Battleground Games Forum
Battleground Games & Hobbies => Announcements => Topic started by: Battleground on December 12, 2008, 12:48:16 PM
On Saturday, December 20th, customers are invited to bring in their Games Workshop Bitz or similar items from other game lines, to sell within the store. Items sold must be loose bitz, or individual models - no boxed sets or factory sealed kits. Participants must have a container of some kind for shoppers to look through, such as a tool chest organizer or something similar. Participants are also responsible for setting the price of their own items.
When a seller and a customer have decided on a sale price for the items the seller will fill out a transaction sheet (supplied by the store) and the customer will pay for the item at the register. At the end of the day, all sales will be tallied and the full amount of the sale will be given to the seller in equal value of store credit. For example, if a seller sells $20.00 worth of bitz they will receive a $20.00 store credit with the store.
The sale will last from 12 PM to 4 PM. All transactions are final.
Awesome event, do it again :-). Maybe a silent game auction to for used games and books in the future?
This year too? Anyone be willing? The 20th is a Sunday, or the day before?
im willing, but i'd rather it be on a saturday
I'm game as well, although I have a tight schedule for both the 19th and 20th. I'll be back in MA the weekend of New Year's, if anyone's still interested.
I missed the last one. I have bins upon bins of bits to trade if the store does this again.
This would be amazing.
Just sayin'
any chance of this happening again?