Battleground Games Forum
Battleground Games & Hobbies => News & Rumors => Topic started by: buddyzen on October 10, 2008, 09:37:34 AM
i heard that they were in the making of another lord of the rings movie is that true?? that would be so awesome if they created the silmarilion or made a actually hobit movie instead of some stupid cartoon thing not even worth watching.
Yeah, they (Peter Jackson et. al.) are doing "The Hobbit". No idea when it's due out or anything...
Peter jackson stated after king kong that he was 3 i believe movies slated before he even gets started on the Hobbit, but that he will be doing it
Guillermo del Toro is signed on to do the Hobbit and a follow-up movie bridging the gap between the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
O_O awesome !
the follow-up movie should tell the story of how the dwarves got driven from Moria, how the Balrog got there, and how Balin died.