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Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Topic started by: Loranus on October 11, 2011, 02:09:31 AM

Title: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Loranus on October 11, 2011, 02:09:31 AM
Been Working on a Salamander's Captain paint scheme wondering if people might be able to give me some advice/criticism on it before I continue painting him.



I know an arm isn't on there painting it separately haven't even started on it yet.
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Ed on October 11, 2011, 07:58:53 AM
its coming together really good just start painting in the cracks and watch some hylight vids on youtube and you'll be good
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Henry R on October 11, 2011, 09:49:32 AM
Yes, he is coming along quite well, as Intro Pack Ed said, watch a few videos on highlights and you should have a nice tabletop miniature. Also, the metallic parts could use some work, a wash can do wonders for metallic! Devlan mud is the wash of choice (for me) when it comes to a bronze or copper color like that. You can also create your own wash with a dark brown color (scorched brown and dark flesh work well) and some water. Awesome job on the cape by the way!
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Rurouni Benshin on October 11, 2011, 09:34:17 PM
Nice job so far!  Do you plan on giving him a ranged weapon for the other arm?  And are you going to use the "Captain" backpack from the Commander sprue as well?

My suggestion for the backpack: paint it Mithral Silver.  I don't know what the rest of your Salamanders army paint scheme is like, but I always like painting the backpacks on my marines a different color from their armor.

And like Ed and (Freddie?) Mercury have said, washes and highlights will make the model stand out.  I like both Badab Black and Devlen Mud, but being as the face of your Captain is already black, Devlen Mud will probably suffice alone.  Good luck!
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Loranus on October 11, 2011, 11:55:27 PM
Old School Metal Captain :P they didnt have that backpack for him and ya hes getting a Ranged weapon and as well as the rest of my Salamander's models this is the first one im painting :P.
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Henry R on October 12, 2011, 09:47:41 AM

(Freddie?) Mercury

Lol. Yes, Freddie Mercury was my icon for a while, but now it's Claudia Schiffer. Mercury sounded cool anyway.   ;D
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Ed on October 12, 2011, 10:18:44 AM
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Tharcil on October 12, 2011, 11:10:41 AM
Captain needs more HAT!
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: canadianone on October 12, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
out of curiosity, what weapon are you giving him?
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Benjamin on October 12, 2011, 12:53:07 PM
If you put yellow dots on his face, he'd look like a spotted salamander.
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Loranus on October 12, 2011, 01:47:03 PM
Ben knows this captain  :) but ya being a metal model he came with the sword already attached and a stormbolter.
Title: Re: Advice on Salamanders Captain
Post by: Rurouni Benshin on October 12, 2011, 04:55:28 PM
You can probably modify the gun arm with something different with a little Green Stuff.  Personally, I don't think Storm Bolters are that great of a weapon for Infantry models.  Since he's a Salamanders Captain, I think a Combi-Flamer or Combi-Melta would suit him more.  Heck, even a regular Bolt Pistol would work better, IMHO.  That way, with the Pistol, you can get an extra attack in CC (assuming your sword is a Power Weapon), and if you go with the Combi-weapon, upgrade the sword to a Relic Blade to make better use the combination. 

But hey, that's just my personal take on the Storm Bolter... 

Good luck!