Battleground Games Forum

Games Workshop => Warhammer Fantasy => Topic started by: Poo the Great on October 05, 2008, 08:45:50 AM

Title: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Poo the Great on October 05, 2008, 08:45:50 AM
There will be a 1000pt Warhammer Fantasy Tournament this coming saturday (10-11)

Start time is at 11am (Get there early to enter and such)
There will be 4 rounds of mayhem
There will be 4 Scenarios so plan your army accordingly
Entry fee is $10
Legal Tournament Army Lists Only!

Some rumors as to the Scenarios: Pitched Battle, Assassinate, Invade, Hold Objective, and who else knows

Any Questions Post here or ask Derek or myself (My Name is Ben)

In the event that someone would really like to play, but doesn't have an full army ready. I may be so kind as to allow someone to use my armies.

They are...

Mortals of Chaos
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Opforce3 on October 06, 2008, 12:11:09 PM
you should post this on the danger planet forum. im sure some people from there would come down
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: dwarfenking on October 06, 2008, 08:29:19 PM
i might be able to make it. i was wondering if i could use your brettoian army, well i have a large dwarf army but i was thinking of starting a brettonian army and i was wondering if i could borrow it, to see how it plays. this is all depending on if i can make it or not though. also is there an age limitation?if you're not comfortable with lendeng me the brettonians its fine
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Poo the Great on October 07, 2008, 06:23:35 AM
As far as the age limitations are concerned, as long as the person knows how to play the game without needing help every few moments and doesn't cause any problems then I don't see why not. How young are we talking here?

Sure you can use my Bretonnians. Just because I have pretty limited units in the army all of my army lists will be pregenerated. They will be the lists that I would use if I was playing with them, so don't worry about me making a solid peasent list, or anything terrible.

Armies left to play...
Mortals of Chaos
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: dwarfenking on October 07, 2008, 07:51:02 AM
im 12 years old but i know how to play pretty well im just a little shaky on the magic rules and all of the tests but i have a pretty good idea of how they work, i can brush up on them. as for the brettonian army, thanks for letting me use it. ill know in a day or two if i can go.
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Lykosan on October 07, 2008, 09:49:37 AM
My rats will be there to squeak in droves.
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: jchrisobrien on October 08, 2008, 04:30:27 PM
I hope to make it down, with Skaven or Dark Elves or High Elves.

Will there be comp or paint scoring involved in this?
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Poo the Great on October 08, 2008, 05:18:29 PM
yes sir
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: dwarfenking on October 08, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
about those brettonians, i think ill march my dwarfs down from the mountains to play in the tournament.
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Rob S on October 08, 2008, 11:13:48 PM
It appears that the Dawi Zharr won't be taking part in this tournament.  I have a party I'm going to at around 2 or 3 and don't want to cut out in the middle of the tournament.  We will need to find more slaves at a later date.
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Poo the Great on October 10, 2008, 05:37:23 PM
One more thing that I'm sure you would all know to do anyway but it needs to be said so no excuses

at least 2

Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: General Leevous on October 10, 2008, 10:07:46 PM
THE CHEESE STANDS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
Title: Re: 1000pt Warhammer Tourney
Post by: Imp on October 11, 2008, 09:40:27 PM
sadly i had my son or the Great goblin horde would have run over all stomped their enimes underfoot

~Stout of heart, thick of skull  WAAAAAAAAGH!!