Battleground Games Forum
Games Workshop => Warhammer 40K => Topic started by: KingElthur on March 21, 2010, 12:45:26 AM
I had to leave because I needed sleep before work, so I wasn't able to stay for the end of the MegaBattle. Can anyone tell me who won? Overall and per table if possible. Also, who won awards and/or prizes?
Moon Chaos Wins, no imperials left. Main Table chaos wins by something like 2 points. Sewers Imperials win handily. Overall scores were chaos 51.4 To Imperial 50.83 or something. Chaos wins by less than a point.
W00T!! Disorder finally won!
Epic titan on titan action.
E.T.T.A.? That sounds dirty........ surprised Kevin hasn't said anything about it.
Here were the special awards:
Best Modeled/Painted Mobile Objective: Paul Gaughran for his Death Corps Guardsman with a beheaded tyranid
Master of Objectives: Alan Knowles with Steve Riley assisting for scoring objectives more than any other player.
First Casualty: Brandon Dufresne for the first model death of the day.
Most Awesome Act of Awesome: Bryan Magnuson for his glorious challenge of (and ultimate defeat by) the hideous demon A'angrath (played by Rich Bourque).
Steve D Award: Steve D - enough said.
Mutiny: Nate Stilgoe for the magnificent malfunctioning Doomsday Device.
Overkill: Nick Hough & Mike Do for the Emperor Titan moon dance.
Epic Last Stand: Bob Butler for being the last surviving Order model on the surface of the moon.
Best Use of a Strategic Asset: Brandon Dufresne's unbelievably resilient Necrons by using the Reconstruction Scarabs.
Super Heavies? We don't need no superheavies: Dave Haber-Mattie for his refusal to use super heavies while still managing to remain relevant to the battle... for the third year in a row.
Thanks for the update, much appreciated.
I have shared pictures of the event on my blog. I need to preface the link by saying I used a different camera than usual and ended up with a lot of crappy pictures. I got rid of a bunch and have 180+ left. A chunk of them are blurry or poorly exposed. I'm really sorry about that and hope Photoshop will help.
Needless to say I won't be using that camera again. Shiny new thing fools me again. :(
If anyone has any pictures of the event they are most likely better than what I have. Would those with these pictures be willing to send them to me so I can share them on my blog with all the other content?
For those with Facebook you can find an album on my profile page with the pictures and people in them tagged. Please tag yourself and those you know.
40k Megabattle 2010 Pictures (
I also live-blogged the event at 3rd Annual BG 40k Megabattle (
Pirate Titan for the win!
Nice work, but you weren't kidding about those pictures.
I'm looking into some things in PSD to hopefully fix that...or at least make it not as bad. /sigh
Here's the breakdown:
Moon Planet Surface Sewer
Order Disorder Order Disroder Order Disorder
Round 1 - - - - - -
Round 2 10 20 30 10 7.5 0
Round 3 10 30 30 10 17.5 0
Round 4 0 35 38 20 17.5 10
Round 5 0 35
Round 6 0 53
Totals: 4.0 34.6 32.7 13.3 14.2 3.3
Final Scores:
Order: 50.9
Disorder: 51.2
As you can see, it was incredibly close. Every single claimed and contested objective mattered. Failing to claim or contest any one of them, on any table, even on just one round, would have been the difference between winning and losing. Literally everything that had to do with the scoring or contesting of every objective every round was critical.
wow that point break down was epic. The game was epic. Im epic. I think?
wow that point break down was epic. The game was epic. Im epic. I think?
You are played on a far larger scale than Epic.
ugh...huh any way Im still epic and rightous. I epicly delivered rightous furry upon my foes.
ugh...huh any way Im still epic and rightous. I epicly delivered rightous furry upon my foes.
righteous furry... is that like a really angry and holy Tau player?
Rich. Log me out of your computer :)
Rich. Log me out of your computer :)