Archive for the ‘Featured Author’ Category

Announcing ‘Magic Duels: Origins’

Magic Duels Origins
Earlier this month, Wizards of the Coast announced the newest edition in the line of Duels of the Planeswalker games – “Magic Duels: Origins.” In this version of the game, players will follow the origin story lines of Gideon, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Nissa. In addition to featuring cards from the new Origins set, players can also welcome back Two-Headed Giant as well as new and improved game play. Here’s what else players can expect:


  • Improved Deck Builder with step-by-step deck construction guidance
  • First-ever playable Planeswalker cards
  • Solo Battle mode featuring virtually endless AI opponents
  • Expanded multiplayer options, including Two-Headed Giant mode
  • Quest system with new individual and community challenges every week
  • Limitless Free-to-Play with 100% earnable content
  • All-new Skill Quest tutorial system


Magic Duels: Origins arrives this July to console on Xbox One, PC via Steam, and iPad tablets, with PlayStation 4 joining later this year.



About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!



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This week in Magic: How I got started

Wrath of God Fourth

It’s that time again! Time for another edition of “This week in Magic.” Have I ever told any of you how I got started in the game of Magic? I’ve talked to a few of you and some had expressed how they would always like to tell the story of how they got started playing Magic: The Gathering. If you ever want to, the podium is always available, but, for now, I’m stealing your idea and taking this time to tell my story.


If my memory serves me right, it all started in 1993-94. Around that time, I believe Ice Age was the newest set to come out. When I was younger, I attended a private school. At about 10:30AM every day we would have snack time. It was during these times that some of the other boys in the class would take out a deck of cards and play against each other. The game had finally caught my attention when a small group formed one day to watch the action.


It didn’t take long for me to convince my dad to get me a starter deck the following week. I remember like it was yesterday. Opening the very first pack of Magic cards is something I remember pretty well. Thinking back on it now makes me a little sad. When I opened that starter deck, I went through each card and stared at each one. I inspected the artwork and read every word on that card. Today, I rip boosters like a pro and go straight to the back where the “good stuff” tends to be.


When I opened that starter deck, the first card staring back at me was a Wrath of God. The card’s artwork showed bodies laying everywhere. There were Orcs and Humans in the image, and right in the center was a face. I thought it was cool. The text box was even great. It was simple and all it said was, “Bury all creatures.”


The artwork on the lands were awesome. I was a big fan of all of the artwork for the Forests in the set. This is definitely that can still holds true today. Not necessarily the artwork for Forests, but I’m speaking in terms of the artwork for lands in general. The artwork for lands have always been important for players and collectors. This can be seen when players break out their Beta lands or play with lands from Unglued or Unhinged. I know people who still enjoy playing with lands that have white borders. They have chosen to remain anonymous though.


When I first started playing Magic, you’d think I was crazy pulling off some of the plays I tried to make. If you saw how I used to play the game, I’d give you a pretty good laugh. One of my best memories has to do with the card Wild Growth. I used to think that Wild Growth added accumulated green mana over time. So when I eventually tapped it for mana it would make seven green mana. That was just enough mana for me to cast my Scaled Wurm (which was one of my favorite creatures at the time).


My time with the game slowed down when I got to high school. In fact, that was the first time I had sold any of my cards. There was a local card store near my high school and I ended up selling some of my cards. I thought that I wouldn’t have enough time thanks to after school activities and a teenage social life. That quickly changed once I got to college.


My freshman year I met a bunch of other people who had put together a legitimate “Magic: The Gathering” club. When I say “legitimate” I mean it. We put in the paperwork and somehow, the university approved our application and gave us a budget. The club was great. I remember when I first got invited to attend. I shook my head and said I would show up, but just to hang out and watch. That didn’t last long either.


Admittedly I watch some of the guys play and said to myself, “I could play better than some of them.” For the most part, I was wrong, and I’m glad I was. It was thanks to this group that not only did I gain a great group of friends, but I got that competitive itch to play. I slowly got back into the game by building some wacky “Vintage” decks. No power, no strategy, just a pile of cards that didn’t fit in any other format. You know, up to that point, I had always been a kitchen table Magic player. I didn’t know anything about formats or competitive rules. Learning about Standard really opened my eyes to the game. No more terribly “Vintage” decks. Now I could put together a deck that was considered good and was competitive. I got heavily involved in the game during my freshman and sophomore years in college. Like many times though, it didn’t last long.


I struggled my freshman year of college and had gotten myself on course for the five year plan. I took time off from the game to get myself back on track. Although, towards the end of my school days I had found time again to play the game while I was home on break. I was during one of those breaks where I discovered Battleground Games & Hobbies.


Once I finished school, I made the time play as much as I could. Since then I’ve sold the collection twice. The last time being the biggest mistake I’ve made in a long time regarding this game. That story is for another day though.


Well that’s it for now. I really hope you enjoyed the story how I got into the game. However, I would really like to hear how you got into the game. Sound off below in the comment section below and share your story!


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!



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This week in gaming: Happy Anniversary!

Overnight Crew

Welcome to another edition of “This week in gaming.” Earlier this month was the one year anniversary of when I started writing for the Battleground Games website. For this week’s issue, I’d like to go over some of the content we’ve gone over and maybe where the future of this column could lead to.



You may have noticed that on a few occasions (especially this week), this column has been called, “This week in gaming” rather than “This week in Magic.” This is, of course, when I’ve got other topics I’d like to cover. However, there is no reason that “This week in gaming” can’t exist. In the end, though, it all comes down to the fact that most of my experience is in “Magic: The Gathering.”


Don’t get me wrong. I would love to cover more gaming topics for everyone out there. In fact, there has already been some talk about this. If all goes well, you may be seeing more topics in Dungeons and Dragons as well as more product reviews coming your way.


Something I’d, personally, like to see is more variety in the voices we read here on the site. With that said, I’m always looking for more people to write. We’ve already have some guest work done by local gamer, Ken Briscoe. We’ve also had a few tournament reports done by some of our local players. I think we can get more. Consider this an open invitation. If you’re a local player and would like to try your hand at this, let me know. I’m sure by now people are sick of reading about Mono Red Burn. While it may not be the only deck I know how to play, I do tend to write about it a lot. Are you experienced in Modern RUG Twin? Maybe you consider yourself more of an expert in the Limited format.


If the only thing holding you back is that you think you stink at writing, let me tell you that you have nothing to worry about. That’s what I’m here for. I’m not the solution to everything, but I will be there to help edit your writing.


Taking a look back

I think it’s been a pretty successful year writing for the website. My biggest hope is that many of you have been repeat customers. Somewhere along the way, I hope you’ve spread the word and told your friends about the kind of content you can find here.


I started writing for the website in the beginning of February. It wasn’t until the end of May where I had established a title for the weekly article I had been contributing. I’m glad I had finally come up with a name for the column. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mind coming up with a title every week. By adding a formal name for the column, it gives it some uniformity. In addition, when things really get rolling on the site, it will give the column a confirmed identity from among the other weekly columns that may develop.


In the many months I’ve been writing this column, I’ve covered mostly “Magic: The Gathering.” I’ve also written a few product reviews as well as a few general gaming news roundups. One thing I’d like to try is writing a story. I don’t mean to come up with one on the spot. What I would really like to do (or someone else could do it if they have one) is to recount a Dungeons and Dragons session. The catch is that they would have to do it in story form. I’d like to hear about it from the perspective of their character. Also, I want the whole experience. If there was a foul odor in the air, I want to know about it and what it smelled like.


If I had to rank my articles, I think the best one would have to be “From couch to cash: Redefining the gamer stereotype.” That was an article that came very easily to me. I remember writing and not stopping for a bit to take a break. The best part about writing that article is that it lead to the Extra Life initiative and then eventually to all of us raising over $2500 in October of last year for the charity.


What’s next for you?

I’m going to keep writing here, that’s for sure. I’d like to branch outside of Magic some more though. If you have any suggestions as to what you’d like to see from me, then let me know. I’m game for almost anything.


PAX East is coming up in about two weeks. I’ll be doing media coverage for another outlet I write for, but I also intend on putting up some posts while the whole crew is out there. Whenever I’ve “worked” PAX, I’ve booked myself busy trying to meet with big wigs from the video game industry. This year, I’ve tried to keep an easy and free schedule so I can spend more time in the board game room. So, if you see me there, then stop by and say hello!


It’s time to wrap things up, but before I leave I figured I’d say a few things regarding Extra Life 2015. Due to the fact that last year was such a huge success, we’re hoping to do it all again this year. In fact, I’ve already gotten things registered and people can go donate for the 2015 campaign as we speak. Additionally, I’ve set things up so we can put a Battleground Games & Hobbies team together. If you’re interested in more information regarding joining the team, then let me know. I’d be more than happy to fill you in. It’s still early in the year, so stay tuned because I’ll be doing an article covering my plans for this year’s event as well as some fundraising ideas and I’m going to need all of your help.


Well that’s it for now. I hope you enjoyed this little look back and look forward. Until next week…


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


The Extra Life 2015 campaign is underway. Donate today!



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Minecraft Factions Alignment Design Concept by Alfred Cloutier

Author’s note: This is admittedly a different kind of gaming article: one in which I outline rules I’d l*like* to see in a game. I have no ability or power to make these rules become real, but I think they are interesting enough to publish for public scrutiny… I’ve been playing Minecraft for a little while now, and the most compelling idea behind the game is that it is an open, persistent world, a so-called sandbox, where you can ignore the “game” elements, and just do what you want. It is also somewhat open-ended in that third-parties can create their own “mods”, which create new sub-games based on the Minecraft platform. If you don’t know what Minecraft is, ask any middle class kid, or go here: The article below refers to “plug-ins” which are what I would call modifications to an online multiplayer Minecraft world, players can join one world and play cooperatively, or fight PVP (Player Vs Player). Factions is one of those PVP plug-ins. The developers of Factions are at and I wouldn’t have been inspired to write this without their hard work. I would also like to note that the idea of “alignment” is not original, I stole the idea from Martech’s Tradewars 2002, and I’ve seen at least one plug-in for Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod that uses a tangentially similar system to what I outline below, though I wasn’t aware of that when I wrote this.



There have been more than a few iterations of Factions, and the following is what I would like to see as a plug-in for this style of play. I do not write plug-ins, so the following is an *idea* for a plug-in. First of all, Factions itself is a plug-in found here: . That link explains the plug-in and how it works in detail. I’ll give a very quick explanation here. Factions uses a “power” and membership system that allows players to manage territorial permissions, and gives players the ability to erode enemy permissions. Players band together in a faction under a single leader, pooling their resources, skill and power in order to prepare themselves for conflict with other factions. Territorial permissions prevent outside players from destroying (“griefing”) or stealing (“raiding”) anything within the territorial boundaries. But those boundaries may be contested if a faction’s “power” is less than the number of chunks claimed. (A “chunk” is a 16×16 square plot of land) Power is a measure of how much time a player has spent playing the game, and is reduced by deaths. A weak faction, with waning power may have their territory unclaimed if a raiding faction kills enough members of the besieged faction, reducing power below the number of chunks claimed. That’s the brief on Factions: Kill enemies so you can take their land and loot.


The Alignment plug-in idea came from a thread on about how betrayal is an imbalance of Factions. It is *much* easier to destroy a faction by joining it, then abuse permissions by griefing and raiding from within the faction. Mutiny from the inside. There are “permissions” a leader can set that help regulate this behavior, but on Sandlot, which is a family-friendly server, the commands and logic of permissions wasn’t always understood by every young player. Also, there was a nasty habit of some of the better players preying on others by ambushing them, either by luring them off of the protected spawn island, or by asking to be an ally, then very quickly using the “enemy” command and attacking the unsuspecting player. Alignment isn’t necessarily trying to “fix” this behavior, but it is intended to curb it, or at least give a warning to new players that some players have a history of betrayal and ambush tactics.


In the following outline, there are hefty penalties to having a negative alignment, but there are also some hidden bonuses, such as access to a different, more sinister set of NPC shops at the neutral spawn zone. Some players will enjoy “going evil” and having success even when everyone is warned of their approach, and there’s a price on their head…


Factions Alignment Rules:

Player access to different parts of the neutral spawn zone relies on “alignment.” Players gain or lose alignment based on their actions in the game. Alignment ranges from -1000 to +1000. Negative alignment is gained by committing acts that are treacherous and dishonorable (according to a rigid system). Positive alignment is gained by acts of helpfulness and honor (also, according to the game’s rigid system).


New players start with 0 alignment. Players less than 8 days old are considered “new”. After 7 days, players are no longer considered new players.


Players are free to attack each other at any time, except during “new-player cool-down”, which is the first 3 minutes after a new player’s first-ever login. Players are immune to other players during this first 3 minutes.


A “challenge” system modifies alignment: Like relations between factions, a player may offer an open challenge to specific players. These challenges remain flagged ON until either the challenger removes the challenge, or the challenged accepts the offer. A challenge is an offer to fight PVP (player versus player). Once the challenge is accepted, either player can kill the other without any loss of alignment ONE time. If one of the participants in the challenge is killed by the other, all challenge flags between those two players is removed. (The killed party can’t retaliate without re-challenging–which will be a sore spot for some losers of challenges. One option is the winner of the challenge automatically triggers a re-challenge to the loser, who can accept or ignore at will.)


Accepted challenges expire after 1 hour, at which time the accepting player will also receive -3 alignment. (Can’t spam-accept challenges, but not meet the challenges.)


Given the above, the following rules are used to modify alignment:

If a player kills another player outside of challenge, that player gets -25 alignment.
If a player kills another player with an unaccepted challenge, that player gets -20 alignment. (Giving other players warning before they ambush them is *slightly* more honorable than just killing them with no warning.)
If a player creates a faction, that player gets +10 alignment (faction creation costs 200 tokens).
+1 alignment for inviting a new player to an owned faction ONE time (can’t revoke and re-invite, gaining infinite alignment).
-1 alignment for re-inviting any player after revoking their invitation.
+5 alignment for “Repopulation” achievement ONE time. (Breeding cows…)
-5 alignment for removing the ALLIED flag from an allied faction.
+3 Alignment for filling a donation double-chest to max ONCE per day with any mix of items. (Needs to be max full, all stacks need to be at maximum, or if that is not easily codeable, make donation chests that have specific items that need to be filled to max: wood, food, tools, armor, weapons, etc.)
A new player can give +5 alignment to anyone ONCE. This is lost after 7 days if not used.
If a player kills a new player, they get a total of -40 alignment.
PVP logging gives a player -10 alignment, and kills that player. (PVP logging is when a player logs out of the game in the middle of combat. Combat starts when one player damages another player and ends 30 seconds after the last damage)
(The following bounty numbers will have to be playtested. These prices need to be just right to work.)
+1 alignment for every 75 tokens of kill bounty placed on Scoundrels who have -50 or less alignment.
+2 alignment for every 75 tokens of bounty on Wanted players who have -100 or less alignment.
+3 alignment for every 75 tokens of bounty on Archenemies who have -500 or less alignment.
+1 alignment for accepting a challenge ONCE per hour (can’t spam accept challenges and trade alignment through fake fights).
-3 alignment for letting a challenge expire after accepting a challenge. Challenges expire after 1 hour.
-5 alignment for quitting a faction.
-10 alignment for quitting a faction within the first hour of joining that faction (total -15 alignment).


Spawn Shops:

(At the neutral spawn zone, there will be NPC shops that sell rare items to players. Prices, in tokens, to be determined by admins. Prices shown are approximate Sandlot prices.)
A player with neutral or positive alignment may access the General shops:
Steak and Melons (2 tokens for 30 melons, 4 tokens for 30 steak)
Armors: Iron, Diamond, Gold (2 tokens per armor piece)
Swords and bows (2 tokens for either Fire Aspect I Wooden, Knockback I Stone, or Unbreaking III Iron Swords, 1 token for Punch I Bow, 1 token for 30 arrows.)
Bounty Hunter – Place and collect bounties on negative players


A player with positive alignment may access the Specialty Spawn shops:
Tree saplings & Lily pads
Trinket Rares: slime balls, etc.
Healing and regen potions (5 tokens for healing I potions, 10 tokens for Regen II potion)


A player with +25 Alignment gains access to Arcane Municipality shops:
Unbreaking & Sharpness books (10 tokens for Unbreaking I book, 22 tokens: Sharpness I)
Dog Spawn eggs (45 tokens)
Fire resist and Strength potions (10 and 5 tokens, respectively)


A player with +50 Alignment gains access to Paladin’s Club shops:
Protection & Smite books (22 tokens each)
Horse Spawn eggs (25 tokens each)
End Portal Frame (75 tokens per block)
Horse armor (10 tokens for any type)


A player with negative alignment may not access any of the above shops, except Bounty Hunter, and a negative player may never collect a bounty, only place one.


A player with -50 alignment may access the Scoundrel shops:
Cobwebs & Cacti
Blue Orchids & Ink Sacs
Chain Armor, Leather armor (2 tokens per armor piece)


A player with -100 alignment may access the Antagonist shops:
Spider eyes, mushrooms, & sugar
Milk Bucket
Invisibility & Night vision potions
Power books (20 tokens each)
Diamond Armor (2 tokens per armor piece)


A player with -500 alignment may access the Archenemy shops:
Harming Potions (13 tokens each)
Cat Spawn eggs (50 tokens each)
Thorns books (22 tokens each)
End Portal Frame (75 tokens per block)



Any player may place a bounty on a negative player. (It is possible to “buy” yourself back to positive alignment, but it is expensive and difficult to game–see alignment impact of bounties above.) Only positive or neutral players may collect bounties for killing negative players. Only token bounties affect alignment, so players with other forms of wealth need to convert to tokens by trading before putting a price on someone’s head.


Other Effects of Negative Alignment:

Players with negative alignment have an “aura” equal to the absolute value of their alignment. If a player has -50 alignment, their aura is 50 blocks. When an aura overlaps with another player’s position a private chat message is sent: “The is approaching within blocks.” This message is sent only at the instant the aura overlaps another players position–it doesn’t spam the chat with the aura message. Also, like in some capture the flag servers, and other team plug-ins, players with auras or challenges are shown on the right upper third of the screen, with some flags shown: color of playername: alignment (red=negative, white=0, blue=positive); C: this player has challenged you; A: you’ve accepted this player’s challenge. Negative players also have a small compass next to their name, showing where they are in relation to any player in their aura.


Negative ranks:
-1 to -49: Weasel
-50 to -99: Scoundrel
-100 to -499 Antagonist
-500 to -1000 Archenemy


Players with negative ranks can’t receive custom titles available in Factions, and will always have their negative rank as their title, in red (color code “&4”). For example the -300 alignment player JohnSmith would have the title (Antagonist) JohnSmith, and the leader of JohnSmith’s faction would be unable to change the title.


Players with negative alignment have a /spawn cool-down of 5 minutes. (They can only use the /spawn command every 5 minutes). Normally there is a 30-second wait time for the command to warm up.


Negative players have a much smaller spawn protection area than positive players, about half the area of spawn, and they can only stay there for 10 minutes before the protection wears off.


Other Rules Inspired by the Sandlot Factions Server:


When a player dies, they are re-spawned in the spawn zone.


Players use tokens for economy. Use /tokens command to gain 10 tokens. This command may be used once per hour. Using the /tokens command reduces a players power by 2.


A player always drops at least one token upon dying.


Players gain power at the rate of 2 per hour of in-game playing. Per normal faction rules, power allows factions to keep claimed land.


Claiming land requires membership in a faction, permissions within that faction, power, and 1 token per chunk claimed.


Chests can be locked per /lwc plugin. Unclaiming removes these locks. Chests are not immune to blasts.


Suits of armor are available at spawn, for 2 tokens per piece, 8 for a full suit.
If full suits of armor are worn:
Diamond Armor Confers Weakness, Slowness, & Resistance (Weakness & Slow are conferred with any piece of armor worn, Resistance is only conferred with full suit worn)
Iron Armor Confers Strength and Critical Threat (any attack that would otherwise not be a critical hit has a 65% of being a critical hit)
Chain Armor Confers Jump Boost II (or whatever allows 2-block jump) and Regeneration III
Gold Armor Confers Haste & Respiration & Aqua Affinity
Leather Armor Confers Speed & Invisibility (armor is not invisible)
(The effects are triggered by player movement, and have a duration of 1 or 2 seconds.


If a players doesn’t log into the server after 10 days, they will have to start over, but they will never be considered new players in that iteration of the game.


Enchantment tables are limited to level 5


Fishing is allowed


Villagers do not trade, but do cause golems to spawn


If a player is afk (away from keyboard, or idle) for 10 minutes, they are kicked from the server.


Other Rules:
Relation cool-down: 1 minute cool-down between changing faction relations (you can’t ally a faction, then ambush them after an instant relation change). Relations can only go one step in any direction (can’t jump from ally to enemy, need to be truced, then neutral, then enemy).


New players may take freely from donation chests at spawn.


The End respawns randomly every 24-72 hours, with a 20% chance of a new Ender Dragon spawning. When a player is first damaged by the Ender Dragon, a chat message is sent out that they have been damaged by the dragon.


Need to buy sethome2 gem: gem is destroyed when player uses sethome2 (50 tokens)


Notes and Optional Rules:

Not all of the above ideas have been play-tested. There would need to be a test period where players try to exploit the system so imbalances can be corrected. For example, in the current Sandlot Factions world, Diamond armor has a lot of drawbacks, but most players still choose to use it, often compensating with a strength potion when in PVP combat. The other armors just can’t withstand the damage dealt by power weapons. Because they are all the same price (8 tokens for full suit), the other armors are temporary novelties. If all the armors are to be the same price, there should be some powerful, or interesting balances, not just a bunch of players walking around in diamond most of the time. I’ve increased the status effects of the armors from what they were at Sandlot. Gold armor is very good for mining, and I use it often for that purpose, but only when safe. I didn’t change gold armor from the Sandlot settings. Iron armor is sometimes used by really good fighters, or players who haven’t realized that diamond is better. I added Critical Threat to iron, which may already exist in other mods, but as far as I know, I made up. This would increase damage output, and possibly give more movement options as you don’t have to jump to get a crit. The current jump boost with chain armor is used in rare exploration cases, but I wouldn’t be carrying anything valuable if I’m in a danger zone while wearing chain armor. I would consider the “regeneration” ability of chain armor as it exists on Sandlot to be non-functional because it doesn’t appear to work when your hunger bar isn’t maxed out, and then it feels like you’re just regenerating slightly faster than you would at full health anyway. I increased the status to Regen III, and would have it work no matter how hungry you are, this should get players to a nearly Halo-like shield regen. Leather armor is actually good for speed mapping, and I haven’t tested it in PVP situations. I presume it would only be useful for *running away* which is a legitimate defensive strategy. I increased the power of leather by adding invisibility, which would make it a semi-stealth armor, and mixed with the speed *might* be a good choice for archers.


Power Armor Optional Rule:

Power Armor is an idea that may be overpowered, but fun. Testing will be needed. Players may only access Power Armor shops after reaching -600 alignment or +100 alignment. Power armor has the same durability as gold armor, costs 250 tokens, and you must buy a complete set at once.


-Positive players may purchase Power Gold Armor which has Unbreaking I, Regeneration III, Strength II, Protection III, Aqua Affinity, Water Breathing, Depth Strider III, and Health Boost. Not as good as a notch apple, but it would always be on.


-Negative players may purchase Power Chain Armor which has Thorns III in chestplate, Fire Resistance, Fire Aura 1 (the armor attempts to start fire like flint & steel in all 8 adjacent squares), Jump Boost IV, Feather Falling IV and Teleport 12 (click Use with nothing in hand, and will teleport 15 blocks toward cross-hairs)


About the Author:


Alfred O. Cloutier has contributed to Dragon Magazine, and has edited for a number of other gaming publishers. He can be found on Facebook.


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This week in Magic: Tiny Leaders – Alesha, Who Smiles at Death


Welcome back for another “This week in Magic.” This week, we’re going to cover a fun subject that has gone viral over the past several weeks, Tiny Leaders. This is a variant of the Commander format and has become so popular that, thanks to the new FNM format rules, has even begun making its FNM debut all over the country.


So let’s jump right into things. By now you’re wondering what some of the major differences are between Commander and Tiny Leaders. The biggest difference is that we’re dealing with a deck half the size of a Commander deck. Instead of 100 cards, we’re now dealing with 50 cards including your commander. Another major rule change is that everything in the deck (even your commander) cannot have a converted mana cost greater than three.


Some additional rules include starting at 25 life, there is no more commander damage, as well as a slightly modified banned list. Another important rule is that this format is specifically made for 1v1. Oh, I forgot to mention, you can have a side board of up to ten cards. For more information on that, you can click here.


It’s funny because by really limiting the player in their deck building, it created a larger challenge, which, in my opinion, is what makes Tiny Leaders a lot of fun to play.


For my first Tiny Leaders deck, I chose to run with Alesha, Who Smiles At Death. The reason I chose her was because she was the only Tiny Leader I owned at the time. However, while she may be a last minute addition to the team, she packs quite the punch and has a great ability to boot. Also, she is technically the only Mardu colored leader available.


Here is what my deck list looks like right now:


Creatures (22):
1 Alshea, Who Smiles at Death
1 Gnarled Scarhide
1 Banisher Priest
1 Master of Pearls
1 Mardu Shadowspear
1 Spiteful Returned
1 Generator Servant
1 Bloodsoaked Champion
1 Underworld Coinsmith
1 Goblin Rabblemaster
1 Seeker of the Way
1 Chandra’s Phoenix
1 Borderland Marauder
1 Mardu Skullhunter
1 Tormented Hero
1 Mardu Strike Leader
1 War-Name Aspirant
1 Mardu Woe-Reaper
1 Torch Fiend
1 Mardu Hordechief
1 Battle Brawler


Spells (10):
1 Unearth
1 Act on Impulse
1 Crater’s Claws
1 Wild Slash
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Mardu Charm
1 Spear of Helliod
1 Mardu Ascendancy
1 Harsh Sustenance
1 Deflecting Palm


Lands (17):
2 Mountain
2 Swamp
2 Plain
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Cave of Koilos
1 Boodfell Caves
1 Isolated Chapel
1 Temple of Triumph
1 Temple of Silence
1 Nomad Outpost
1 Dragonskull Summit
1 Godless Shrine
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Wild Scarred-Crag


The entire time I was building the deck, I tried to stay on course as much as possible. What I mean by “stay on course” is that I tried to stick with creatures that had a come into play ability. Or, in the example of Torch Fiend, have a creature whose ability I can use and then bring it back with Alesha. Some of the best creatures in the deck are those with the raid abilities. The cool interaction is that when you bring a creature with raid back from the graveyard with Alesha, it should trigger the ability.


As far as other spells go, there weren’t many I could think of that I felt were essential for the deck. One card did stand out, and that was Unearth. Not only is it cheap, but it can bring back any creature from your graveyard back into play. The only downside is that we have one shot with it. So use the spell wisely. Act On Impulse was another spell I felt really belonged into the deck. In a format where the CMC is extremely low, if you draw Act On Impulse late game where you have the mana to support it, we could be talking about a huge game changer.


Many of the other spells are pretty self-explanitory, but my favorite, overall, has to be Mardu Ascendancy. With all of the one and two drops in the deck, there is reason that this card will be abused quite a bit. It will also help end things quickly by supporting a possible large number for Harsh Sustenance.


What the deck will need work on is the mana base. If you couldn’t tell by now, I kind of threw it all together. It’s obviously missing a Blood Crypt and a Temple of Malice, but is there anything else? Depending on my curve, I may not actually need them. Up to now, I had not really thought about it.


Before I let you go for this week, I’d like to give you an assignment. I’m going to be putting some more work into the deck, but I’d like your help doing this. Take a good look at the list I have going. In the comment section below, let me know what you would add or take out of the deck. I’m fairly sure there is a card or two that I am overlooking. Is the overall strategy of the deck working for you?


That’s it for now. My hopes is that this format catches on around here. If it does, then I’d love to keep exploring it some more. There are plenty of Tiny Leaders out there. Is there a Tiny Leader you’d like to see me work on? Let me know. Until next week…


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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Announcing ‘Magic Origins’

Magic origins logo

In an announcement made during Pro Tour Fate Reforged, this summer’s core set will be titled, “Magic Origins.” Some of you may or may not know, but this set is going to be a very special one. Just several months ago, it was also announced that Magic will no longer have a core set. So sets like “Magic 2015,” “Magic 2014,” etc. will no longer be. This will be considered the last core set for “Magic: The Gathering.”


Interestingly enough, Wizards of the Coast had several suggestions to call the final core set, “Omega.” However, they saw this as more of a beginning and therefore went with the name Origins. Uniquely, Origins has taken five Planeswalkers and will tell of, as you may have guessed, their origin stories.


Here is what the official press release had to say,


“In the Magic: The Gathering Multiverse, some mages are born with a rare gift, simply known as “the spark.” When such mages face a great ordeal, their spark’s potential is unleashed, elevating them to become Planeswalkers and travel between the planes of the Multiverse. Magic Origins will reveal for the first time these pivotal moments for five Planeswalkers: Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Liliana Vess, Chandra Nalaar, and Nissa Revane.


Magic Origins is a different kind of core set than we’ve ever done before, one with ambitious story goals and deep creative impact,” says Doug Beyer, Magic’s senior creative designer. “All core sets in recent years have had Planeswalker cards, but Magic Origins doesn’t just contain five Planeswalkers-it’s also about those Planeswalker characters. It’s about certain points in time in those Planeswalkers’ lives-the events that led them to become Planeswalkers-and is meant to set up a lot of our plans for Magic’s future story. We’ll see these characters’ home worlds, learn about the joys and crises of their early lives, and discover how they became the Multiverse-traveling Planeswalkers we know today.”


Two amazing samples of artwork were released with the announcement. They depict Liliana as a healer during her younger years. The second piece of artwork shows Liliana sometime after she had chosen the darker path. One can only speculate, but how cool would it be if we got to see Liliana as a White Planeswalker?


Other Planeswalkers included in the storyline will be Geideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Nissa Revane, and Chandra Nalaar. This being considered the last core set, it can also be considered a milestone, and, therefore, Wizards will most likely make something special here. However, it’s way too early to start guessing what may even be in the set. Nonetheless, let’s not forget how Wizards like to put in special surprises every now and then for their players and devoted customers.


Magic Origins is set to release this July 11-12, 2015. For more information, click here.


Younger Jace

About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!

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