Archive for the ‘Card Games’ Category

Winner’s Circle – Weekend of Mar 14 Event Champions!


Congratulations to this week’s Friday Night Magic winners at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA. This week, FNM featured the Standard format with top finishers not only receiving store credit prizes, but likewise an exclusive promo foil Elvish Mystic! This week, we’re adding winners of our Saturday Yu-Gi-Oh event at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville, MA  into the mix from now on. Check it out below! Now, let’s check out last week’s winner’s:


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros/Theros/Born of the Gods Booster Draft Pod One – Start time: 7:30 PM



Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros/Theros/Born of the Gods Booster Draft Pod Two – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Modern – Start time: Saturday 7:15 PM



Congratulations to the top finishers of each event. In addition, on behalf of the staff here at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we would like to thank everyone that attended our  events. We greatly appreciate you choosing to hang out with us and look forward to seeing you again in the future!


To learn more about our events at either of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar stores and see why Magic, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh players alike enjoy our weekly event offerings at Battleground Games & Hobbies, please click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us – we’re happy to help!


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related, Yu-Gi-Oh | No Comments »

Duel Deck Jace Vs. Vraska – Now on Sale!

The highly anticipated next installment in the ‘Duel Deck’ Magic the Gathering product series – ‘Jace Vs. Vraska’ – has arrived at Battleground Games & Hobbies! These two, sixty-card preconstructed decks come with a copy of their respective Planeswalker, as well as a number of other fun, interesting Magic cards featuring new art. Check it out!

‘Jace’ Deck List:

Main Deck

60 cards

1  Dread Statuary
2  Halimar Depths
21  Island

24 lands

1  Aeon Chronicler
1  Æther Adept
1  Æther Figment
1  Archaeomancer
1  Body Double
1  Chronomaton
1  Crosstown Courier
1  Dream Stalker
1  Errant Ephemeron
1  Jace’s Mindseeker
1  Jace’s Phantasm
2  Krovikan Mist
1  Leyline Phantom
1  Merfolk Wayfinder
1  Phantasmal Bear
1  Phantasmal Dragon
1  Riftwing Cloudskate
1  Sea Gate Oracle
1  Stealer of Secrets

20 creatures

1  Agoraphobia
1  Claustrophobia
1  Control Magic
1  Future Sight
1  Griptide
1  Into the Roil
1  Jace’s Ingenuity
1  Memory Lapse
1  Prohibit
1  Ray of Command
1  Remand
1  Spelltwine
1  Summoner’s Bane
2  Thought Scour

15 other spells

1  Jace, Architect of Thought

1 planeswalker


‘Vraska’ Deck List

Main Deck

60 cards

9  Forest
1  Golgari Guildgate
1  Rogue’s Passage
11  Swamp
2  Tainted Wood

24 lands

1  Acidic Slime
1  Corpse Traders
1  Death-Hood Cobra
1  Drooling Groodion
1  Festerhide Boar
2  Gatecreeper Vine
1  Highway Robber
1  Mold Shambler
1  Nekrataal
1  Ohran Viper
1  Oran-Rief Recluse
1  Pulse Tracker
1  Putrid Leech
1  Reaper of the Wilds
1  River Boa
1  Sadistic Augermage
1  Shadow Alley Denizen
1  Slate Street Ruffian
1  Spawnwrithe
1  Stonefare Crocodile
1  Tavern Swindler
1  Vinelasher Kudzu
1  Wight of Precinct Six

24 creatures

1  Consume Strength
1  Grisly Spectacle
1  Hypnotic Cloud
1  Last Kiss
1  Marsh Casualties
1  Night’s Whisper
1  Stab Wound
2  Tragic Slip
1  Treasured Find
1  Underworld Connections

11 other spells

1  Vraska the Unseen

1 planeswalker


Pick up your copy of this brand new product at your local Battleground Games & Hobbies or buy single cards here! All while supplies last. Don’t miss out!


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Wizards of the Coast Announces ‘Clash Packs’

Wizards of the Coast, makers of the popular Magic the Gathering card game, announced last week a brand new product called ‘Clash Packs.’ Coming with the release of this summer’s Magic 2015 set, ‘Clash Packs’ will replace the ‘Event Deck’ for Magic 2015. 


Designed for two players, this product will contain two, sixty-card preconstructed decks and is designed to be a product to introduce new players to the game.


In addition to the two decks, a ‘Clash Pack’ contains the following:


  • Two ready-to-play sixty-card decks
  • Six premium cards with alternative art
  • Deck box
  • Strategy insert
  • Magic rules reference card


What do you think of this new product that will replace an ‘Event Deck’ every other set? Let us know in the comments below!


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Would you rather go to PAX East 2014 or to your Prom?

T-Minus 29 DAYS, 09 HRS, 36 MINS, 41 SECS


We are now less than a month away from PAX East 2014. Even better, they released the schedule of panels and tournaments moments ago. There is a slight catch, though. I’m actually not sure if it’s complete. One reason is that they don’t have the “Magic: The Gathering” tournaments listed on there. Also, from the persons themselves, there are panels I was told were going to be there that are not. Finally, usually the official PAX twitter handle tweets out big announcements like this. We’ll have to see in the next few days, I guess. However, for now we can get excited about what IS on the schedule.


Friday, April 11th


If you’re a miniatures player then you’ll be interested in this. As soon as the doors open there will be “Warhammer” and “Warmachine” tournaments in the Tabletop area. Keep in mind though, a lot of these tournaments are set up for new and casual players. However, there is a 500-point, 10-player tournament. There is no word if there are prizes for this. The other tournaments they have listed do have prizes you can earn throughout the entire weekend.


Something that may give a shot (if my schedule allows me) is the “Star Wars: X-Wing” miniatures tournament. These are 100-point tournaments and are hosted by Fantasy Flight Games. The cool part is that they will be awarding promotional prizes  to the participants. Which means I don’t think I have to worry about being bad at the game!


Later that afternoon, Battleground Games & Hobbies owner, Derek Lloyd, will be participating on a panel titled “What is Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games?” Here is the official description from the PAX East website:


“The past 20 years have been a roller-coaster ride for RPGs. The release of ‘Magic: The Gathering’ in 1993 changed the fundamental nature of the hobby gaming industry and forever altered the business of making and selling RPGs.  Explore the recent history of the category through the lens of Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder, and hear predictions for the future of the hobby.”


So, if you’ve got the time, go support him. Don’t forget to bring some underwear to throw at him while he’s on stage. Maybe we can make some signs as well. If you have any ideas, then leave a comment below.


Another event I may give a shot are the “My Little Pony CCG” tournaments. If you’re a Brony or Pegasister at heart, or are obsessed with card games in general like I am, then you may want to give these tournaments a shot. This tournament will be a sealed tournament. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to this one, they have other tournaments listed throughout the weekend.


Saturday, April  12th


Get ready for another fun filled day. Hopefully your feet won’t be hurting you as much as mine will be.


To kick things off, there will be an “Android: Netrunner” tournament. You’re required to bring your own decks for this one. It will be run by Fantasy Flight Games and they will have promotional prizes to give out to the participants. I haven’t played this in a more-than-casual setting, so, I am looking forward to this one. I hope I can make it.


The biggest thing I hope to be in is the “Magic: The Gathering” panel. That will be held at 1:30 PM in the Albatross Theatre. I plan on live-blogging from inside. So, if you can’t make it for some reason, I suggest to subscribing to my Examiner feed so you can keep up-to-date with all the news coming out of there. Here is the official description of the panel from the PAX website:


“Gods, heroes and monsters! What challenges will Planeswalker Elspeth Tirel face next? Learn more about this Hero’s Path as we Journey Into Nyx in the third set of the Theros block. Do you have what it takes to complete the Hero’s Path? Come by the Magic: The Gathering panel to get a glimpse of the Journey Into Nyx, get the inside track on the Prerelease and talk to some of the key R&D and Program leaders from Wizards of the Coast.”


The panel will be hosted by Mark Purvis who is the Brand Director for Wizards of the Coast. I wonder if other people will join him though. There were quite a few people last year on the panel.


Sunday, April 13th


This is usually just a day for me to enjoy the rest of the convention. I remember last year it was a little annoying because I had to drag all my bags to the convention center because I had to check out of my hotel.


Now I know I only live about 30 minutes outside of the city, but getting a hotel during the convention is really worth it, I think. It’s convenient because I feel I can come and go whenever I want to. If I wasn’t staying close in the city, I’d feel stuck. I want to be able to enjoy myself and not have that thought worrying over my head. It also allows me to be able to meet more people and hang out with them over the course of the weekend. Also, I’m staying on the edge of Chinatown in the Theatre district this year. With that said, I definitely plan on getting dinner at one of my favorite spots “The Gourmet Dumpling House.” This place is always packed, but well worth the wait. Let me know if you’d like to join.


Time permitting, there is something that you all may want to check out. The creators of “Penny Arcade,” Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins (along with Scott Kurtz and a special guest), get together and play a live game of “Dungeons & Dragons.” If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend checking it out on YouTube. There are clips of their entire playthroughs from PAX Prime. They are extremely entertaining.


About the author


Simeon is an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Dungeons & Dragons, Events, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Miniature Games, Pathfinder, Role-Playing Games, Warhammer 40K | 1 Comment »

Winner’s Circle – Weekend of March 7th Event Champions!


Congratulations to this week’s Friday Night Magic winners at both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations in Abington, MA and Plainville, MA. This week, FNM featured the Standard format with top finishers not only receiving store credit prizes, but likewise an exclusive promo foil Elvish Mystic! This week, we’re adding winners of our Saturday Yu-Gi-Oh event at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville, MA  into the mix from now on. Check it out below! Now, let’s check out last week’s winner’s:


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM



Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros/Theros/Born of the Gods Booster Draft Pod One – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Abington, MA

Theros/Theros/Born of the Gods Booster Draft Pod Two – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Standard FNM – Start time: 7:30 PM


Battleground Games & Hobbies – Plainville, MA

Yu-Gi-Oh – Start time: Saturday 7:30 PM




Congratulations to the top finishers of each event. In addition, on behalf of the staff here at Battleground Games & Hobbies, we would like to thank everyone that attended our  events. We greatly appreciate you choosing to hang out with us and look forward to seeing you again in the future!


To learn more about our events at either of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar stores and see why Magic, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh players alike enjoy our weekly event offerings at Battleground Games & Hobbies, please click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us – we’re happy to help!


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related, Yu-Gi-Oh | No Comments »

Popular ‘Modern’ MTG Format Comes to Plainville!


Friday Night MODERN – Every Friday at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville, MA.


Due to the explosion in popularity of the Modern format, the solid turnouts to our once a month Modern FNM, and demand from the community, Battleground’s Plainville location will be hosting Modern tournaments EVERY FRIDAY effective immediately.


This Friday, March 7th, at 7:15 there will be a Modern FNM to accompany the usual Standard FNM at 7:30.


The last Friday of each month will hold a $10.00 Win-a-Box tournament for both formats.


Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community  forums!

Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

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