Battleground Games Forum

Miniature Games => Warmachine / Hordes => Topic started by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 07:50:01 PM

Title: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 07:50:01 PM
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Battleground Games & Hobbies - Plainville

Format: Singles (1v1) Battlebox Tournament
Date: March 31st, 2012 a Saturday
Time: Please be here no later than 10:00am.  Set up at 10:30.  Dice roll no later than 11:00pm.
Entrance Fee:  $10.00 per person

25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762

Parking is available on site.

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Please contact me at or call the store to sign up if and only if you can commit to playing on March 31st.

Pre-registration is encouraged.


The comprehensive rules and scenario packet can be found here. (

Rule Books:
The Warmachine Prime MkII and Hordes Primal MkII Rules will be used.

The following Battle Boxes, Warpacks, and Alternative Lists are legal army choices for this event.  Please note that ONLY the models and lists from the factions Battle Box, Warpack, or Alternate List may be used.

Cygnar Battle Box
The Protectorate of Menoth Battle Box
Khador Battle Box
Cryx Battle Box
Mercenaries Battle Box

Trollbloods Warpack
Circle Orboros Warpack
Skorne Warpack
Legion of Everblight Warpack

Alternate Lists:

Protectorate of Menoth (Two-Player Battle Box Alternative)
High Exemplar Kreoss, Vanquisher, Crusader, Repenter

Retribution of Scyrah
Kaelyssa the Night’s Whisper, Manticore, Griffon, Chimera

Mercenaries (Four Star Syndicate Option 1)
Magnus the Traitor, Mangler, Renegade, Talon

Mercenaries (Four Star Syndicate Option 2, Searforge Commission, Highborn Covenant Option 1)
Gorten Grundback. Ghordson Driller, Grundback Gunners x3

Mercenaries (Four Star Syndicate Option 3, Highborn Covenant Option 2, Talion Charter)
Captain Bartolo Montador, Mariner, Freebooter, Buccaneer

Minions (Thornfall Alliance)
Lord Carver, War Hog, Gun Boar x2

Minions (Blindwater Congregation)
Bloody Barnabas, Blackhide Wrastler, Ironback Spitte


Each player must bring an army consisting of ONLY the models in a listed Battle Box, Warpack or an Alternate List.


• Competitors will participate in a number of games over the course of the day based on attendance (probably 4, hopefully 5). In each game, you will play the Kill Box scenario and record the outcome of the battle on your Tournament Record Sheet. Each round you will play a different opponent.  

• Each round will last ~50 minutes.  

• Each player turn will last a maximum of 6 minutes.

• In the first round, players will be matched up randomly. After the first round, players will be
matched up according to current rankings in the tournament (e.g., the player in first place will
play the player in second place and so on). We will try our best not to pair players that come to the event together in the first round.  We will also try not to pair the same faction against itself if at all possible. If a player receives a BYE they will be awarded 1 TP and 0 CP's in accordance with the rules.

• You will not play the same person twice.

• The pairings for each round will be announced as soon as they are determined. Please be sure to
arrive at your table ready to play right away. We ask that each player be conscious of the
time and that you play at a regular and steady pace to complete the game. Anyone found slow
playing or deliberately stalling for any reason will be penalized.

• Each game will be played on a 4' x 4' board.

• Players will receive Tournament Record Sheets at the beginning of each round. Each results sheet must be filled in properly to ensure that match-ups and point totals are correct. Once Record Sheets are completed they are to be turned in at the counter so the scores can be entered into the computer.

We will be using the Kill Box scenario for the entire event.

What You Need to Bring with You:
-Your (hopefully painted) miniatures
-At least two copies of your army list(s)
-Rulebooks and any additional books you need
-Paper and pencil or marker
-Cards for the models in your list
-Dice and templates
-Tape measure
-Something to transport your army from table to table

Coins and/or Store Credit Awards will be given out to:
Store credit is good for any product in the store and all subsequent events.  It never expires and will be saved for you if unspent.

Best Overall General (Coin, Store Credit)
Second Best Overall General (Coin, Store Credit)
Third Best Overall General (Coin, Store Credit if turn out is high)
Best Appearance (Store Credit)

Please post any questions or comments here.

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Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 07:50:25 PM
Let me know if anything needs to be / should be changed or clarified.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: NateT on March 05, 2012, 08:14:49 PM
Bollocks.  The one day I can't play.  Oh well, maybe some other time... I really liked the battlebox format though, so I could also get my Mark II learning in...

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 05, 2012, 08:31:07 PM
I am definitely doing this. I recently got some work and so was able to afford the official Merc battle box. Willem will also be attending with his Skorne, and mike may show up with menoth. This is gonna be fun!

Also, and everyone might know this, but in mangled metal games (jack/beast only), if you lose all your beasts/jacks, you lose the game, the only reason i say this is because i didn't know it and i have been playing a while, so some of the new people might not have known.   
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 08:50:02 PM
I plan on pushing this event on the new guys.  There's a bunch of people with a Battle Box plus a model or few.  There's also a few layers looking for a reason to start.

Hopefully we can spark a fair bit of interest and get some of the new guys in the store together with this one.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Frosthydra on March 05, 2012, 09:26:53 PM
Also, and everyone might know this, but in mangled metal games (jack/beast only), if you lose all your beasts/jacks, you lose the game, the only reason i say this is because i didn't know it and i have been playing a while, so some of the new people might not have known.

That is pretty important to know, I've never heard of that before now.

Chase, is this rule also going to be in effect?  Or will it just be caster kills that count?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jfoodmaster on March 05, 2012, 09:34:19 PM
Nice! This will be a fun event.

As for Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw, you can do that or killbox. It doesn't matter. The games will be short and bloody anyway.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 09:54:54 PM
I am not sure how this is ruled normally, but I would not like to apply Mangled Metal / Tooth and Claw rules to this event unless it's a universal thing...  Like, is it always the case, or is it strictly in Mangled Metal tournaments?

All all the Battle Boxes and Warpacks jacks and beasts?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 05, 2012, 10:11:43 PM
Yeah, that is the ideas of the starter boxes, all jacks and beasts, but if that rule causes a stir, you certainly don't have to enforce it, I think it might only be for mangled metal. Sorry to have caused confusion, i just wanted to make sure about that rule so it didn't blindside someone day of.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 05, 2012, 10:27:55 PM
I would prefer to use the normal Steam Roller rules for this event wherever possible.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Loranus on March 05, 2012, 11:56:12 PM
I think it may just be easier to have it be Kill the Warcaster/Sorceror be the end of the scenario.

Veteran Warmahorde players probably can disagree with me about it all they want but a new player especially in this tournament should be learning the simplest form of the game. Defend your Caster and kill the other player's.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Frosthydra on March 06, 2012, 12:12:52 AM
I think the just straight "You lose if your Caster dies" rules would be more friendly towards the newer players.

And I think it's more in line with the quick play rules in the battle boxes anyway, much less confusion there.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Ian Mulligan on March 06, 2012, 01:09:27 AM
Kill Box.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 06, 2012, 01:09:42 AM
I wholeheartedly agree, again, sorry for any confusion. I highly doubt any experienced player would have an issue, especially since it has already been stated. I think the point of that rule is to prevent a caster losing all his/her jacks and then spending each turn running an holding on to all their focus, which can make games go on painfully long, but that is pretty rare, so i wouldn't worry about it.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: NateT on March 06, 2012, 08:37:28 AM
I think the "mangled metal/tooth and claw" special rule was created to cancel a perceived advantage for warmachine in this format.  As a warcaster creates his own focus, he fights on.  A warlock on the other hand NEEDS his beasts.  If he loses all of them, the game is effectively over, even if he or she is at full health.  This was seen as a disadvantage, so they made the subset of rules to allow a Hordes player to win the same way.  It shouldn't effect your tourney much at all though, so I say Steamroller as well... though I still won't be playing :(
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Frosthydra on March 06, 2012, 10:09:57 AM
Kill Box.

Er, yes.  And that.  Sorry, I'm just used to the mindset that Kill Box is always implied.  Heh.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: keithb on March 07, 2012, 02:23:21 PM
It should be Mangled metal, with the Kill Box condition.

Losing all your beasts/jacks should end the game.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jonm on March 07, 2012, 02:57:59 PM
Are you coming, Keith?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: keithb on March 07, 2012, 03:22:56 PM
Unfortunately that is the Colonial GT weekend, so I am away.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Khornagaunt on March 10, 2012, 12:07:03 AM
I might be able to make it down for this... i like running 3 arc nodes in an army.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jfoodmaster on March 11, 2012, 02:39:48 PM
I would love to see everyone's battlebox painted! That would be very awesome to behold. Anyone close? We've got 3 weeks. It's only a MAX of 5 models (if you're Cryx or Legion).
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 11, 2012, 03:15:07 PM
I am certainly going to try. I was originally playing willem's Khador (painted) but then i found a VERY cheap merc battle box (out of print) and am waiting for it to show up. As soon as it does i am going to get working on it, but its going to come down to time available and when it shows up.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 12, 2012, 09:26:58 PM
Got the battle box! let the painting begin!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jfoodmaster on March 12, 2012, 09:28:57 PM
Got the battle box! let the painting begin!

Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: EricD on March 13, 2012, 04:30:33 PM
Unfortunately, I will be out of town moving my stuff from Atlanta to Providence that weekend. Have a good time.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jfoodmaster on March 13, 2012, 08:55:31 PM
Unfortunately, I will be out of town moving my stuff from Atlanta to Providence that weekend. Have a good time.

We'll see you at the next event!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Khornagaunt on March 21, 2012, 10:58:34 AM
Hey, since I have 3 almost fully-painted battleboxes, if I were to let my friends going use them instead of their own unpainted minis, how would that affect the painting competition?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 21, 2012, 02:59:10 PM
If they win, they give you the monies?  ;)
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 21, 2012, 06:28:48 PM
Is the sign up for this open already?
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 21, 2012, 08:25:06 PM
Yeah.  It opens up as soon as the event post is up.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Khornagaunt on March 22, 2012, 12:40:29 AM
If they win, they give you the monies?  ;)

Works for me then. Time to get painting!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on March 22, 2012, 12:57:36 AM
I can't force them to do that though.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on March 31, 2012, 05:50:10 PM
Great Tournament guys, thanks everyone for coming and being great sports!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Khornagaunt on March 31, 2012, 06:37:20 PM
Yeah, thanks to everyone who came out, and to all my really outstanding opponents. Those were some great games, and came down to wire a few times. Can't wait for the next one!
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on April 01, 2012, 01:58:39 AM
Khornagaunt, hey were you the black haired press ganger playing the Menoth? and yeah, i totally agree, i would love to organize some more warmahordes tournaments, i like the idea of the make a terrible army and then switch with your opponent =P. though i think it would be better to keep them small, maybe a 25 point tournament? that way some of the new players who showed up can participate.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: EStenberg on April 02, 2012, 12:34:11 PM
I hope the tournament went well! I thought it was going to be on sunday not saturday and when my girlfriend told me that it was saturday at around 1 o'clock we ran down there as fast as possible and we accidentally went to the wrong store... So we got to plainville around 4 o'clock and I guess we just missed the end of the tourney.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on April 02, 2012, 08:00:44 PM
ouch! You missed a good one, but don't worry, a lot of us have been pestering people for more tournaments and events, so another one should roll around soon enough.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Chase on April 02, 2012, 08:24:21 PM
Plainville will do another tournament in May.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: Khornagaunt on April 02, 2012, 11:54:51 PM
Chase, that's great to hear. And canadianone, no, I was the Cryx guy. And just to give you all a heads up, Pandemonium in Cambridge is having a 35 pt steamroller on April 14.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: canadianone on April 03, 2012, 06:19:52 AM
ahhhhh, in that case  >:( shakes fist at angrily. Just kidding, honestly that was a really fun game. Chase, someone suggested an idea for the tournament where you write as bad a list as possible, but then you switch that list with your opponent if you are looking for ideas.
Title: Re: [Plainville MA] Warmachine / Hordes Battle Box Event - March 31st
Post by: jfoodmaster on April 04, 2012, 08:32:33 PM
I would like to thank everyone who came out. This was my first organized tournament as a Pressganger.

Chase says there'll be another tourney in May and I'll organize that one too. I've already got an idea. No hints though.