Archive for the ‘Featured Author’ Category

Go On An Epic Journey With The ‘Ultimate Star Wars Medley’ By Player:Piano


It was kind of a slow day in the neighborhood as far as gaming news goes. So here is something cool that I covered as far as nerd culture goes. A musical group by the name Player:Piano released a new video today on their YouTube channel. They’re well known for their on-the-spot covers of video game songs. Some of those songs include Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and the Moon Theme from Duck Tales.



This time around, they’ve gone and created a 10-minute video called the “Ultimate Star Wars Medley.” This epic cover spans the score of all six movies. It’s so good that I’ve had it on repeat for most of the day. And if you’re friends with me on Facebook, you may have noticed all the link to my coverage today. This is for those of you who haven’t seen it yet. So without further ado, enjoy the show!


And yes, for those of you wondering. Those are custom pianos made for the video. They have made different pianos ranging from a pinball themed piano to one that looked like an original Nintendo Entertainment System. For more videos by Player:Piano, check out their YouTube page here.



Player:Piano is mainly made up of pianist Sonya Belousova and filmmaker Tom Grey.


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This Is What You Get When Cthulhu And Racing Mix

Fast & Fhtagn

What do you get when you combine Fast & Furious with Cthulhu? The answer is the board game Fast & Fhtagn. I have no idea who to pronounce the second word, but this game looks like a lot of fun. Who would have ever thought that you could combine these two things? Someone did and now it’s a game. Here’s the low down as to how the game is played,


“In the game, players are street racers, competing against each other in bizarre and twisted Cthulhoid cars.  The race track is unpredictable, changing randomly during the race.  The player that can take the lead at the finish line, combining racing, card modifications, and style, wins the race.”


First of all, how cool would it be to have a Cthulhu themed car in real life? Second, the fact that the track is unpredictable means that you and your friends are in for a lot of fun.


Fast & Fhtagn board

So when you get your copy of the game, here’s what you can expect in the box: 110 cards, 26 street mats, 29 tokens, 2 dice, and 3 reference sheets.  The game can handle 3 – 6 players, and is for ages 13 and up. It takes about 45 – 90 minutes to play and the  MSRP is set at $29.95.


Fast & Fhtagn card

Fast & Fhtagn is set for release in March of 2016.


Source: ICv2


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MTG Card Of The Day: Teferi’s Puzzle Box


There exists a card in Magic that some people despise. A card that can mess with someone’s game plan so bad that when you play it, you become target number one. That card is Teferi’s Puzzle Box. I can’t tell you the number of times that this has cause people to make me their number one priority in Commander games. Well, either you love me or you hate with me all of your passion.


Obviously, on a personal level, I love this card. It allows you to dig through your deck in a matter of a few turns. Now when you’re playing with a deck that consists of 100 cards, how could you not love that? Well, I guess if you have a hand you really like and then you’re forced to throw it away. It’s not like the cards go into your graveyard though. Oh well.


I highly recommend giving this card a shot. The best part is that since it’s an artifact, it doesn’t matter what colored mana you have out. And it only costs four mana. Seriously, people, how can you hate this card? Learn to love it. Learn to embrace it.


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Holiday Gift Idea: ‘Alhambra’

alhambra board game box

It’s that time of the year again. The time when many of you have live trees in their livings rooms, all decorated with various colored orbs, lights, and other garments. Under them you lay boxes of all sizes and wrapped in your favorite themed paper. Well, if your one of the many who struggle with what to wrap and put under that tree, here is an idea – Alhambra! This is one of the best board games I’ve played in a while. It’s easy to learn and very fun to play. There’s a lot of strategy that can be applied, but you also have to depend on a bit of luck. The best thing is that the store carries a few copies and it’s very affordable.


alhambra game layout

Don’t believe me. Just check out the game in action. It was featured on an episode of Tabletop with Wil Wheaton. Enjoy!



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Magic Card of The Day: Firecat Blitz


Sometime in 2003, I entered my first real Magic: The Gathering tournament. And by real, I mean it wasn’t your local FNM. It was the New England Regional. This was back when Regional events still existed and when these events were actually limited to a certain area. This wasn’t States where you could go to any state and play. People from all over the region came to play, and it was a serious event.


This format for the event was Standard, and this was the season that decks like Astral Slide, Roar of the Wurm, and Mirari’s Wake ruled the scene. The format was pretty healthy, actually as other decks like Elves, Clerics, and Mono Black Control also did well, but not as well as the previously mentioned.


As for the Wake decks, the most popular choice was to play the three-colored, Cunning Wake version of the deck. However, I had chosen to play the more obscure four-colored Burning Wake version of the deck. For those of you who don’t know. Cunning Wake relied on Cunning Wish which was part of a cycle of cards that could get a single card from “outside” the game and put it in your hand. By outside, they meant Side Board, but casual players would take it to extremes and literally drive home for a card and bring it back to the store or wherever they were playing at the time. More specifically, Cunning Wish could only get you an Instant. Burning Wish was a card that got you a Sorcery.


Cunning Wake was the better of the two decks since timing was everything. You could use Cunning Wish during your opponents turn or yours. Where as with Burning Wish you were limited to your turn. However, Burning Wish was able to grab a fun little card called Firecat Blitz, and this card was a monster. Combined with the mana producing power and pumping ability of Mirari’s Wake, this spell would kill hundreds of opponents.


That’s why it’s today’s card of the day.


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Look at these new self-rolling dice!

self rolling dice

I’m not quite sure where to categorize something like this. Either it’s the coolest thing ever invented for gamers, or it’s the dumbest thing that could exist. Let me introduce you to self-rolling dice. These bad boys have a tiny motor in them and are activated by sound. So, basically, with a snap of a finger, they’ll begin to “dance” around. Whatever side they land on is the roll you get! Hence why they are also nicknamed “boogie dice.” Here, check out the video of them in action.



So what did you think? Would you get yourself of self-rolling dice?


Some final thoughts on these dice – I think its great that people are going out of their way to mix technology and tabletop gaming. It makes you wonder what other inovations can people come up with. Another positive look on these self-rolling dice is that these might help disabled gamers. For those who can’t pick up dice and roll them, this could be an interesting alternative. Now, you don’t have to “snap” your fingers to make them roll. They activate based on any sound. Which leads me to some negatives about the dice. Role playing groups are notoriously loud, or at least they can get loud. So what’s stopping these dice from dancing around the entire playthrough?


The can currently be found on Kickstater. A fully charged die can roll for about 30 minutes – that equates to about 500 activations, according to the report. The suggested MSRP for two dice and a charging station is $39.99. There is no word yet on whether these will be sold at retail locations.


Source: ICv2


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