Archive for the ‘Featured Author’ Category

This week in Magic: Pick a deck, and stick with it

Thassa god of the sea

This past weekend, I tried my luck at the SCG Open Series in Providence. The format: Standard. How did I do? I did terrible. However, like all my failures, I learned a lot, and maybe you can learn from them as well.


Lesson one: Pick a deck


Pick a deck and learn it. Days leading up to the event, I had decided to play Mono-Black with a splash of Green for SCG Providence. However, also, leading up to the day of the tournament, I couldn’t make up my mind and stick with a deck. I was able to play test a few decks to “run the gauntlet.” While playing those decks, they seemed more and more appealing to play. Sadly, I didn’t realize I was headed for a rabbit hole I would never find myself climbing out of in time.


Some of the other decks I played around with included RW Burn, and a form of GB Constellation. I would eventually end up on Esper Control. It’s a deck I, technically, have been playing since the beginning of the Theros block. The early incarnations of the deck even helped me get second place at the Massachusetts TCG States tournament last fall. So, by default it was a deck I had the most experience with.


Unfortunately this decision had come a little too late, as it was made the night before the event. This was the one thing that I wanted to avoid the most, and it still happened. I guess I was doomed all the way through.


Lesson two: Play something you’re most comfortable with


I’ve had equal success with all the decks I previously mentioned. I’ve also had equal amounts of failure with them as well. However, I don’t think playing Esper Control was a terrible decision. Out of all the decks, it may have been the one I was most comfortable with. Well, it was probably a toss-up between that deck and RW Burn.


I’m not a very strong Pack Rat player, and thus why Mono-Black would have been a bad choice for me. I know I put on the early work, but I’m sure I would have been worse off with that deck. In retrospect, I think I should have gone with RW Burn. I know I talked about having the most experience with Esper, though. So, which is more important? Comfort level or experience level. I think they go hand-in-hand. Given the situation though, Esper is a much more complicated deck. At least, it’s more complicated than RW Burn.


Final verdict: it should have been RW Burn from the very beginning. I’ve always had a knack for that deck ever since I started playing it. However, I got discouraged after one poor FNM performance. I gave up too easily, and that’s my fault. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it in the blogs, but I know I’ve probably said it to other people. I wanted to play it at the Boxborough 5K a couple of months ago, and I joked about making an audible to it the night before SCG Providence. Next time I have a gut feeling, maybe I should go with it, especially if it comes to playing RW Burn.


I’ve been having the same inclination in modern as well. I’ve been wanting to play Mono Red Burn. However, I’m worried about how it will do in the later rounds. I guess I’ll never know until I take it to a tournament and run with it.


Looking back at SCG Providence


If the results of last week could speak, they would say that the state of the Standard format is very alive and healthy. Remember the days of Caw Blade?  Out of the Top 8 decks, only two were the same. In the end, Ross Merriam and his Mono-Blue Devotion deck took the top prize.


Some people say that Mono-Blue was well positioned to win, but who even remembered that this was a deck? I didn’t. In fact, it wasn’t even part of the “gauntlet” I had put together in my failed play testing sessions.


For those of you who are interested, Ross has written a wonderful primer on the deck based on his run at this past SCG Open. In the article he wonderfully states, “Sometimes, you just have to accept your limitations and play to your strengths.” Here he’s referring to the fact that a lot of his success has come from only playing “cheap blue creatures and mana elves.”


I remember looking at the results and thinking to myself how great of an example Ross is to the lessons I wrote about above. Now, I don’t know what his play testing was like or his preparations were heading in the SCG Open in Providence. Just from the first two paragraphs he wrote in his article, it’s obvious he went with a deck he knows best and not a deck he thought would be the best out there. “I tried playing Sphinx’s Revelation once in Theros Standard and turned a 4-0 performance in Legacy into a 4-4 day 1 at the Indianapolis Invitational and a pile of frustration.”


A small announcement


If you know me personally, you’d know that I’m pretty much glued to Twitter and Facebook, and all other sorts of social media. Well, since I’m always online, I figured I’d do Battleground Games a solid and offer some of my social media services. For whatever reason, they were crazy enough to accept my offer. So, I guess this is my little formal announcement letting you all know that I’ll be taking on the role of “Community Manager.”


What does this mean? Aside from “word-of-mouth,” social media is a huge means of communication. So, if you’re not on Facebook or Twitter, or anything else, you may want to consider getting on board. One of the things I’m hoping to improve upon is getting the word out about in-store events. For example, did you know that this Saturday, June 14th, there is a Grand Prix Trial for GP Worcester/Boston? It’ll be held at the Plainville location. It’ll be a Modern format event, and the top prize will be a two-round bye at GP Worcester/Boston in July. Other prizes will include store credit based on attendance. For more information make sure to click here.


See? That wasn’t too bad right? I’m going to try my best to make sure that people know what’s going on at both stores. I’m not talking just about “Magic: The Gathering” either (although, forgive me if you see a focus there). I’m going to do my best to get the word out about Warhammer 40K, Warmachine, DnD, Weiss Schwarz, Board Game Night, etc.


Hopefully I’ll eventually become a centralized point where you can ask me something and I can get you an answer. That way you’re not chasing numerous people down to get a single question answered. So, if you haven’t already, make sure you follow Battleground Games & Hobbies on Twitter (@Battleground_GH) and on Facebook (click here for a link to their page).


That’s it for now. Let me know what you think of this post, of my new role, or what’s on your mind. If you want, you can also follow me on Twitter @SimeonCortezano. Make sure you say hello!


About the author


Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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This week in magic: Brace Yourself, Modern is coming!

Welcome to another “This Week in Magic.” What do you folks think of that title? I have to admit, I borrowed it from one of my favorite shows growing up, “This Week in Baseball” or “TWIB” as some people know it. Not a baseball fan? Okay, moving on.


This week I present a fun little deck you and your buddies can try out at this Friday’s FNM. Now, those of you at Battleground Games & Hobbies may have seen it played already, but in case you weren’t there, here’s the decklist:


Main board:

4 Elvish Mystic

4 Sylvan Caryatid

4 Courser of Kruphix

4 Jace, Architect of Thought

4 Peregrination

4 Riddle of Lightning

4 Blast of Genius

4 Worldspine Wurm

4 Enter the Infinite

4 Temple of Epiphany

2 Temple of Abandon

4 Temple of Mystery

4 Breeding Pool

2 Stomping Sround

4 Forest

2 Mountain

2 Island


Side board:

4 Mizzium Mortars

2 Prognostic Sphinx

1 Opportunity

2 Negate

2 Gainsay

2 Unravel the Aether

2 Agoraphobia


This is a list that Tomoharu Saito posted on his Twitter page when Journey Into Nyx came out. This is a really fun deck to play and the look on your opponent will not disappoint you. The trick is knowing when to pull the trigger for Riddle of Lightning. There are definitely going to be a few occasions when you swing and miss with that card. However, when you hit, you hit hard. The best card in the deck is Blast of Genius. What you really want to do is draw into another Blast of Genius. There is going to be a great chance that you’ll already have one of your big spells in your hand to discard. So drawing into multiple Blasts is the best thing that could happen to you.


blast of genius

One suggestion I have for this list is to try Dictate of Karametra in place of Peregrination. Dictate costs one extra, but you should be okay considering you’re running a little bit of ramp in the Caryatids. Speaking of which, the Caryatids and Course will be your best friends because they’ll be your only line of defense from the onslaught of early and aggressive decks. Luckily they have big butts and this should carry you until you can go off.


It should be important to note that this deck plays more like a combo deck than anything. Try to hold out as long as you can in casting your burn spells until you know you can kill your opponent in one swing. The side board is just a suggestion. So change it up however you feel. Otherwise, good luck and have fun!


Modern is coming!


modern is coming

Actually, it’s been here for a while already. However, now that June is here we can really talk about Modern. Speaking of which, did you know that Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington and Plainville are hosting GPTs for GP Worcester? The first one will be held on Saturday, June 14, in Plainville. The second one will be held Sunday, June 29, in Abington. Of course the format for both events will be Modern, and entrance into both will be $25 for each event.


The trial in Abington will also feature a box of Modern Masters to first place in addition to the byes for GP Worcester. The times of the event are different though. For more information click here.


Are you still wondering what to play for Modern? It can be a little expensive to get into Modern. Currently you can try your hands on the new Event Deck that was recently released. Battleground Games does have them in stock. The new event deck features a decent introduction to B/W Tokens. The thing to remember about this deck is that it’s a stepping stone into Modern. So, please, don’t expect to win a major tournament with it. However, with the right tweaks and tools, you could be well on your way.


If that’s not your cup of tea, though, you can always try your hand at a more “budget” oriented deck. Something you could try is good ol’ mono red burn. Here’s the list:


Main board:

20 Mountain

4 Goblin Guide

4 Hellspark Elemental

4 Spark Elemental

4 Flames of the Blood Hand

4 Lava Spike

4 Lightning Bolt

4 Rift Bolt

4 Searing Blaze

4 Shard Volley

4 Skullcrack


Side board:

3 Combust

2 Molten Rain

2 Relic of Progenitus

2 Satyr Firedancer

3 Searing Blood

3 Smash to Smithereens


It’s simple and straight to the point. In Modern, thanks to fetch lands and shock lands, sometimes you’ll find your opponent starting at 17 or even 14 life. That means with a few well placed burn spells, you could be on your way winning game after game, and so on.


Modern can be a very skill intensive format, so don’t go in thinking all you have to do is tap your lands and play stuff to win. Look both ways before you cross the street. Practice and get to know your deck. Those are the keys to success.


Besides the Goblin Guides, this is a very affordable deck. The Guides can go anywhere between $10-$12. You just have to keep your eye out for the right deal. I know for a fact the online store (at the time of this writing) has some in stock. However, don’t wait too long to pull the trigger, because they’ll go fast now that the season is underway.


If you really want to try your luck, you can always play the Standard R/W Boros Burn deck and play that in Modern. It might be a little bit slower, but it could be just as effective. Give it a shot!


For more information on GP Worcester, then click here.  GP Worcester will be held from July 25-27 at the DCU Convention Center in Worcester, Mass.


Extra Life


Hey everyone! Just letting you know that May was a pretty successful month in getting closer to my goal of $1000 for Extra Life. June is here and it’s time to step up even more. I fell a little short of my month goal, but no worries. It’s time to hit it out of the ballpark for this month. For June, I’ve set a target of $400! That means I’m looking to raise just $200. You can donate anywhere from $5 to $500. If I hit that goal of $400, I’m going to pick two random people who donated. One lucky winner will get a copy of “Takenoko” and the other will get a copy of “Rampage!” How cool is that? And all this goes towards a great charity and cause, the Children’s Miracle Network and, in particular, the Boston Children’s Hospital.


Game photos cropped resize

So what are you waiting for? Click on the Extra Life banner below and donate today, please. Thanks! (Oh, and tell all your friends and family members about it)


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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This Week in Magic: Game Day results, Conspiracy, and missing cards

This one is for Maynard


This past weekend I won one of the Game Day tournaments that Battleground Games had at the Abington store. I also dedicated my win to Aaron Maynard for the heck of it. Considering what happened last time, I definitely learned my lesson from the previous Game Day, and made sure I suggested a split in the Top 4. For those of you who don’t know, during the last Game Day I tried to win it all, and failed miserably.


Even though I struggled with it the last time I played the deck, I felt that Mono Black would give me the best chance to win the tournament, or at least do well. I once again made some changes to the deck the last time I talked about it. For reference, here is what I played.


Main board:

4 Desecration Demon

4 Lifebane Zombie

4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel

4 Pack Rat

4 Hero’s Downfall

4 Thoughtseize

4 Underworld Connections

2 Devour Flesh

2 Bile Blight

3 Abrupt Decay

4 Temple of Malady

4 Overgrown Tomb

4 Mutavault

2 Mana Confluence

11 Swamp


Side board:

4 Duress

3 Erebos, God of the Undead

2 Dark Betrayal

2 Golgari Charm

3 Doom Blade

1 Devour Flesh


I’m not going to get into a full report here, but I feel like this is the best configuration of the deck. While, originally, this may have been set up to take on the mirror match, having Abrupt Decay in the deck is a nice addition. It’s especially nice in the control match-up where your opponent may Detention Sphere or Banishing Light a permanent that is vital to your success.


Having Lifebane Zombie in my sideboard was a choice I made in order to give myself more options in the side board. I have had quite a few discussions over whether or not Nightveil Specter is better in the main board, and my personal choice is the Lifebane Zombie. This allowed me to fit more removal in the side board for the more random aggro decks that can, sometimes, just blow me out of the water.


I think it really helps that I learned more about the deck, especially how to sideboard. When I went into the Boxborough TCG Player 5K, I was still really new to the deck, and I guess I still am. For this Game Day, though, I took the time to read more into the deck and learn how to sideboard for various decks out there.


I have a feeling this is the deck I’ll be playing if I attend the upcoming Open Series in Rhode Island, June 7.


A Conspiracy is coming


Also coming next week are the Conspiracy release tournaments.


These are looking like a lot of fun. Here is a quick breakdown of how the tournaments will run at Battleground Games & Hobbies:


• Players will be sat in 8-man pods as soon as we have 8 people registered. Seating will be determined randomly.

• Each player will receive 3 Conspiracy booster packs to draft. The draft itself and deck building period will not be timed.

• Once all players have finished building their decks, we will seat the first round by breaking the players up into two different 4-player groups. Each group will play one game together.

• Each event will last for 2 rounds, each round will have a 75 minute time limit.

• At the conclusion of the first round we will take the winner and the last player eliminated (the top 2) from each of the 4 player groups and pair them together in round 2. We will also take the first two players eliminated from each group (bottom 2) and pair them together in round 2.

• If time expires in a round and the top two players have not been determined, the two players with the most life will be considered the “winners.”

• In round two, the group made up the the “winners” will receive 3 booster packs for each player they eliminate from the game. Players that are not in the “winners group” will receive 1 booster pack for each player they eliminate.

• The only way to win booster packs is to eliminate players from the game in round 2.

• Players will be expected to provide any additional product their draft may require.


If you plan on participating in these events, there are a few cards to keep your eyes out for. From some of the videos provided by Wizards of the Coast, a couple of the cards players can expect in the set are Brainstorm and Swords to Plowshares. This is very exciting because not only are these great cards to play with, but it gives newer players a chance to get their hands on older, and more powerful, spells that might, otherwise, be out of reach for them. In addition, Wizards reprinted Misdirection and Exploration. This is very exciting for players and collectors. Misdirection and Exploration are key cards in a few Legacy decks. However, they’re not limited to those types of players. If you play EDH, then these are some cards that you may want to add to your decks because they can do some silly things.


Misdirection and Exploration

Be aware though, Wizards recently put out an article already banning the 13 “Conspiracy” cards from tournament play in the Vintage format. With their bans comes a banning in EDH as well since the lists coincide with one another.


Have you seen my Tarmogoyf?


This past Friday, someone lost a Tarmogoyf during FNM. Derek took the time to address the situation and, politely, ask if anyone had to return it. When he made the announcement, the tone in his voice was that there was slim to none chance that the card would be returned. This was a little disheartening because, for the most part, I knew most of the people in the room and no one spoke up. Now, I don’t know if the card was later found or not, but at that moment, I would have thought someone would have had it.


There were a few people that were not familiar to me that night. It may have been because we were running a Modern tournament as well, and so a few fresh faces come out every now and then. Still, I thought our community was tighter than that.


Obviously I don’t know all of the details surrounding the missing card, but there is something I’d like to say. If it turns out you found the card and you happen to be a regular at the store, then there should be no hesitation in returning the card and giving the owner a hard time about almost losing it. However, if you did keep the card, then that is sad. Why would you do that to one of your peers? Whether you play Magic or not.


I would hope that, in the future, if something like this were to ever happen, the situation be resolved immediately and without any kind of loss. We all come to the store to have a good time and to socialize with our friends. If you don’t know any of us, then say hello. We don’t bite. Some of us may be weird, and others may be weirder, but we’re all friendly in the end.


If that’s not your prerogative and you come just to play the game to win, then that’s fine, but please don’t ruin a game that we all like to have fun with. And yes, I like to have fun with the game, even if you’ve just beaten me and I look like I want to punch you. I’d punch you with all of my love.


Ps. There is only a few days left in May to get me to my goal of $300 for the month. Please click on the Extra Life banner below and donate today! I have other giveaways planned, but I want this to succeed before I can do the others. Thanks!


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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Revisiting Mono Green Devotion For Friday Night Magic

Reverent Hunter

This past Friday, for FNM, I played a fun Mono Green deck. I guess you could say, it was a strict budget deck. I spent less than $20 on the cards that I needed, and less than $10 on cards I needed for the main board. This was also the first time I played the deck. That tends to be the case with a lot of decks I play. However, it makes things a lot more fun when you learn things on a whim.


I should also mention that this deck was not my creation. This deck was found from the “Decks of the Week” section on This deck was played by “ph_crescens,” and they went 4-0 with the deck.


So, without further ado, here is what I played:


Main board:

4 Elvish Mystic

4 Experiment One

3 Dryad Militant

4 Brushstrider

4 Burning -Tree Emissary

4 Kalonian Tusker

3 Wild Beastmaster

3 Reverent Hunter

4 Slaughterhorn

4 Aspect of the Hydra

2 Giant Growth

2 Ranger’s Guile

19 Forest


Side board:

3 Unravel the Aether

1 Skylasher

4 Mistcutter Hydra

2 Hunt the Hunter

1 Mending Touch

2 Ranger’s Guile

2 Plummet


This deck was a lot of fun to play. I was able to win many game ones, but I ended up losing all my games after that. I lost my element of surprise and didn’t have enough reach. Still, losing helped me understand the deck more. With that, I now have a better idea as to what the deck needs.


While I really wanted to stay on budget, this deck really needs Mutavaults. There was no worse feeling that right after a Supreme Verdict. Once that was cast, I had lost all advantage. If I were running Mutavaults, not only would I still have a threat on the board, the pump spells that remained in my hand would never have gone to waste.


Wild Beastmaster is a really cool card. Well, it’s cool when you can actually trigger it with a pump spell. Otherwise, it is absolutely terrible and is the first thing I would replace. It was obviously respected by my opponents because every time I played it, it would die right away. So what could replace it?


Boon Satyr would be a really great addition to this deck. It’s a 4/2 for three mana, and it’s cost helps add to the overall devotion because it has two green symbols in its cost. The added bestow ability is great for those times the deck begins to flood out. Not to mention, it helps in those situations where your opponent casts Supreme Verdict.  It also helps add to your devotion with the two green mana symbols in its casting cost. This will help boost our Reverent Hunter and some new additions to the sideboard which we’ll get to in a bit.


He wasn’t in our original build, but Polukranos, World Eater would be excellent for this deck. He’s a little more than a budget card, but those rules went out the door when I found the need to add Mutavault. A 5/5 for four mana is hardly something that you can ignore, especially since it has the monstrous ability and helps add to your devotion.


What green deck would be without Nylea , God of the Hunt? Because she is a Legendary Enchantment, and her becoming a creature is dependent on your current board state, she has to be limited to 2-3 copies. However, she should be a power house in this deck. Even if she doesn’t become a creature, she finally give your creatures the reach this deck has been needing which is trample. She can also pump your creatures to an absurd number.


So where does this leave us? As far as the main board is concerned, here is what I think should be run:


4 Elvish Mystic

4 Experiment One

3 Voyaging Satyr

4 Courser of Kruphix

4 Burning -Tree Emissary

4 Kalonian Tusker

4 Boon Satyr

3 Reverent Hunter

4 Polukranos, World Eater

2 Nylea, God of the Hunt

4 Aspect of the Hydra

4 Mutavault

4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

12 Forest


As you can see, I’ve decided to go all out with the devotion. By adding Voyaging Satyr and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, we’re aiming to get our big guys out there as fast as we can and hit them hard before they know what hit them. However, this deck will definitely have its vulnerabilities. For example, once your opponent has an idea as to what’s going on, then the right removal spell will set you back to the stone age.


If you play this deck, you’re pretty much committed from the very beginning. So lay down the beats as much as you can. Here is an example side board if you still are having trouble coming up with one:


2 Arbor Colossus

4 Mistcutter Hydra

3 Nylea’s Disciple

3 Ranger’s Guile

3 Mending Touch


Mistcutter Hydra and Skylashers should help you against the control matchup or anything that has blue in it. Ranger’s Guile will help you against decks like Mono Black where removal spells are dominant. Mending touch is something to think about and is a neat little trick against board wipes like Supreme Verdict. However, it only helps one creature at a time, so be wary of its limitations.


This should be a fun deck to run at an FNM. I’d be a little cautious before running it at the next major tournament. If you do decide to take it to something major, there are still some tweaks it can afford, but only some major play testing will help you figure that problem out.


If you have any suggestions on what others could play in the deck, then let us know in the comment section below. I would love to hear what other people have to say.


Ps. There is still plenty of time in May for you to help me hit that goal of $300 for my Extra-Life campaign! So donate today! One lucky person might win their own copy of Takenoko from me! Click on the banner below.

About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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This week in ‘Magic: The Gathering’ – Vintage Masters, Boxborough TCG Player 5K, and State Championships

This has been a pretty busy week for “Magic: The Gathering.” Today, Wizards of the Coast announced that they were filing a lawsuit against Cryptozoic Entertainment and Hex Entertainment. Wizards is claiming that the game “HEX: Shards of Fate” is a “clone” of “Magic.” The lawsuit goes on to include claims about “copyright, patent and trade dress infringement.”


In case you haven’t check it out, “HEX” looks a lot like “Duels of the Planeswalkers.” Even the mechanics of the game are really similar. If you asked me, “HEX” looks to be a lot of trouble.


Vintage Masters previews


In other news, the previews for Vintage Masters have started on This is really looking like a fun set for Magic Online. I’ll get into the big stuff, but for those of you who enjoy pauper, Circular Logic and Arrogant Wurm are going to be common in Vintage Masters. This means that they’ll be allowed for use in the Pauper Format. It also means that Madness will be a deck that you’ll be able to play now. I’m definitely going to build this. Want an idea of what it’ll look like? Then check this out:



2 Terramorphic Expanse

11 Forest

9 Mountain



4 Basking Rootwalla

4 Arrogant Wurm

4 Wild Mongrel

4 Gathan Raiders

4 Granger Guildmage

4 Scab-Clan Mauler

2 Werebear



4 Fiery Temper

4 Lightning Bolt

2 Firebolt

2 Lightning Axe


This was a deck list that was suggested by Gavin Verhey on DailyMTG. It’s definitely a good start. While it doesn’t play one of my favorite counterspells, this looks to be a very aggressive deck. Arrogant Wurm is a very scary creature. It’s much scarier when you can get him out earlier than his five mana casting cost. As fun as this deck looks, I’m still going to try to find a way to play U/G Madness.


Obviously, the main attraction of the Vintage Masters will be the release of the Power 9. In case you didn’t read the announcement, a new rarity was created just for the Power 9. This new rarity is called “Special.” Ironically, there is nothing special about the name and is rather lack luster.


According to DailyMTG, a piece of power can be opened at a ratio of one out of every 53 packs. They’ll also be twice as rare as a Mythic rare. I asked a really popular Magic finance guru what his thoughts were on the price of these cards online, and he had this to say,


What’s even cooler is that Force of Will is going to be a rare in the set. I believe Mana Drain will also be in Vintage Masters. This is going to be a really popular set on Magic Online. The best part is that because this is a digital product, we don’t have to think about limited print runs. Granted, they won’t be available forever online, but players won’t have to worry about Wizards running out of cards to sell because they didn’t print enough.


Boxborough TCG Player 5K


The TCG Player 5K was held in Boxborough, Mass. last weekend. I went despite some early morning health issues. However, they subsided by the time I got to the event. I went with a couple of friends and some a few familiar faces from the Abington store.


A big shout goes out to Jesse who I also met at the event. Jesse plays Commander at the Abington store and used to be a more competitive player. Did I mention he told me he read’s my stuff!? (yeah, that’s me bragging) He was in Boxborough to get back in the thick of things. Similar to me. I’ve been trying to get back into the competitive groove, and I think this was a good start.


Granted, my record was horrible at the end of the day, but I felt like I got a lot out of it. If you want, you can read my full report here. State Championships


This weekend will be the State Championships. I’m currently thinking about what I want to play. At the Boxborough 5K I played B/G Devotion. It was similar to the list that had won the Open Series in Cincinnati, OH a few weekends ago.


Will any you be in attendance this weekend? Still thinking about a deck? Well here’s the deck I suggested to play at the end of my Boxborough TCG Player 5K tournament report:


Main board:

4 Desecration Demon

4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel

4 Brain Maggot

4 Lifebane Zombie

4 Underworld Connection

4 Thoughtseize

4 Hero’s Downfall

4 Devour Flesh

2 Bile Blight

1 Ultimate Price

4 Mutavault

4 Temple of Malady

4 Overgrown Tomb

13 Swamp


Side board:

4 Duress

2 Dark Betrayal

2 Doomblade

2 Erebos, God of the Undead

2 Abrupt Decay

1 Ultimate Price

2 Golgari Charm


So you may notice a few things out of place with this deck. First of all, I am terrible Pack Rat player. However, after taking it out, I quickly felt very comfortable with the deck. Sometimes they say play the deck you’re most comfortable with, and this is it. I also took out the green splash in the main board. It was moved to the side board. Also, I settled the debate over Nightveil Specter being in the main board. I decided to remove it all together and replace them with the Lifebane Zombies from the side board.


I felt that having the Zombies in the side board was limiting my side board options and, thus, didn’t give me many removal spells. I moved the Zombies to the main to open up my horizons.


So you may notice a few things out of place with this deck. First of all, I am terrible Pack Rat player. However, after taking it out, I quickly felt very comfortable with the deck. Sometimes they say play the deck you’re most comfortable with, and this is it. I also took out the green splash in the main board. It was moved to the side board. Also, I settled the debate over Nightveil Specter being in the main board. I decided to remove it all together and replace them with the Lifebane Zombies from the side board.


I felt that having the Zombies in the side board was limiting my side board options and, thus, didn’t give me many removal spells. I moved the Zombies to the main to open up my horizons. If you’re unsure about this deck, don’t forget that you still have FNM to test the deck out. So give it a shot this Friday.


Ps. There is still plenty of time in May to help me get to my goal of $300 in my Extra-Life Fundraiser. So if you’d like to donate today, then click on the banner below. The link should take you to my donation page. If I hit my goal, I’ll be giving away a copy of “Takenoko”! Thanks for donating!


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




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‘Journey Into Nyx’ Fat Pack challenge results, afterthoughts, and more

Last weekend, Battleground Games & Hobbies hosted another Fat Pack challenge for “Journey Into Nyx.” This is always a fun event. In regards to a sealed event, this one is different because players get nine packs of “Journey Into Nyx.” At a regular Sealed event, players would have normally gotten  two “Theros” packs, two “Born of the Gods” packs, and two “Journey Into Nyx” packs.


In the end, Carl Godon defeated Josh Warren for the special “Journey Into Nyx” plaque that Battleground Games had made just for the event. Here’s a picture of it. Pretty sweet, huh?


carl fat pack challenge winner


How did I do? First, thanks for asking. Secondly, I did very poorly. I ended up with only one win and three losses for the night. It was six rounds that night, so I ended up dropping early to save me the trouble of going one and five.


Unfortunately, I took my decks apart, so I can’t tell you exactly what I played. Yes, you heard me. I said, “decks.” That’s plural for more than one. After initially suffering two losses in the first two rounds, I had decided to change it up. I won the third match I played once I changed my deck. It felt good, but then I lost the following match and was gutted once again. It’s alright though. I took away many things from this Fat Pack challenge that should have me ready for the next one.


To have fun or to crush your opponents?


I wasn’t very impressed with my pool when I first looked at it. I had given up before I had even played one game. This is probably the biggest reason why I did so poorly. Could I have done anything to better my chances? Yes. By looking at things much differently.


I had built a “fun” deck. I basically took the fattest creatures I had and did my best to quickly get them out. I thought this would be fun. I was wrong. You know what’s fun, though? Winning is fun! I guess I’ve been playing this game too long. I’m at the point where I don’t enjoy losing as much. It’s understandable though, I think. I did pay to enter a tournament. If you and I are playing casually though, and I lose, the chances of me flipping the table a really low.


I paid to play, I shouldn’t have gone in with that attitude. I’m the only one to blame. So, what’s the lesson here: There is a time and place to have fun; this isn’t one of them.


‘Sigiled Starfish’ is a really cool card


One of the cards I was really impressed with was “Sigiled Starfish.” This little guy is a blue common from “Journey Into Nyx.” He only cost one and a blue, and has a power and toughness of 0/3. At this point, he’s just a cheap wall. Why is he so special? The reason being is that he can scry for you every turn (as long as you tap him)! Being able to cast him on turn two stopped a lot of early aggro. By turn three, you were fixing the top of your deck and digging for whatever answer you may need at the time.


The Starfish was so impressive I even thought about playing it in Standard. Would it be possible? Maybe. If “Augur of Bolas” was played, so why not the Starfish?


‘King Macar, the Gold-Cursed’ is the worst card ever


To clarify, “King Macar” is the worst card to ever go against. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Here’s a Tweet from another Magic player and host of his own FNM stream on


He’s right. The King is a beast. At the Fat Pack challenge, I played Sundy who had to mulligan down to five cards. I applied as much pressure as I could and then he cast the King on turn four. I wasn’t playing any kind of removal and the king eventually removed all of my creatures. I couldn’t even play them fast enough for him to remove one and leave me with another.


If you can’t remove the King, then hope you can play something bigger than him to stop him from attacking or tapping.


Now a word about Extra-Life


If any of you follow my Facebook page or are friends with me on Facebook, then you should know that I’ve been advertising my Extra-Life fundraiser campaign. If you’re not part of any of the above, then you’re in luck. Here’s what’s going on.


For the month of May I have set a mini-goal of hitting $300 out of the total $1000 I have set for Extra-Life. If I hit this goal, I’m going to give away a copy of “Takenoko” to someone who donated in the month of May. If you play at Battleground Games & Hobbies then you can pick up the game there. Otherwise, I’ll gladly ship you the game.


takenoko box image

I have additional plans to give away more games, but I want to be able to hit this mini-goal first. Technically I shouldn’t say it, but I’m terrible at keeping secrets. If I break this goal I plan on setting another mini-goal. If I hit that other mini-goal, I’ll give away a copy of the “Rampage” board game. Also, I’m still talking to Logitech G about some logistical issues, but I might also be giving away a pair of Logitech G230 Stereo Gaming Headsets.


So, if you want to help me reach that goal then please click on the banner below and donate today.


That’s it for now. Tune in next time for gaming news, previews, and reviews. This weekend is the TCG 5K in Boxborough. Hopefully, I’ll be in attendance. If I make it, I plan on writing a full tournament report as well as my overall experience. It should be a great read especially if you’re wanting to attend your first major tournament.


I still don’t know what I should play, but if you have any suggestions, then let me know in the comment section.

About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


Donate to the Extra-Life fundraiser!




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Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!


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