trade for their points or more, and that's how we play attrition boys and girls!
Hands down Stealth Suits.
They have USR: Stealth, Shrouding, acute sense, jet packs, infiltrate. Nothing like coming in on someone's flank with unloading a ton of str5 shots and then thrusting into cover to get +3 to your cover save.
Hands down Stealth Suits.
They have USR: Stealth, Shrouding, acute sense, jet packs, infiltrate. Nothing like coming in on someone's flank with unloading a ton of str5 shots and then thrusting into cover to get +3 to your cover save.
Ladies and gentleman, there is a Tau unit in this thread.
I was gonna suggest the emo-ethereal :)