Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Wizards of the Coast Announces Changes to MTG Card Face (WARNING: Contains Spoilers)

In an article published today on by Aaron Forsythe called “From the Director’s Chair: 2013”, Mr. Forsythe reflects on 2013 and many of Magic the Gathering products released during fiscal year 2013, as well as some insight as to what consumers can expect in 2014.




But perhaps the biggest announcement is the change to the Magic the Gathering card face, as well as two spoilers for Magic 2015 (M15) – one of which is the card Wizards of the Coast asked the community to help design (pictured below, Waste Not):


Notice the new text, font, and the stamp on the bottom of the card? Mr. Forsythe has this to say about the changes:

“What’s Going on with That Card Frame?

As you can see from the expansion symbol, Waste Not will be appearing in this year’s core set,Magic 2015. As you can also see, a number of tweaks have been made to the card frame.


I spent most of 2013 leading the design of M15, an ambitious set that will introduce a few new things to the game, not the least of which is an update to the existing card frame. We have a lot of smart people here in the building who are constantly thinking of ways to improve Magic. Many such ideas involved tweaks to the front of cards, but since we don’t want to make sweeping changes to card frames often, we let a few such ideas pile up for a while before picking an opportune time to deploy them in a big batch. M15 was that time.


There are five big changes visible above on Waste Not. Four are game-wide changes that will be implemented in M15 and every set going forward, and the last is a little something special just for this set. Let’s go over them.


1) The font

Since its inception, Magic has used off-the-shelf fonts on its cards. As a brand, we feel that we’ll be better served by having our own unique proprietary font—something with a little edge and character that is still very readable.


In general, we liked the heaviness and shape of the “Matrix Bold” font we’d been using previously, so there are a lot of similarities between the old font and the new, named “Beleren,” which should alleviate any jarring feeling when you mix the two together in decks.


2) The holofoil stamp

You’ll notice a little silver oval in the bottom center of Waste Not. That’s a new unique holofoil stamp that we’re applying to all rares and mythic rares going forward. This stamp makes those cards feel more special, as well as guarantees authenticity.


Commons, uncommons, and basic lands will not feature this stamp.


3) The collector info

In the lower left of the card is a series of letters and numbers that indicate the card’s collector number (122/269), rarity (R), set (M15), and language (EN). The little dot between the set and the language will be a star on premium cards, so just about everything you’d ever need to know about a card’s edition is in one easy-to-read place.


Making the bottom of each card black to accommodate this information was not an easy decision, and may be the most disconcerting part of this frame update, but it was done with the best of intentions. This information is machine-readable by recognition software at our production plants. It will help eliminate the rare packaging error, like cards sneaking into the wrong expansion’s boosters.


4) Decreased border size

In order to fit all this cool new stuff on the cards, we’ve reduced the width of the black border by almost a millimeter all the way around. This reclaimed real estate allows us to have slightly bigger art and text boxes as well.


5) The designer credit

You’ll notice that we gave you all credit for making this card in the place normally occupied by flavor text—”Designed by the Magic community.” This is the first time we’ve ever given credit for a specific card design on the card itself, and it’s you! You should be very proud! While every card going forward won’t feature a designer credit (kinda sad, really), there are a handful of others inMagic 2015, specifically, that will. (You’ll have to wait on those details! It’s cool, I promise!)


Those are the main components of the card frame update. Here’s another M15 card for comparison. This one isn’t rare, so it has no stamp; is a creature, so it has a P/T box; and isn’t black, so you can see the frame design more clearly. All in all, it is an impressive modernization of the card frame, one I’ll be excited to get my hands on this summer with M15.



About Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS), is the leader in entertaining the lifestyle gamer. Wizards’ players and fans are members of a global community bound together by their love of both digital gaming and in-person play. The company brings to market a range of gaming experiences under powerful brand names such as MAGIC: THE GATHERING, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and KAIJUDO. Wizards is also a publisher of fantasy series fiction with numerous New York Times best-sellers. For more information about our world renowned brands, visit the Wizards of the Coast Website at


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Battleground Games & Hobbies 2013 Year End Review by Derek Lloyd


Hi everyone!


2013 was a big year for Battleground for a variety of reasons. The largest event for the store was definitely the transition from our old location at 1501 Bedford Street to our new location at 1423 Bedford Street. We began the year with the doors opening to our new spot and it was all we had hoped it would be (and more). The increased amount of floor space and the cavernous ceilings changed everything for us and allowed us freedoms we never had before.


Another big change was the intense focus we placed on the growth of our online store, and its merging with the Abington location. The community response to the benefits of having such a deep and organized inventory of Magic singles to buy from is overwhelmingly positive. In the coming year, you can expect the online options to grow exponentially; both in terms of our inventory and our stock levels. Furthermore, the addition of Chris Alexander to the Battleground team as our online store manager puts us in a great position to really grow that part of our business. Chris has lots of experience and a strong understanding of the Magic: The Gathering brand. The few months he’s been with us have already resulted in some exciting changes to our online presence.


We are fortunate to be a part of a wonderful period of increased popularity in gaming. There are many reasons why this renaissance seems to be occurring, but clearly, board games are a huge part of it. More and more families and groups of friends are realizing the incredible amounts of fun to be had by getting together to play tabletop games. The quality and depth of these games also continues to improve all the time. The presence of these once eclectic games in some of the big box stores is a clear indicator that their popularity is on the rise.


What’s more, the popularity of Magic has also soared to new heights. Battleground set record attendance numbers at both of our two locations this past year, and the brand is stronger than ever. This is great news not just for Battleground, but for every single person invested in this hobby. It means that in 2014 we’ll be seeing even more great product from the best games designers in the industry.


In 2013 we also celebrated the 10 year anniversary of Battleground. The actual date of our 10 year anniversary was November of 2012, but we wanted to wait until we were moved and settled into our new location before throwing the party. The event was amazing, very well attended, and packed front to back with games, games, and more games. We gave away some big prize packages and were able to say thank you to all of you who have been with us from the beginning, or have just joined our family recently.


We can’t do this without you, and we want you to know how much we appreciate your support and participation in making the Battleground community one of the best in the region. I’m excited to see how many new friends we’ll meet in 2014.


And speaking of 2014, there are rumblings of big things to come, both from the industry as a whole, and from Battleground. I expect that role-playing games will have another big surge this summer with the release of the next edition of Dungeons & Dragons.


Personally, I’ve been following the news and rules tests very closely and it looks like they have a great game on their hands. D&D is the game that brought me to this hobby some thirty years ago and I’m very pleased to see the direction Wizards of the Coast is taking this latest installment. If you’ve always wanted to try getting into RPGs but have never taken the plunge, this is probably going to be your year. Both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations will be hosting some great RPG events in the coming months.


Warmachine and Hordes have also seen a huge rise in interest, while Warhammer 40K continues to be a major player. The Battleground community recently came together and created an excellent supply of quality terrain to be used specifically with Privateer Press’s flagship games. In addition, Paul Gaughran also lent us his terrain-building skills over the summer, churning out an uncanny amount of well-painted, ruined buildings in short time. There are plans to expand our great selection of terrain even further in 2014.


As for Battleground’s plans in the immediate future, I will say that 2014 will lead to some vigorous growth. Our ability to service the gaming needs of New England will continue to expand and our focus on providing our community with the best possible gaming environment, service, and selection will continue to improve in the way you’ve grown accustomed to expect.


On behalf of the entire Battleground Games & Hobbies team, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.


May you fill the next 365 days with more fun and games than any human life should conceivably allow!




Derek Lloyd


Battleground Games & Hobbies




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Winner’s Circle: Dec 27 Friday Night Magic Champions


Congratulations to this week’s Friday Night Magic winners at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA. This week, FNM featured the Standard format with top finishers not only receiving store credit prizes, but likewise an exclusive promo foil card only available at FNM events! Check out who won:


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Jeffery Burns


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros Booster Draft Pod One – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Craig Scardaville


Theros Booster Draft Pod Two – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Mark Spellman


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Devin Malko


And thus, Friday Night Magic in 2013 comes to an end. Next week, the very first Friday Night Magic in 2014! Check out January’s FNM Promo Card:



Again, congratulations to the top finishers of each event. In addition, on behalf of the staff here at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we would like to thank everyone that attended our Friday Night Magic events. We greatly appreciate you choosing to hang out with us.


If you’re looking for a friendly atmosphere to enjoy playing Magic the Gathering while meeting new, like-minded people and win cool prizes and exclusive promo cards, then Friday Night Magic at Battleground Games & Hobbies is exactly what you’re looking for! Try Friday Night Magic today at either of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar stores and see why Magic players consider Friday night the best night of the week. To learn more about our Friday Night Magic events, please click here.


Like this article? Please let us know in the comments below and/or sound off in the forums! Your feedback is important to us.


Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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This Weekend at Battleground Games & Hobbies


Check out what super fun events are happening this weekend at our conveniently located stores. Whether you enjoy Magic the Gathering, Warhammer, Yu-Gi-Oh and more, we have something for everyone. In addition, don’t forget that our tables are always open for play! Gather some friends, your favorite game, and stop by your favorite Battleground Games & Hobbies for a fun-filled evening! Not sure what game to play or try? No problem! Our friendly, knowledgeable staff can help or ask for a demo!



ALL WEEKEND LONG – Magical Christmas Weekend! We have a long weekend chock  full of awesome, super-fun Magic events to appeal to all types of Magic the Gathering players! Join us at your local Battleground Games & Hobbies location all weekend starting Thursday, December 26th and play in as many Magic events as you like, including one event never seen before at Battleground’s! Small “gifts” will be awarded randomly at every event, too.

So get out of the house Christmas weekend and come play some  Magic with your friends at Battleground Games & Hobbies this holiday season. Who knows, maybe you will even win yourself a few more “presents”! To learn more, please click here.



Battleground Games & Hobbies

1423 Bedford Street, Abington, MA


Friday Night Magic – Standard

Entry: $10.00 (Box Tournament). Start time: 7:30 PM

Friday Night Magic – Booster Draft

Entry: $15.00. Start time: 7:30 PM

Prizes are awarded to top finishers and feature the exclusive FNM promo card!


Warhammer 40K Open Play

Open to close – play all day!

Deck Select Challenge

Entry: $30.00. Start time: 5:00 PM


Yu-Gi-Oh Sundays – Advanced Constructed

Entry: $5.00. Start time: Noon (12:00 PM)


Battleground Games & Hobbies

25 Taunton Street, Plainville, MA


Friday Night Magic – Standard

Entry: $1o.00. Start time:  7:30 PM



Entry: $30.00. Start Time: 5:00 PM

Yu-Gi-Oh Advanced Constructed

Entry: $5.00. Start Time: 7:30 PM



Entry: $20.00/player.  Start Time: 12:00pm

Pokemon League

Entry: FREE! Start time: Noon (12:00 PM)

To learn more about upcoming events at Battleground Games & Hobbies, please visit our event calendar and check out the forums!


Didn’t see an event for your favorite game? Is there something you wish for us to host? No problem! Contact us and let us know what events you would like to see in the future at your favorite local Battleground Games & Hobbies! We look forward to hearing your feedback and likewise, look forward to seeing you at our next exciting event!


Please don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Dungeons & Dragons, Events, Featured Post, Games Workshop, Magic: The Gathering, Miniature Games, Pathfinder, Pokemon, Popular Posts, Role-Playing Games, Store Related, Yu-Gi-Oh | No Comments »

Magical Christmas Weekend Event Has Begun!

Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA

Magical Christmas Weekend has begun – an all-weekend event chock  full of awesome, super-fun Magic events to appeal to all types of Magic the Gathering players! Join us at your local Battleground Games & Hobbies location all weekend long starting TODAY and play in as many Magic events as you like, including one event never seen before at  Battleground! Small “gifts” will be awarded randomly at every event, too.


So get out of the house Christmas weekend and come play some Magic with your friends at Battleground Games & Hobbies this holiday season. Who knows, maybe you will even win yourself a few more “presents”!


Magical Christmas Weekend Events:

Format: Booster Draft
Date: Thursday, December 26th 2013
Time: 7:15pm
Entrance Fee: $15.00


Format: Standard (Win-a-Box)
Date: Friday, December 27th
Time: 7:30pm
Entrance Fee: $10.00


Format: **Deck Select Challenge** (Sealed Deck)
Date: Saturday, December 28th
Time: 5:00pm
Entrance Fee: $30.00 per person
Players will have the opportunity to select any combination of 6 packs (from Standard league sets) with which to build their Sealed pool.  There is no minimum or maximum number of packs that a player can take from any one set.  Want 6 Theros?  Cool.  Want 2 RTR, 1 DGM, and 3 M14?  Cool.  Any six packs are yours to build your 40 card Sealed Deck.


Format: Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck
Date: Sunday, December 29th
Time: 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person
Each TEAM will receive 8 Theros Booster Packs with which to build two 40 card decks.
This event will run 4 rounds.


Format: Modern
Date: Sunday, December 29th
Time: 5:00pm
Entrance Fee: $5.00 per person
Here’s the quick version:
Theros Booster Draft – 7:15pm on Thursday, 12/26
FNM Standard “Win-a-Box” – 7:30pm on Friday, 12/27
Deck Select Challenge (Sealed Deck) – 5:00pm on Saturday, 12/28
Theros Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck – 12:00pm on Sunday, 12/29
Modern – 5:00pm on Sunday, 12/29


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington
1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762


For more details, please visit our event calendar or visit our forum.
Please contact me at with any questions.


Battleground Games & Hobbies on Facebook

Battleground Games & Hobbies on Twitter (@battleground_gh)


Don’t forget to check out our Online Store for your Magic singles!  Our inventory has been growing rapidly, so please check it out often!
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Winner’s Circle: 12/20/13 Friday Night Magic Champions


Congratulations to this week’s Friday Night Magic winners at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA. This week, FNM featured the Standard format with top finishers not only receiving store credit prizes, but likewise an exclusive promo foil card only available at FNM events! Check out who won:


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Chris Holliasian (U/W Control)



Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros Booster Draft Pod One – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Robby Connolly


Theros Booster Draft Pod Two – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st Place: Joshua Warren


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


1st/2nd Place: Nick Blake (BUG Prophet)



Again, congratulations to the top finishers of each event. In addition, from the staff here at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we would like to thank everyone that attended our Friday Night Magic events. We greatly appreciate you choosing to hang out with us.


If you’re looking for a friendly atmosphere to enjoy playing Magic the Gathering while meeting new, like-minded people and win cool prizes and exclusive promo cards, then Friday Night Magic at Battleground Games & Hobbies is exactly what you’re looking for! Try Friday Night Magic today at either of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar stores and see why Magic players consider Friday night the best night of the week. To learn more about our Friday Night Magic events, please click here.


Like this article? Please let us know in the comments below and/or sound off in the forums! Your feedback is important to us.

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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